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Getting to Know You

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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby Courtenay » Oct 17, 2019 1:00 am

Thanks, johobbit — and hi, Wunderkind_Lucy! :) I'll head over to that thread now as well...
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby Aslans_Jewel » Feb 10, 2020 12:36 am

dunno if anyone around here remembers me or even knows who I am, but I do like to check in every few months....

it's weird to be back here. I started here when I was home schooled, which feels like a lifetime ago, though it was only +/- a decade ago. This community at the time was boomin, and was my main source of social interaction, and really did help me prepare for the real world. Thanks for that y'all.

Since then, I've gone through middle school, and high school, and college. I graduated college roundabouts 2 years ago with a degree in Computer Science, and I've hopped around a couple of jobs in Las Vegas since then. It's a long way from Texas, where most people who would know me recognize as my home.

I'm no longer religious, which is a stark contrast for most people who may have known little baby Catholic AJ back in the day. I've gotten very involved in Politics over the last bit as well, though I won't specify much there as I know it's a banned topic. But I will say that as my political views have grown over the last few years, they've come more in line with religious beliefs of bringing up your fellow man, feeding the poor and all that jazz. I'm proud of that.

I will say though, that I'm doing well. I've found myself interested in an industry that pays well, offers okay benefits, and is fun most of the time. I was able to pay off about $10,000 in student debt during 2019 by tightening my belt, which I'm also proud of.

I've begun taking care of my mental health sincerely, even going to see a psychiatrist to get prescribed medication to help with that, something that I should have done 15 years ago. While that comes with its own challenges, I'm hoping to find a medication combination that works for me soon!

I've also become a cat guy. I currently have one cat, who's name is Cake. He's a fat, fuzzy boy who loves to get pets and snacks. He is my bestest friend.

I've also gotten a few tattoos: Narsil from Lord of the Rings, the Tree of Gondor, Finn's sword from Adventure Time, and a vinyl record, which I got Wednesday. I have a whole arm sleeve planned out with album art from artists and albums that helped me to get through my states of depression, which I'm excited to finish over the next few years.

Thanks for reading! see y'all in another year!
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby The Rose-Tree Dryad » Feb 11, 2020 3:55 pm

I remember ya, AsJ. :-h Good to see you drop by! IIRC, a few years back you popped by and said you'd recently gotten into cooking and eating healthy. It's good to hear that you're continuing that journey by taking care of your mental health, too. :) Cake the Cat (per your signature) looks like a very handsome fluffball! Hope both of you have a good 2020!
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby johobbit » Feb 16, 2020 7:18 am

Hey there, Aslans_Jewel! How nice that you dropped by NarniaWeb again. :)
What a cute, cozy-looking cat. Fun name, too! Good for you for paying all that student debt off in 2019. That takes a lot of discipline. All the best in 2020 as you continue caring for yourself and others.
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby Wanderer Between Worlds » Mar 21, 2020 1:31 pm

Hello! This is my first time posting on NarniaWeb, and I am looking forward to getting to know everyone.

1. Name: Wander Between Worlds
2. King or Queen of Narnia: Queen
3. Family: Single
4. Occupation: Bookworm
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: I was looking for new podcasts to listen to and stumbled across the Talking Beasts podcasts while searching for Narnia podcasts. I found NarniaWeb shortly thereafter.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: I really don’t know! Narnia has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. :)
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: I’ve read some of them more than others. I’ve probably reread The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and The Silver Chair the most!
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: This question is always so hard! I would have to say that the The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair, and The Horse and His Boy are all favorites because you get to see so much in Narnia and the surrounding countries. I don’t know if I will ever get over my disappointment of not being able to visit Bism!
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I love to read! Besides The Chronicles of Narnia, my favorite books include Little Women, the Anne of Green Gables series, books by Agatha Christie, and The Count of Monte Cristo, to make a few. Other hobbies include talking (I could go on for hours ;)) ), writing stories, drawing, and photography. I also enjoy listening to podcasts, classical music, and 60s-90s folk-rock. ;)
"I am,” said Aslan. "But there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there.”
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby johobbit » Mar 21, 2020 7:57 pm

A warm welcome to NarniaWeb, Wandered Between Worlds. Such a lovely username. As a bookworm, you will fit in here just fine. :D

I think we have topics in the Spare Oom for nearly every one of your interests, B-) although some of the threads may have been a bit quiet for awhile now. ;;)

Enjoy the discussions! :)

Books thread

Writer's thread

Photography thread

Podcasts thread

Music thread
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby The Rose-Tree Dryad » Mar 21, 2020 8:51 pm

Hi, Wanderer Between Worlds! :-h What a great username! Glad you stumbled across this community through the podcast.

Since you're fond of Little Women and Anne of Green Gables and folk rock, I feel like we're already friends. ;)) Hope you share some of your thoughts on these in the books and music threads here in the Spare Oom!

Have fun exploring the discussions and let us know if you have any questions about anything. :)
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby Courtenay » Mar 22, 2020 5:50 am

Hello and welcome, Wanderer Between Worlds! :)
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby Dimitris » Mar 25, 2020 2:38 pm

Greetings to all!
I am Dimitris from Greece.

The reason for my registration is to share my love for Narnia’s books. I like a lot reading your comments and I will try to participate your discussions.

1. Name: Dimitris (My name in greek: Δημήτρης)
2. King or Queen of Narnia: King
3. Family: Single
4. Occupation: Αgriculturist
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: From Google.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: 36 (as I am now).
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: 1. I just finished reading the series a month ago. I intend to read it again but from the original text this time.
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: I really loved ALL books. Every book is really unique. If i have to choose necessarily one book, I choose Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: reading, music.

Allow to me to emphasise that whereas I really love the books, I don't like at all the movies. The first time that I've learned about Narnia, it was the 2005 when I was studying at university and the movie came out. I really didn't like it and this fact prevented me from reading the book until until Christmas 2019 when a friend οf mine suggested to me to read the "Great Divorce". Until then I didn't heard about the author C.S Lewis. When I finished the G.D, I was very excited (what a brilliant book), so I started to study about the author and reading the "Chronicles" of course!

I really love these books. There are so many messages and I want to discover the more I can. Βut Ι'm afraid because Lewis' language is difficult, I will not be able read the Chronicles from the original text. But I will giving a shot. :)
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby johobbit » Mar 25, 2020 4:46 pm

Welcome to NarniaWeb, Dimitris. It is good to have you join us here. :) Your story of how you were led to Narnia is really interesting—via The Great Divorce, cool! And how special you have read them for the first time as an adult. I am so glad you found them ... and love them!

(I am not overly thrilled with the movies either, so you are not alone. ;) )
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby Dimitris » Mar 26, 2020 7:31 am


Thank you for your kind words :)

Ι dare to say that the "Chronicles" are more for adults than for kids. Certainly one of the most beautiful books I've ever read.

(Ι am happy about that. It's a nice feeling to not feel alone :p )
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby The Rose-Tree Dryad » Mar 26, 2020 11:09 am

Γειά σου Δημήτρης! :-h

It's cool to have a new member from Greece! I know bit of Greek from Duolingo and I've actually dreamed about trying to read The Chronicles in Greek, so I definitely support your goal to read them in English! Your English is already pretty good (much better than my Greek ;))), so I bet you could do it with the help of a good Greek/English dictionary. :)

I also think it's neat that you discovered Narnia through The Great Divorce! Such an excellent book. And I agree that Narnia is just as much for adults as it is for children... I appreciate the stories more and more with every passing year.

Have fun exploring all of the discussions! :)
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby Dimitris » Mar 27, 2020 6:34 am

Hi Rose! Thank you for your welcome! :)

Ιt's cool for me to have a forum and a lot of members talking about for one of my favorite authors (btw I've finished also and other books of C.S Lewis such us the "Screwtape Letters". Great book but very difficult also).

The Rose-Tree Dryad wrote: I know bit of Greek from Duolingo and I've actually dreamed about trying to read The Chronicles in Greek..

Then go for it and don't think to stop! Remember that C.S Lewis already knew the ancient greek language ( ! ). Ι am not sure if he was able to speak the modern greek language.

The Rose-Tree Dryad wrote:And I agree that Narnia is just as much for adults as it is for children... I appreciate the stories more and more with every passing year.

I already have many parts of Narnia's book again and again by reading other books which explain the Narnia story. And I have to say that I totally agree with you.
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby Courtenay » Mar 27, 2020 7:00 am

Hello and welcome, Dimitris! :) That's wonderful to hear how you were introduced to the Chronicles of Narnia. I haven't read The Great Divorce yet, but I should! I hope you enjoy all the discussions here.
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby Dimitris » Mar 27, 2020 7:11 am

Hi Courtenay!

You have to do it asap! :Ρ

Τhank you very much!
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby Col Klink » Mar 27, 2020 11:07 am

Can you give me the name of the translator for your copy of the Narnia books, Dimitris? I think its interesting to compare translations by different writers of a single text and decide which version is the best.
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