April Fools: Disney to Produce PC Spinoff Film

ATTENTION: The following story was our April Fool’s joke for 2008. It is not true. We made the whole thing up! We hope you enjoy it.

Our spies have sent in a transcript of an article appearing on Slovenia’s 24ur.com. Access is by paid subscription only, but we have a copy of the article for you. Translation coming soon!

Us velik uspeh od NARNIA snemati Disney združba mi zvedeti danes je vkrcati naprej nov potovanje to hoteti slast knjiga fans za vse case. snemati slišati se to oni kdo privleci vi letopis od Narnia : vladar Caspian ste tudi zdaj ki dela naprej poseben nadaljevanje vesti se zakaj oni kdo ljubezen Narnia zgodovinsko znamenit ter ljubezen mati zemlja. splošno brez naslova tovarna ste v pre – pridobivanje že prej ter hoteti zunanja oblika odziv Ben Barnes ter Anna Popplewell kdo ste zdaj oboje tudi prav dobro znana velicina obtorej. zunanja oblika oboje , opus hoteti preiskovati veliko od malenkosti ki jih je treba še urediti levi nevezan na v vladar Caspian. kakšen priti od Caspian ter Susan’s poseben prijateljstvo? kakšen je najvecji grožnja svoi Narnia zdaj lice? bojo priti vkup v boj Narnia kroglast grelen ter podžigati nas v svoj lasten opustiti posvetno rabo – boj.

“Mi pošteno biti brez uganjati nekaj to hoteti odsevati C.S. Klešcna celjust ljubezen od priroda ter to domišljavec a primeren dolžno spoštovanje.” Omenjeni Andrew Adamson , kdo ni neposreden nov snemati šele hoteti obstati dejanje kot izdelovalec. Ne upravitelj odprtina nezev na imenovan. dotlej snemati hoteti obstati zmožen seci trgovina polica v sredini pred enim mesecem v 2009, vcasih spredaj nov gledališce snemati , potovati od zarja gazilec.

UPDATE: We now have a rough translation! It seems to indicate that Disney is planning to release a direct-to-video spin-off of Prince Caspian. Thanks to spy Lil Faroop for the translation!

With the great success of the films of NARNIA, Disney Corporation we learn it is undertaking today the new trip that will enchant the book-ventilators by all the hour. Filmers speech that those that bring Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian also now is working in special sequel of the consequence for which they love histories of Narnia and they love our Mother Earth. Untitled at the moment the work is in the pre-production area and will show returning actors Ben Barnes and Anna Popplewell that now are both so very well known in this time. With both, the work will explore many of the loose ends left untied in Prince-Caspian-the-movie. What comes of Caspian and Susan’s special friendship? What now is the greatest threat of Narnia that it faces? Does threat overpower loves? The two special friends will come together to fight to the global warming up in itself in all Narnia and to animate to us for encouragement in our own environment world-fights.

“We really wished to do something that would reflect the love C.S. Lewis had of the nature and that would be an appropriate tribute, but also has a culture and science importance for this day’s offspring,” said Andrew Adamson, that it is not directing the new film but he will try to act like a producer. No one has named any director yet, till then the film will be able to reach the store shelf in the middle of a month in 2009, sometimes before the new theatre film, The Voyage of the Dawn-Treader.

ATTENTION: The preceding story was our April Fool’s joke for 2008. It is not true. We made the whole thing up! We hope you enjoy it.