Two More Video Clips of Ben Barnes

Two more video clips of Ben Barnes have popped up on the internet. The first is footage from Ben Barnes trip to Japan and it includes some new clips of the movie. We’re still working on getting a translation.

UPDATE: Pridelander was kind enough to do a general translation of the clip, here’s what he said…

The narrator said the highlight of the second Narnia movie is the good-looking British actor Ben Barnes who played Prince Caspian.
He visited Hie Shrine to pray for the success of the movie.
He was with Onoe Kikunosuke, a kabuki actor who will play Caspian on the dubbed version.
Onoe said Hie Shrine was a place where his elder sister did her wedding.
*after Ben’s talking* The narrator said Ben got nervous because this was his first time to see it (ceremony in a shrine).
Onoe was asked where in Japan he’d like to take Ben along if he could, he answered: Kabuki Theater, a good sushi restaurant and Asakusa.
Ben will come to Japan again in May.
The narrator kept calling him “Ben-sama” like fangirls… but it’s typical for a Japanese TV gossip show!

The second video is Access Hollywood’s ‘First Look: ‘Prince Caspian’ which also includes some new clips from the film as well as an interview with Ben Barnes. You can check it out here.

Thanks to Candy, Thoress, and pevensiefan for the head’s up.