Prince Caspian German Premiere Report

The German Prince Caspian Premiere
From Jocky’s blog, Healing for the Nations:
Yesterday I had the wonderful chance to be at the Germany premiere of “The Chronicles of Narnia – Prince Caspian”. The whole day the weather was inconstant and rainy. But when I went on my way to the Central station there was wonderful sunshine – for the rest of the day.
At the station there was a special train to NARNIA. The full train was full of movie posters. On every seat there were water bottles and coke. Florian, a friend of mine was with me. after arriving we were able to get some of the posters.
As we were invited we were able to walk on the red carpet. Very cool. We first took a look around at the middle ages market (the location were the Kaltenberger Ritterspiele, a famous place for Knight’s Tournament), were eating some roasted beef in bread, drinking hot mead. Delicious!
Some time later the stars of the movie arrived (before there must have been some other German stars I did not know – how embarassing^^). Unfortunately it was only William Moseley (Peter) and Anna Popplewell (Susan). The excitement was not smaller though. They were posing for photos, signing autographs and were being among the people.
Click here to read the whole story and see lots of pictures as well as a short video. You can also see a German-language video with coverage of the premiere here.