More DVD/Blu-ray Reviews and HD Screenshots and IGN have posted reviews for the Prince Caspian DVD and Blu-ray Disc.’s reviews include 40 High Definition screen shots.

(Note: The default resolution for the screenshots is 720p. To view 1080p screenshots, you must register with, go to site preferences, and check “1080p screenshots.” But please remember that the screenshots were captured using a screenshot program and then compressed using JPEG to improve loading time. Their purpose is to give you a general idea of what the scene will look like. They are not representative of the true quality that Blu-ray offers.)

To read the reviews, visit our brand-new Prince Caspian DVD/Blu-ray page, and scroll down to “Reviews.”

View the screenshots here and here.

Excerpts from’s Review:

Video Quality: “Disney once again has a masterful, reference-quality transfer on their hands with Prince Caspian, and home theater owners looking for a bright, highly detailed, naturally-colored transfer to show off their 1080p displays need look no further for the perfect disc.”

Audio Quality: “An attack by catapult signaling the beginning of a major confrontation between Telmarines and Narnians in chapter 17 is nothing short of an awesome experience as each impact reverberates with almost frightening, Earth-shaking power. Dialogue is also reproduced with reference-quality precision.”

Extras: “[Adamson’s] passion for the stories and the filmmaking process, as evidenced by his enthusiastic and intelligent contributions to the supplemental sections of this and the LWW release, seems almost unparalleled.”

Digital Copy: “Transferred to a second generation iPod Touch, the image quality is exceptionally good in comparison to various other digital copies, with nice detail and color reproduction. While blocking is present, noticeable during the castle raid sequence, the effect is not as noticeable or heavy as it is in other digital copies. Blacks are stronger in this release than any previously reviewed digital copy, again with minimal issues.”