Help Russian Orphans to See Narnia

John Yellig writes for the Daily Progress about a missionary group seeking donations in order to help send Russian orphans to see The Chronicles of Narnia. The “Narnia Project” is geared to send disadvantaged Russian orphans to see the film version of a story believed by many to be a Biblical allegory. The movie’s Russian-language version opens today, so donations are needed quickly in order to help the children see the movie. The deadline for contributions is Jan. 2. “For many of them, this will probably be the first movie they’ve ever seen,” said Bob Emery, the group’s president. Russian orphans are typically housed in poorly financed, state-run institutions where they are frequent victims of abuse and neglect, Emery said. Taking them to see the movie is an effort to introduce them to the story of Jesus Christ and to help them forget their circumstances, at least for a couple of hours. For information on how to donate, please click here for the news story and contact information.