Michael Apted on “the heart of this film”

MovieWeb has posted their report on the footage screened in New York and Los Angeles this week. There isn’t anything new as far as spoilers, but this report includes some interesting quotes from Director Michael Apted. Here are a couple highlights:

“Another of the big challenges was to really honor the book because the book has a spiritual quality to it that I feel is important. Hopefully it is a spiritual thing that is accessible to everyone.”
“It’s a story that has English roots but its relatable to every child on the planet because its about growing up, finding yourself, coming to terms with yourself and knowing what your values are, that is really the heart of this film.”

MovieWeb writes:

One of the best parts of the footage that we saw, besides the incredibly real looking dragon, was the relationship between the unlikable Eustace and Reepicheep.

Read the whole report (The Apted quotes began in the fourth paragraph down)

Elsewhere, UGO has posted “6 Realizations After Watching New Narnia: Dawn Treader Footage.” We’ll summarize them here, but be sure to read the entire report.

1. Narnia’s Gone Back to the Magic: UGO believes the first two films were passable Lord of the Rings cash-ins, but Dawn Treader has a much more magical feel.

2. Michael Apted Thinks Talking Animals Are Ridiculous and He’s Right: Apted said making a minotaur not look goofy was a challenge, but UGO says he has pulled it off.

3. The Movie May Contain Actual Performances: UGO writes, “Yes, it’s still about the kids wandering around going ‘ooh’ and ‘aah,’ but it’s done with a confidence that the previous two films were missing.”

4. Dawn Treader Scales Back the Visuals to Its Own Benefit: UGO believes VDT has a less ‘epic’ feel than Prince Caspian. “It’s about a crew setting forth on an adventure, not the entire world congregating for the biggest battle of all time.”

5. The Film Looks British-ier: The look of the film reminded UGO of BBC’s Narnia production. “British television and film has a certain grainy quality you don’t find in America and […] I noticed the aesthetic carrying over to Dawn Treader, moreso than the original films.”

6. Sailing the High Sees Looks Fun!: “It looks like a rousing adventure with likeable leads and plenty of surprises.”

The reports from New York and Los Angeles just keeping pouring in, so keep your eyes peeled for more!

129 Responses

  1. DragonGirl28 says:

    Yay, first comment! 😀 Well, this sounds great…interesting to read about, and it certainly sounds like VDT will be better than PC was.

  2. Liberty Hoffman says:

    yes this sounds amazing!

  3. SusanandEdmundPevensie says:

    yay! i really hope VDT is better than PC!

  4. Beren says:

    well, perhaps it will be a successful film, but I will have a hard time watching it. I'll be squirming the entire time. APTED: The book is NOT about "finding yourself." It is about, as gP says, "Find one's true home."

    oh my goodness, this film sounds like a bad video game.

  5. SusanandEdmundPevensie says:

    Interesting, i didn't think about that. well let's hope it doesn't end uplooking like a bad video game!

  6. Bookwyrm says:

    "Hi, I'm Michael Apted and I'm honoring the spirit of the most beloved entry in one of the most beloved children's fantasy series ever by mutilating the plot with resurrected villains and cheesy love triangles!"

  7. NarniaQueen411 says:

    Wow – all these spoilers, I think they did a fantastic job on this film! I am very excited about all this 🙂

  8. This is exciting…I'm not spoiling myself at all for this film, but everything I've heard sounds positive…I can only hope it won't be a disappointment, as PC was.

    Not sure about the 'finding yourself/growing up' thing, but I can hope…right?

  9. Weapon Master says:

    I'm not a fan of the changes he made either, but is this really necessary? Nobody fully knows how things will play out until they see the film.

  10. twinimage says:

    I have a feeling they're going to get some parts really right and the rest oddly wrong.
    "Its about growing up, finding yourself, coming to terms with yourself and knowing what your values are"?????
    Maybe for Eustace… but the rest is about, as others have said, the longing for something greater, trying to find your true home, like you were meant for more.
    But from the sound of it, it sounds like Eustace is going to be the best part of the film. Don't know about the rest though.

    Heh, did anyone notice the typo in the first link?
    "Asian" the Lion? rofl!
    And in the other link, Sailing the High "Sees"? You sure it isn't Seas? lol

  11. Pepper Darcy says:

    I am super pleased with what Apted is doing! 😀 Of course everyone has faults, doesn't mean you make heroes unbearable monsters like Peter/Caspian in PC, but it's good if they grow at least and learn a good lesson. Apted, you're great! Not that you'll ever, ever, ever read this 🙁

  12. adamie says:

    this sound positive, only I keep noticing how apted seems to describe the themes differently in every interview he gives. And, please, don't let it look like the BBC version!

  13. Cypher says:

    Yeah, that's a bit of a mean-spirited personal attack on the director there Bookwyrm, especially given that you're a moderator here. At least wait until we have all the facts, which we clearly still don't have.

  14. Northernranger says:

    Well, this gave me hope that this one will be good. Half the time I think it will be amazing and the other half of the time I don't think it will be the best. I don't want to love it because it is just Narnia, I want to love it because it is good. Keep the story of Aslan alive.

  15. narnian resident says:

    i love how their really enfasizing the relationship between Eustace and Reepicheep. i was hoping they'd do that, because those two are the best characters in the book. and i bet are probably going to be the most comedy relief in the film :-).
    i dont mind really that they're making it britishier. after all, Lewis himself was british, and he wrote the books in a very british perspective. the Narnia books to me are very british based, and i like that they're making the movies that way.

  16. Starlily says:

    Very encouraging, in my opinion. 😀 Yeah, I'm not so happy with the "finding yourself, coming to terms with yourself" stuff, but I suppose it could be worse.

    I'm so glad that the report says the dragon looks real and the minotaurs don't look goofy! I try to be forgiving with those sorts of things, but I love to see well-done fantasy creatures.

    “It’s about a crew setting forth on an adventure, not the entire world congregating for the biggest battle of all time.” Good. That's how VDT should be.

    "The film looks British-er." I'm glad. I didn't like how Americanized PC was.

    So overall, even if Apted said the film is about "finding yourself", I think they have the themes right. VDT is about adventure, doing the right thing, and longing for Aslan's Country. I think there's evidence that those themes have been kept (for the most part…) intact. At least as far as can be expected from a Hollywood movie. (Don't yell at me if you don't like my summary of VDT's themes. I didn't have time to think it out or expand on them much. 😉 )

  17. Lucy says:

    come now, dear, don't you think that's bordering on being a bit of jerk? I don't like the idea of the white witch coming back, either, but you don't see me judging a movie that isn't even out yet based on reports of clips I haven't (and I'll wager, you haven't either) even seen. Seriously. Cool it. I personally think (okay, hope) it will be a very good movie and I intend to keep posstive in spite of people like you and some others on here too, trying to drag everyone down into your own bad mood. No one's making you watch the film. If you want the book, go read it again, it's a lovely book. Take things for what they are and chillax. As for me, I'm know exactly where I'll be dec. 10!SAIL ON VDT! (pumps fist in air) WOOOOOHOOOOOOO!

  18. Lucy says:

    You rock! Finally another posstive mate on here! At least we're both cheerful and excited about this film unlike some people!

  19. Maki says:

    Yay! This sounds good, and I love the look of British films! 😀

  20. blueRain says:

    Sounds good! I'm glad he said it's more British. I disliked the American feel to PC.

  21. Starlily says:

    As I said before on a different topic, Bookwyrm appears to be very distraught about the plot changes, and he's releasing his frustrations by griping in various comments. *adjusts glasses and writes on clip-board* He's a very interesting psychological case…

    Sorry Bookwyrm, I feel for you. But there's no need to be a Marshwiggle about all this. Try to put a good face on it, and ask Puddleglum to help you have a little more bobbance and bounce and high spirits. 🙂

  22. GlimGlum says:

    Sounds more a bit promising.

  23. Lucy says:

    What IS this gibberish everyone is saying about PC being "american"? I didn't notice anything american about it; but then, I'm an american myself, much as I love britsh things, so what do I know? Still, all my erm…well not friends, so much as persons I know and am forced to deal with complained it was too britsh and they couldn't understand what was happening, which also struck me as biarrze. Either way, I liked PC, but if VDT is going to be even more britsh I have no objections. If britsh be the music of VDT…then, play on.

  24. Reepicheep says:

    YES! This one actually sounds like it'll be the best in the series, and we can all agree that the first two (especially PC) tried way too hard to have a stab at Lord of the Rings.

  25. checkers says:

    NOOOOOOO!!!!!! PLEASE don't tell me it's going to look like the BBC version, PLEASE!!!! *sob sob*

  26. MurtaghLuv says:

    I don't know about you, but this kinda felt like Michael Apted was saying he was better than Andrew Adamson

  27. MurtaghLuv says:

    what do you mean americanized

  28. Mirima Rosetrader says:

    I have an awesome feeling about this movie! Can't wait till it comes out!!! It's going to awesome when I can have an official Narnia movie marathon in my home when VDT! Comes out! I think it's going to be the best of the three! Long live Aslan and sail on VDT! 😀 O=I====>

  29. Peepicheep says:

    That title makes no sense at all, "Hey, tell me I'm seeing things!" Spot Colon from Newsies.

  30. Peepicheep says:

    It wouldn't be the same without Andrew, he did such a great job on PC and LWW. Please come back Andrew and finish this movie that's what I want to say to him.

  31. Duffleglum says:

    wow, the way Michael Apted says it, it sounds like they really were dedicated to the Christian message…
    (:O I just said the C-word!!!

  32. NarniaQueen411 says:

    I know right? I think we are all making too big of a deal with the little tiny things, as long as the overall is true to the story that C.S. Lewis was teaching us. then its all cool 4 me.

  33. Lucille Brown says:

    But what about the relationsjip between Edmund and Eustace?

  34. Lucille Brown says:

    relationship. I felt that was the heart of the book.

  35. Narnian Meerkat says:

    Sounds goooooooooood. . . ;D

  36. SecondRose says:

    This is really encouraging! I love that DT is to have a more British feel!

  37. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    Great report!
    My only gripe: "…the film's dramatic conclusion, and, of course, the return of /Asian/, the series' signature Lion…"
    Good grief! Can't y'all get Aslan's name right?!
    But otherwise I feel hopeful… especially at the mention of Reepicheep and Eustace!!!!!!!!! That, I think, made my day!!!

  38. Rising_Star says:

    Well, the most "American" thing I can think of in PC is when Lucy says "Oh my gosh, he's so cute!" about Reepicheep. Not only is this a very modern saying, it is also glaringly out of character for Lucy to say. No young girl in 1941 Britain would say "Oh my gosh."

  39. Beren says:

    I think they're twisting what Lewis is trying to teach. They're trying to turn it into some "deal with the darkness within yourself" thing, while the real story is about searching and finding one's true home.

  40. always narnian says:

    I somewhat agree with Bookwyrm. Everyone has their opinion. No need to jump on Bookwyrm that way =) I am a little upset about the changes, BECAUSE they say they're going to MAKE a MOVIE BASED off of the book. If they don't follow the book, then…well, maybe they should make a movie of their own. =) Why some of us say this is BECAUSE of how much of fans we are of Narnia, and then to make a movie and Entitle it "Narnia" when it is not the Narnia we grew up with or because all the Spiritual depth is taken out and the very honorable characters (like what happened in Prince Caspian) are destroyed, you can imagine, is very upsetting.

  41. always narnian says:

    If it isn't I'm worried!

  42. always narnian says:

    Some of us are fans of the true, noble, innocent, Allegorical stories of Narnia. That is why we are being "Puddleglums" about it. We want what Narnia really is. Not the "Hollywood", teen-age, immature, Prince Caspian all over again. We want more of ASLAN. Where was he in the last film?

  43. checkers says:

    Agree. He sounds a bit…what's the word I'm searching for…vain? Arrogant? Something. :/

  44. always narnian says:

    I know exactly what they are talking about. The American HUMOR maybe? The "Cut-you-down" sort of humor.

    *Squirrel: We could collect nuts?

    Reepicheep: And do what? Throw them at the Telmarines? SHUT UP!

    *Trumpkin: I AM an adult.

    *Susan: It wouldn't have worked out (kisses Caspian anyways)

    Very rude, sarcastic humor and such Is what i think they mean

  45. always narnian says:

    At least they follow the books and keep the real FEEL of Narnia. The allegorical sense, everything. =) Sure they're corny, badly acted, and funny costumes. But they keep the true story!

  46. i completely agree with booky. really, i've held back alot of remarks worse than this. i'm pretty mad about the direction this film seems to be going in

  47. samuel says:

    I hate to say I agree with you. But while I'm trying to hope for the positives. It looks as though they might just get the 'feel' of the movie, a sea-going, magical voyage. While neglecting the plot. Quite the opposite of what they did with Prince Caspian, having all the major plot points all the while disregarding style and flow for the sake of epic battleness… In fact everything that's been described so far seems to be pointing in the direction of "our fans didn't like PC so let's do EVERYTHING DIFFERENT." But I'm trying to remain hopeful, it still looks like it might be a good movie

  48. Bookwyrm says:

    Maybe my comment was a bit extreme, but we were promised by pretty much everyone connected with the movie that they'd learned their lesson with PC. And now we're finding out that VDT is going to be even farther off from the book than PC was. So no, I'm not feeling positive right now. I don't like being lied to.

  49. Watziznehm says:

    Here I am to join the list! I too don't like the way which this movie is going. Ironically, this film will probably be a rarity for a FANTASY film, if what Mr. Apted has said is true, the film being about the inner struggles. It's as if they decided they were going to do an experiment, one of them suggesting, "hey, let's do a fantasy film which is all about the inner struggles. However, let's also keep in our Hollywood cliches just to be on the safe side." *sigh* I'm just sad they had to pick Narnia as there medium for this experiment. It would have worked so much better if they had ruined a different persons potatoes and realized that Hollywood cliches kill a film. For crying out loud, that is why they are called cliches. *huge sigh* Oh well. ;( With a little bit of imagination I perceive that I will like this new film anyway because it will be me the chance to dream of what could have been!

  50. RuralNarniaFan says:

    Everybody relax and stop sobbing. Everyone who's actually SEEN the footage thought it was absolutely awesome. It's going to be ok. Really.

    I actually found some of these points encouraging… take another look at them:
    #1 " UGO believes the first two films were passable Lord of the Rings cash-ins, but Dawn Treader has a much more magical feel" That's a good thing.
    #3 “Yes, it’s still about the kids wandering around going ‘ooh’ and ‘aah,’ but it’s done with a confidence that the previous two films were missing.” Splendid, splendid.
    #4 “It’s about a crew setting forth on an adventure, not the entire world congregating for the biggest battle of all time.” That's a relief.
    #5 "This film is Britishier" *adds "Britishier" to his dictionary* Given that the books are British, also a good thing.

    I guess it's the "plenty of surprises" that has us all worried.

  51. Starlily says:

    Well, I don't know if I could put a finger on it, but the PC movie felt rather Disneyfied (hmm, that's not a word…). Maybe it was the humor, which didn't feel very British. Or maybe it was the dialog, which also didn't seem very WWII-era British. *shrugs* I guess I can't really explain it satisfactorily. Maybe it's just me.

  52. TumnusTheBrave says:

    im just gald were starting to get more news now. i hope there a lot of bloopers and behind the scene clips so that we can see the cast and crew having fun filming the film

  53. Reepicheep says:

    I love all the books, But I don't care how much they change it. They Changed Prince Caspian a lot and I still like it.At least there IS new Narnia movies instead of leaving us with the rubbish BBC ones.

  54. Sonny says:

    You know, I used to get all "up in arms" about movies straying form the books they're based on. And certainly, I would like the Narnia movies to follow the books as closely as possible. On the other hand, I realize that a book is a book, and a movie is a move. For example, I just real "Journey to the Center of the Earth," and am currently on "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea." To be honest, neither of them would make very good movies the way they're written. Great stories, but bad movies. Whether we like it or not, we must lean to separate the books from the movies.

    That is not to say that I think every decision the producers and directors make is a good one. I was not too happy with Suspian, but hey, there is is, and I will NOT let it destroy my enjoyment of the movie. I admit to a little alarm at having the White Witch feature in the VDT movie (even more than just her on-screen time), but I look at it like this: VDT as written as C. S. Lewis is a beautiful story. I will live in that, but I am sure that the VDT as a Fox/Walden movie will be good too, just different. So I guess it's a resignation on my part, and a conscious decision on my part to enjoy the movie, however the story goes, knowing the TRUE story written in the original Chronicles by the master himself.

    SO… I am really looking forward to December 10th, whatever it may bring, and I am sure I will love the movie for the movie that it is, and not let its deviations from the true story spoil it for me.

    Also, I agree 100% with Rural's observations.

    Sail on, Dawn Treader!

  55. Narniadreamer says:

    Yes! Thanks for posting, Narnia Web! I am so looking forward to the release on December 10.

  56. I just hope this actually is a good thin.:S

  57. pjka007 says:

    Hm… I'm waiting for the movie one year and a half (and a lot of people here – and longer) and I KNOW it is GREAT! I believe in it. Georgie, Skandar, Will, Ben and other actors will do it great.
    And, the White witch – never mind. We didn't seen the movie so we can't say "It's not good idea…" In the movie it looks different than in any interview!
    And, here (http://www.narniaweb.com/wp-content/gallery/vdt-banners-and-posters/edvdtdisplay01.jpg) is Susan and Peter. Susan – ok, but why there is Peter (and in school clothes? In the trailer he had Narnian clothes…)? I think he is only in the scene what was in the trailer. Maybe he will be in any scene in London. It could
    be there. Maybe in NY was not scene from the beginning of the movie, where the four Pevensies say goodbay. If it is here people, who didn't read book, it could be explanation for him/her.
    People, pull yourself together!
    And, sorry for my not so good English. I learn it fourth year now.

  58. pjka007 says:

    "People, pull yourself together!" was in context with the white witch.

  59. Narnia_is_Home says:

    YAY! I too am glad to see some other positive people on here. It seems to me that the things people are getting most worked-up about are such tiny details that they don't even know what they're talking about. (Taking Caspian's line to Lucy mistaking her for Susan, and then coming up with this big conclusion that Lucy is going to have a crush on him? Good grief, guys!!) Anyway, I've really liked what I've heard and am so excited about the film! It seems to me like it will keep to the spirit of the book very well, even if they changed some details.
    (And I'm glad it's going to have a more British feel too! 🙂 )

  60. Starlily says:

    Right now I'm in agreement with you. There are some things I'm pretty upset about in the VDT movie, and I'll probably still be upset once I've seen them on screen. But I know there are also a bunch of things I'll really enjoy, so I'm going to focus on them instead of the negatives.

    That's all we can do right now, anyway. We'd go crazy if we let every plot change bother us. Ugh. Focus on the positive…the positive…