Castellitto Presents for Prince Caspian

King Miraz to Rome
Sergio Castellitto meets Italian students in Rome for the preview of Roma cinema fest.

The event gets underway on March 18th with Sergio Castellitto, guest speaker at the Roman school Albert Einstein, who will describe his recent experiences on the very international set of the film The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, the second film based on the C.S. Lewis trilogy after The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. Before the talk the film will be shown to the students – the perfect occasion for examining the fantasy genre so well-loved by young filmgoers, their curiosity already whetted by the first book in the saga, distributed to classrooms across the city in collaboration with Mondadori Ragazzi.

And thanks to the kind permission of Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, Italy, over the course of this film lesson Roman students will get sneak previews of a number of brand-new scenes from the sequel, which won’t come out in Italy until August 20th. Castellitto, who plays the tyrant Miraz in the film, will comment on the scenes and speak about his career as both an actor and director in Italy and abroad, and also explain just what an actor has to do on the set of an action movie.

We see at Rome a very beautiful preview, about 5 minutes, with many new images of Castellitto and Favino (King Miraz and Lord Glozelle).

We can see the Castle of Miraz, and the Telmarine town, with Miraz that shows the little baby like new king of Narnia. About this castellitto said that are very afraid to take a realy baby on the top of a balcony .

Castellitto said also about the real Narnia town in Umbria, a town that know very well because “I have a little house for the weekend near Narni Town.”

We can see also some other images with Favino as Lord Glozelle in the battle of Narnia, with many special effect and nice pictures, that till now are not ever seen in the other previews.

The students ask many question to Castellitto and also the press and television have many interviews.

Thanks to everyone who sent in the YouTube video and a special thanks to fguisepp for writing up the story for us.

UPDATE: Here is the translation sent in by Mogi93.

Sergio Castellitto went back to school. The actor/director that has opened many events waiting the cinema’s party, met in Rome the students of the technical institute Einstein, to tell his experience on the american set of the second movie of the Chronicles of Narnia, the new movie about the fantasy saga of C.S. Lewis it’ll be in the theaters in August and it’ll be called “Prince Caspian”. The protagonists are always the four children of the first movie, while the evil this time is exactly our Castellitto, in the role of the evil King Miraz. Next to Castellitto we’ll see another actor of our home, Pierfrancesco Favino. But how did they get in a fantasy movie playing the evil people?

Castellitto: “Because, I don’t know if you noticed it, once, well you’re too young to remember, the american cinema said that the evil were tall, slavic…then slowly the evil changed a bit, he became more dark, he has black beard, he tend to be more mediterranean. It’s interesting, isn’t it? Then I took away a little satisfaction from myself because Andrew made someone study my accent, that is an english accent…well, mediterranean. I still remember the lines. (he says the lines that I didn’t understand). Did you understand (he ask to the students).

Say that I had fun isn’t enough, it was an experience rather…overwhelming.

The last scene that…Narnia almost always ends with a duel, between the good hero and the evil hero. I mean, an experience inside an experience. We took ten days to shoot the duel scene and I remember that in the morning I was going to the set and I had physical fear. I was scared to hurt myself. I trained a bit because on this the american are really extraordinary, they never leave you alone, they put you in a position to do your work in the better way, and I think they succeed in it. Then an actor always has to like to play the psychological part instead of the spectacular one, then Andrew is such a great director. He talked, he managed all of this with a creative ability but also with an handcraftly because the movie is also very charming because in spite of the fact that for the two thirds I didn’t see the movie, it was all blue, it was all blue around me, with blue pants. In the cinema the blue is what will be chicken’s legs and bull’s legs…but all of this was very handcraftly on the work of the actors, it’s very psychological, very careful on the shades as if it’s the very riches of the movie.

Going from the fantasy to the current affairs, Castelitto worked for a period in China in the movie of Gianni Amelio, “La Stella Che Non C’è”, and we asked him what he thinks about what’s happening in Tibet

Castellitto: “I wish that any athletes will go to the stadium in Pechino, but unfortunately everyone will go there however and there are too many interests. I don’t know with which courage they’ll wave the flags, I really don’t know with which courage.

Castellitto: “Be or not to be, that is the question”

The next actress to go on the desk for the roman students will be the american Jodie Foster in April.

Thanks Mogi93!