NarniaWeb Audio Commentary for ‘Prince Caspian’

The first (and hopefully not the last) NarniaWeb Audio Commentary for “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian” is online. Watch the film at home, and listen to three NarniaWeb staff members analyze and discuss each scene.

Obviously, we have not uploaded the actual movie. What we have is an audio file of the Commentary that can be downloaded. Follow the instructions to synchronize the audio file with your movie at home, whether you’re watching the Digital File, DVD, or Blu-ray Disc.

This is our first time doing this, so we would greatly appreciate your feedback! You can post something here or leave a comment on this report.

The link to the Commentary can be found at the top of our DVD/Blu-ray page. Enjoy!

UPDATE: A version for fans watching PAL DVDs is now online. The link is near the top of the Commentary page.