NarniaWeb’s Halloween 2008 Contest Winners!
Thanks to everyone for all of the great entries. We’ve tallied up all the scores and the final winners are:
impishrogue for his Stone Statue costume!

impishrogue's Stone Statue costume - Winner of the 2008 Halloween Costume Contest
“I got my inspiration from The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe when Edmund visits the White Witch’s castle and discovers all the statues of various Narnian creatures turned to stone. I decided I would try to create the look of one of the stone creatures — complete with moss growing on me.”
chainmaillenarnian for her Puddleglum’s Eel Stew pudding!

chainmaillenarnian's Eel Stew - Winner of the 2008 Halloween Treats Contest
“This particular stew is made out of some pretty sweet things. The bowl is made entirely of chocolate — frozen into a bowl shape. The stew is made of colored french vanilla pudding and chopped-up gummy worms. The spoon is also made of chocolate frozen into two wax paper molds and glued with choc (carved the bowl of the spoon).”
Menelve for her Wolves Chasing the Pevensies pumpkin carving!

Menelve's pumpkin - Winner of the 2008 Pumpkin Carving Contest
“Our pumpkin carving are the Wolves that are chasing the Pevensies and the Beavers in LWW. They are howling to a full moon about the scent they just picked up.”
Congratulations to all three of you! We had a lot of great entries, and it was really hard to vote on these. For those of you who haven’t had a chance yet, you should definitely check out the threads on the forum to see all of the fantastic costumes, foods, and pumpkin carvings entered!