Production Blog #6: Ben Barnes has just posted their sixth and most exciting blog yet. The blog features Ben Barnes talking about his role in Prince Caspian and gives us our first glimpse of Caspian acting along side the other four children. writes “Everyone who attended Comic-Con this past weekend was treated to a surprise introduction to Ben Barnes, live via satellite. Now for the first time ever, see Ben as Prince Caspian.”
- May 16, 2008
- Prince Caspian Logo
- Caspian fighting in the Night Raid
- Caspian running through the castle
- Caspian at the Duel
- Caspian peeks through his wardrobe
- Caspian flees
- Caspian flees Miraz
- The Pevensies at Aslan’s How
- Andrew Adamson
- Caspian flees in the forest
- Telmarine Soldiers
- Caspian threatens Miraz
- Caspian Fights
- Caspian in Trufflehunter’s House
- Andrew Adamson
- Ben and Andrew
- Susan and Caspian at Archery Practice
- Peter and Caspian fight
- Peter and Caspian Fight
- Ben Barnes as Caspian
- Ben in fight training
- Ben practices fighting
- Ben practices archery
- Caspian in Trufflehunter’s House
- Caspian and the Pevensies at Aslan’s How
- Caspian rescues Susan
- Ben Barnes
Special thanks to everyone who sent this in.
Ben Barnes Narnia Blog:
Blog opens with a shot of Barnes in costume, in front of a set where work is in progress.
Barnes: Hi, I’m Ben Barnes and I am Prince Caspian and welcome to
Concept art goes up on the screen and moves to a shot of Barnes as Caspian on horseback. Scene switches to a close up of Barnes.
Barnes:I was a massive Narnia fan as a kid. I found my old copy of Prince Caspian when I auditioned for the movie and to find out that I was actually going to be in it was a dream come true.
Brief shot of the four children standing with Caspian. Scene switches to shots of Barnes in training for the role. Brief clip of Barnes speaking from the script.
Caspian: I am Prince Caspian.
Return to close up of Barnes. More training footage that transitions into a shot of Peter and Caspian fighting. Shot of Susan showing next to Caspian who is holding a crossbow.
Barnes: As far as playing the title role, you have to play every moment as truth and hope that those moments translate into something that the audience can really become involved in and really get behind Caspian.
Adamson on set.
Adamson: Ready and action!
Various shots of on-screen action and behind the scenes footage.
Barnes: I think Andrew’s imagination is just entirely limitless. And whatever your ideas about a particular moment of a scene in general, his will top it.
Night shot of Caspian racing across the countryside on horseback.
Barnes: I think Prince Caspian is going to be huge. It’s going to be really epic.
More on screen action transitioning into the logo and the release date.
Special thanks to Starkat for writing the transcript for us.