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Re: The Location of Mystery - Where are the Pevensies?

PostPosted: Jun 24, 2010 8:46 am
by Liberty Hoffman
icarus: wow! that's so cool! so maybe Lucy dreams of them all together or something.....

Re: The Location of Mystery - Where are the Pevensies?

PostPosted: Jun 24, 2010 9:57 am
by DamselJillPole
Yeah i'm still pondering over it possibly being a vision when Lucy looks at the pillar and thinks about her siblings.

It's still confusing as to why Lucy and Edmund are still in their VDT clothes if Lucy or Edmund are having visions. 8-|

Re: The Location of Mystery - Where are the Pevensies?

PostPosted: Jun 24, 2010 11:11 am
by StBrianofMinneapolis
I cant claim my theory fits in with the background or the other relevant ideas, but it sounds good in my head.

I have always thought that Peter ans Susan deserved to have heard that Aslan has other names, and is present in their world. It wouldn't bother me if Peter ans Susan were summoned back for a final sendoff from Narnia to hear those important words from Aslan himself.

Re: The Location of Mystery - Where are the Pevensies?

PostPosted: Jun 24, 2010 11:30 am
by decarus
I have always thought that they did hear this. In PC, the book, Aslan speaks to Peter and Susan alone before they leave for the last time and i know as a child i always wondered what they talked about. Now that i have read the books so many times, i really think that he said the same thing to Peter and Susan at the end of PC that he says to Edmund and Lucy at the end of VotDT. 'I am there, but i have another name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there.'

Re: The Location of Mystery - Where are the Pevensies?

PostPosted: Jun 24, 2010 11:35 am
by DamselJillPole
StBrianofMinneapolis wrote:
I have always thought that Peter ans Susan deserved to have heard that Aslan has other names, and is present in their world. It wouldn't bother me if Peter ans Susan were summoned back for a final sendoff from Narnia to hear those important words from Aslan himself.

In PC the book and movie Aslan talks to Peter and Susan for a while so they already heard it from him, they do not need to be brought back whatsoever. Again Eustace and Jill hear it from him in SC as well. In PC it makes it a mystery because we don't know what Aslan is telling Peter and Susan at first but we find that out with Edmund and Lucy.

Re: The Location of Mystery - Where are the Pevensies?

PostPosted: Jun 24, 2010 7:02 pm
by HighQueenofNarnia
I just watched the trailer again, and I noticed something very minor but possibly important. Although Susan appears to be in the same place as the other three, I'm not sure that she's walking alongside them. Reason for this uncertainty: In Susan's screencap, and in the trailer itself, the red pillar is on the right (her left). In Edmund's, Lucy's, and Peter's shots, the red pillar is on the left (their right). Is this important?
I'd post the screencaps so that you could see and compare, but... I have no clue how to do that.... so if someone else could either do it or tell me how to, that would be great!!!
Here's the link to the screencaps, though. ... reen-caps/

Re: The Location of Mystery - Where are the Pevensies?

PostPosted: Jun 24, 2010 7:40 pm
by daughter of the King
Hmm.....I think there's more than one pillar. Assuming the order they appear in is the order they are in from our left to right, that's makes at least three pillars: one between Susan and Peter, one between Peter and Lucy, and one between Lucy and Edmund.

StBrianofMinneapolis wrote:I have always thought that Peter ans Susan deserved to have heard that Aslan has other names, and is present in their world.

I agree with decarus and Damsel; I'm pretty sure Aslan told them this in PC.

Re: The Location of Mystery - Where are the Pevensies?

PostPosted: Jun 24, 2010 10:29 pm
by Skilletdude
HighQueen_Of_LanternWaste wrote:It just looks like an official goodbye to the Pevensies' presence in the Narnian world, we wont be seeing them untill the Last Battle (save Susan).

Don't forget about The Horse And His Boy. Susan, Edmund, and Lucy play significant roles in that story too. It'll depend on if Walden chooses to make that film.

Since this is obviously not the last time we'll see the Pevensies, a dramatic send off seems not only unnecessary but actually kind of corny. Whatever this is for, I'm just content in knowing that Peter and Susan are not really back in Narnia. Thank you Tony Nixon.

Re: The Location of Mystery - Where are the Pevensies?

PostPosted: Jun 25, 2010 12:05 am
by DamselJillPole
daughter of the King wrote:Hmm.....I think there's more than one pillar. Assuming the order they appear in is the order they are in from our left to right, that's makes at least three pillars: one between Susan and Peter, one between Peter and Lucy, and one between Lucy and Edmund.

I was thinking that there were two, like in the magician's room. Maybe it looks like three because of the angle. Or the same one and are just that series of shots if it's a dream. Unlikely but I think it's the angles. i could be wrong though ;;)

Re: The Location of Mystery - Where are the Pevensies?

PostPosted: Jun 25, 2010 9:44 pm
by HM Swanwhite
Sorry, I haven't read through all 5 pages, but did Tony Nixon say they aren't in Narnia?

My thoughts on this are that the pillars definitely look similar to the ones in Coriakin's house. Perhaps they are even ones outside. I do think it's unlikely its a dream but the Lucy/Spells Book sounds like a possibility. Something else, Aslan said they'd never come back to Narnia and though I hate to say it Narnia is not any of the islands they land on except kind of the Lone Islands. So technically production could get away with them being on any island. Also, my initial thoughts were that it was in Aslan's Land.

One more thing, why isn't Eustace with them? This would seem to back up the reunion idea or that it is a royalty thing.
Just my two cents worth.

Re: The Location of Mystery - Where are the Pevensies?

PostPosted: Jun 25, 2010 10:04 pm
by LoveNarniaLive4God
Perhaps This is not a scene that will be in the movie??? Maybe they did it just for the trailer, so that fans of Peter/Susan will come and watch VDT knowing thet they will be in it! perhaps the scenes where Peter/Susan appear in the movie would have not worked well with the trailer, so they spent an extra minute or two filming them walking along like that just to clearly show they all four make an appearance!????? just a thought! :-\

Re: The Location of Mystery - Where are the Pevensies?

PostPosted: Jun 25, 2010 11:12 pm
by DamselJillPole
I doubt that the actual Peter and Susan will be in the world at all. Technically the world is called "The Land of Narnia" even though some of the parts are not called Narnia it's still the origin of the whole country. I still have my bets on the magicians room or it wont be in the movie. I just don't find those cuts in the trailer at all necesarry.

Re: The Location of Mystery - Where are the Pevensies?

PostPosted: Jun 27, 2010 2:54 pm
by HighQueen_Of_LanternWaste
Skilletdude wrote:Don't forget about The Horse And His Boy. Susan, Edmund, and Lucy play significant roles in that story too. It'll depend on if Walden chooses to make that film.

I was referring to their presence in Narnia from the actual time of the Dawn Treader and on, not them as they were during the Golden Age, which is now in the past. I meant a farewell to them as children because it is indeed the last time we will see them till their end in The Last Battle. The Horse and His Boy would be more of a flashback story of that time, not as the Pevensies are now.

Re: The Location of Mystery - Where are the Pevensies?

PostPosted: Jun 27, 2010 10:52 pm
by HM Swanwhite
Apparently it was on his facebook page where Tony Nixon said they won't actually be in Narnia. In the Trailer thread the same discussion is going on - maybe it was specially made for the trailer like 'I am Prince Caspian' the line in the PC trailer. It could be just to remind viewers unfamiliar with the books that all Pevensies will be there. Giving them a taste of what's to come but in reality they're only in the beginning. But it just explains it much better to have a random scene. Because if you show them in England, non-hardout fans will wonder why they didn't enter Narnia as well. Otherwise I think the Lucy dream idea could work. I guess we'll just have to wait until more comes out. :)

Re: The Location of Mystery - Where are the Pevensies?

PostPosted: Jun 27, 2010 11:44 pm
by HighQueen_Of_LanternWaste
Yeah, I believe we should really consider this to be something that was filmed solely for the purpose of attracting the audience to something they were familiar with. Though I would love to see Peter and Susan have some sort of goodbye or flashback scene (I'm just a sucker for anything with all of the Pevensies!), this could very possibly be something filmed only for the trailer. It seems to me this trailer has only answered a few questions and brought up even more questions then we got answers.

Re: The Location of Mystery - Where are the Pevensies?

PostPosted: Jun 28, 2010 2:02 pm
by Bookwyrm
If that's the case, I really, really dislike that. Making people believe Susan and Peter play some sort of important part in Narnia just to get a few more movie tickets sold is just wrong.