New Set Photo of the Dragon Cave?

MundoNarnia has a new set photo. We don’t know for sure if it’s for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader or not, but it looks like it could be the dragon cave full of treasure.

Dragon Cave?

They also have some concept art and set photos from an earlier shoot. You can check them all out here.

Thanks to Narniamiss for the heads up!

412 Responses

  1. Lutra's Pearl says:

    That one and the LB are my favorite books!!!

  2. Aunt Letty says:

    Good heavens, I go away for the weekend and the Narniawebbers write a book here…

    Great discussion, everyone. I'd forgot about the moment when Peter confronts Tash. It always gives me chills, too.

    As for the rating of PC, what about that scene right after the duel, when Peter beheads (bloodlessly, I might add) the telmarine soldier who comes after him? That always strikes me as being a bit over-the-top for a PG rating. (Gonzo the muppet: "he DIED? This is supposed to be a kids' movie!!)

  3. Fire Fairy says:

    Yeah, narniafan4ever, I have to very careful not to spend too much time on here, or my dad'll block it with parental controls. He did do it once, too, so I have to be extra careful. And since I got my little sister hooked on Narnia, he's had to block her from it. He doesn't want us to become obsessed and waste too much time on NarniaWeb… *looking around and whistling innocently* :S

  4. Fire Fairy says:

    Oops. Posted this in the wrong spot. Sorry.

  5. Fire Fairy says:

    Yeah, narniafan4ever, I have to very careful not to spend too much time on here, or my dad’ll block it with parental controls. He did do it once, too, so I have to be extra careful. And since I got my little sister hooked on Narnia, he’s had to block her from it. He doesn’t want us to become obsessed and waste too much time on NarniaWeb… *looking around and whistling innocently* :S

  6. Fire Fairy says:

    Hi Aunt Letty! Glad you're back. I see your point about the beheading, but then again, images of Star Wars flash through my head…Darth Maul being sliced in half…Mace Windu beheading Jango Fett…and the only PG-13 Episode was Episode 3! (By the way, I love Gonzo the muppet!).

  7. Fire Fairy says:

    Oh, and narniafan4ever, about Lucy's dress, I don't exactly have it LAID out. I'm definitely not that good. I just have a *coughs* few sketches done.

  8. Puddleglum says:

    "Show me your faith without deeds, and
    I will show you my faithby what I do. You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that– and shudder." James 2:19 NIV
    What does an old marshwiggle have to do while sitting in his wigwam but read?

  9. Aunt Letty says:

    Fire Fairy,

    I read this wherever else you posted it but can't find it now, bah! So, I'll reply here.

    Anyway, I've had to put "parental controls" (parental controls because I'm the parent and I'm controlling me. πŸ™‚ )on my Narniaweb visits, myself. You guys are all so much fun to talk Narnia to. You don't engage in the inanity of most webchat. You actually have something to say!

  10. Princess Arya says:

    You could go fishing πŸ˜‰

  11. Fire Fairy says:

    Thanks. My dad's original reasoning that it was "bad" was because it sounded too much like a chat room. But a chat room that discusses the bible and gets after people for being degrading or using bad language isn't a "chat room" in necessarily a bad sense, is it? I had a really tough time explaining it to him. To him, a chat room is a chat room, and that's that.

  12. Fire Fairy says:

    Oh, and it's on the first page, near the end, where we were having our amazing and overly long discussion, but that's okay. I've come back to our discussion so many times I could probably find it with my eyes closed. πŸ˜‰

  13. Fire Fairy says:

    Puddleglum, I'm curious, but what version of the bible is that? (I don't know what NIV stands for). I've never heard of it. I use the King James Version.

  14. Fire Fairy says:

    Okay, I know it's really late, but I was just watching LWW for an assignment (I know, it's awesome, isn't it?), and I couldn't help noticing the significance of colors in the film, so I just had to share them. I'll try to keep this short.

    I noticed that while most of the film depicts the White Witch and her followers using a cold palette of colors (whites, grays, blues, etc.), the stone table scene is the only time in the entire movie where they are showed with a warm color palette (orange, red, yellow, brown)! On closer inspection, I realized that the entire color scheme of the scene reflected the colors in Aslan's fur and mane! Coincidence? I think not. Was it to show that even though Aslan was giving Himself up, He was the one in control, not the Witch, perhaps?

    Also, in that very scene, I noticed that it's the only time where the witch and her followers are surrounded by so much fire…which is usually considered the "opposite" element of ice! Again, I don't think that's a coincidence.

    The other part about colors that I noticed is the battle. The witch and her followers are all depicted using metallic colors and textures, giving them a cold, dead feeling, while Aslan's troops are shown with very warm, organic colors and textures, giving them the sense of being living and breathing. Isn't that cool, or what??

    Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now…thought I'd share that with everybody! Tell me what you think!

  15. Puddleglum says:

    Exellent observations.
    That can be connected to the cross so well.
    While He died for us he could easily have levt the cross, and while He could have been killed like the two thieves, "He gave up His Spirit"

  16. narniafan4ever β™₯ says:

    Awesome, Fire Fairy! That is deep. πŸ˜€

  17. Frodo Fan says:

    Wow! I never noticed that until you just posted that. That is really cool! It just goes to show you that there is more to this movie than meets the eye.

  18. narniafan4ever β™₯ says:

    NIV is New International Version. I use KJV too, and I like it the best. πŸ˜€

  19. narniafan4ever β™₯ says:

    Yeah, that is what I meant by "laid out". πŸ˜€ That is pretty good, if you ask me! πŸ™‚
    btw…I loved your little comment on the next page about Aslan and the color scheme thing. That is so neat. πŸ™‚

  20. Fire Fairy says:

    Thanks. When I noticed it, it was too cool not to share, even though it was like 1:30 in the morning. I was analyzing the movie for my humanities class, so I was in an analytical mindset, otherwise, I doubt I'd have noticed it.

  21. Fire Fairy says:

    Um, yeah, I just looked at the time on that comment…it was more like two in the morning… *sheepish grin*

  22. Princess Arya says:

    Fascinating! I had noticed that PC seemed to have deeper colors than LWW (LWW seemed to be brighter or something) but I never really read into it like that.

    It's kind of like how the White Witch turns from her white icy gowns to her black battle one.

  23. Interesting o.o It looks like a 3 to me.But I can't see that well so IDK

  24. OK way too religious please keep this in your own mind because everyone on here is not your religion.

  25. Aunt Letty says:

    Very interesting! I hadn't noticed the shift to warm palette in the sacrificial scene. I think you're on to something with your guess about the reason behind it. I wonder if it was done consciously by the creative team or instinctively?

    You've probably also noticed that the Telmarines in PC are all wearing very subdued, mostly grey colors. Very industrial, Ayn Rand-soviet colors. I wondered if that was a deliberate choice to represent Lewis' attitude toward industrialization? He seemed to use the Telmarines to represent a certain kind of "civilization" that's marked by excessive devotion to man's cunning and skill, over nature's gifts and God's creative power.

    Interestingly, the embroidery on Caspian's shirt, which we only really see after he's had his white witch encounter and a change of paradigm, is very organic.

  26. Aunt Letty says:

    Oh, and we see it in the tree house when he first meets the Old Narnians. Hmmm.

  27. Aunt Letty says:

    Wow, Fire Fairy, you can think at 2:00 a.m.??? I'm impressed.

  28. Fire Fairy says:

    Sweet! That's what I love about books and movies, especially ones like Narnia–there are so many little details that add to the significance of the movie that most people don't notice!

  29. Fire Fairy says:

    Actually, another thing I noticed was a few cool things with the music. I actually noticed that a few of the themes in the frozen river scene are repeated in the battle! Forshadowing, maybe? Or it could be a representation of Peter's internal battle… Thoughts, anyone?

  30. Fire Fairy says:

    Hate to say this, Aunt Letty, but there's nothing impressive about it. I think my cirdadian rhythm is nocturnal, or at least completely screwed up (I went to bed at 4 this morning, for example). Not a good habit to have as a full-time student. I actually don't think very well at all in the mornings.

  31. narniafan4ever β™₯ says:

    Yes, Aravis Tarkheena, not everyone shares that religion, but this is a free country where people can share any religion they want to, as long as it stays clean. πŸ™‚

  32. cuppycakesrach says:

    finally some real news .. i was about to pull my hair out XD .. exciting stuff :DD funny thing is that's how I imagined the dragon cave glod running over on the outside of the cave i'm so excited about the movie :DDD

  33. Aunt Letty says:

    I should not be on here right now, I should be on my treadmill, and I will, in a minute.

    I was just reading some of the earlier entries in this discussion, about atheism. I wonder if often, when people say they are atheists, what they really mean is that they haven't been able to reconcile themselves with whatever interpretation of God they've been exposed to? I also think that if kids grow up in a home where they aren't taught to seek after God, then maybe the only image they would have of Him would be the one they get from television and other mass media. Increasingly, that is not a god anyone who thinks or is open to truth could worship. So, maybe, and this is just a thought, maybe in that situation it could actually be the more intelligent, pure-hearted ones who choose atheism, rather than believe something so irrational.

    Don't misunderstand me, I'm not asserting that this is the case with the actors you were discussing above: don't know them personally and their personal lives aren't my business. I was speaking in general terms and would be very interested to hear what you all think about this.

    P.S. Fire Fairy, I hear you about the sleep thing! If you were my kid, we'd be going round and round on your sleeping habits. I'm a "early to bed, early to rise" kinda gal. My oldest son had the same issue as you and he just never could sleep on a "normal" schedule, which made school difficult. Plus, he had to go to seminary at 6:00, before school every morning. Being in the army, I think, shifted his sleep schedule around for him somewhat, so it can be done, but short of a drill instructor in your face, I'm not sure what the solution is.

  34. Lutra's Pearl says:

    They also takemany of the songs from the LWW and use them in PC, only they make it deeperand a little more advanced then LWW. It that makes any sence.

  35. narniafan4ever β™₯ says:

    Fire Fairy…I wish I could think at 2:00 in the morning! Of course, I can't think of a reason why I would need to think that late….or I should say…early….lol. But, I heard that most teens have an internal clock or something like that which causes thier body to want to stay up later…or something like that. I don't know how acurate it is, but it seems to me that it might be true cause it is something that lots of us struggle with…including me…lol. And I am not making an excuse for myself and others, but it might explain why teens can stay up later and still sort of function while most adults can't…just a thought. πŸ˜€
    Aunt Letty: That is an interesting way to look at it. But, I think that everyone can have their own little "god" in a way just by what they choose to listen to, follow, and worship….as in, worship by spending too much time focused on it. But, I think that most people might call themselves atheists cause they don't want to admit that there is a God who is out there. Because to them, God is a controlling power who requires us to give up our human nature…and that is a hard thing to do! But because we have Jesus, we can have the strength to do that. But to most people, God is restricting. To them, if they choose to follow God, that means that they have to give up their comfort and pleasure in sin. And Christianity is not at all easy. But today, there are so many churches that are preaching the idea that we can do what ever we want and God is all about feel-good. That is not true! Yes, God gives us hope and safety in Jesus, but it is not a religion to be built around us, it is a religion that is built around Him(Jesus)! God is not a supernatural puppet who will do whatever we ask Him to. He knows what is best for us and sometimes He will say "no". But he will say "no" because he loves and us. πŸ™‚ We were created for God's enjoyment and pleasure. He wants to be truly loved by someone. He wants to be glorified! He wants us and our hearts.
    Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now….lol πŸ˜€

  36. Fire Fairy says:

    It's becoming increasingly difficult to add to this conversation, especially with all of the scrolling up you have to do to reach the reply button. πŸ˜‰

    Aunt Letty, you make a very interesting point. I had never thought of it that way, but in a way, it does make sense. Although, I do have cousins that were raised in religious families but ended up atheists (or, at least, that's what they claim to be). Then again, one of them said that part of the reason he/she doesn't believe in God is because he/she can't comprehend one person creating everything. Then again, I'm not quoting him/her directly, but what I heard from someone else, so I can't say that's the real reason why. I guess what I'm saying is that my cousin's situation is not from a lack of being taught; rather, it came about because he/she was unwilling to be open-minded about a certain doctrine and would not trust in the Lord about something he/she had a difficult time understanding. So sometimes it's a closed-minded attitude that stimulates Atheism.

    Oh, and Aunt Letty, it makes me feel a little bit better knowing I'm not the only one with this problem. I'll just have to keep praying and keep trying to change my nocturnal tendencies. πŸ™‚

  37. Fire Fairy says:

    By the way, Aunt Letty and narniafan4ever, are the three of us the only ones adding to this conversation anymore? It seems to me that the past several days it's only been us three! Where'd everybody go? Did they think this conversation died off or something? Seriously…it's as if they think this comment area was meant only for comments on the actual news story!! *Ahem*…wow. Are we doing this because we're not cool enough (or too cool πŸ˜‰ ) for the forum? It's like we don't have lives or something! πŸ˜€

  38. narniafan4ever β™₯ says:

    Haha…don't know, but I am really enjoying our chats either way. πŸ™‚
    I think everyone is hiding somewhere tearing their hair out cause we need more news! lol. I am just kidding, but I bet everyone's excitement from seeing recent news has faded. But I'm sure some people will be back. Remember on the other page? There were like 450 comments on that page….people stopped commenting for a while, but then came back again… πŸ˜€

  39. Puddleglum says:

    Just you three?
    Well I must admit to being lazy and enjoying reading rather than writing.
    To add a comment to narniafan4ever. Your comment on how people do not want to "give up" was right on. Many people want a "god" who comes to their beck-and-call, like a genie. But God, like Aslan, is not tame.

  40. narniafan4ever β™₯ says:

    I'm glad that I am not the only one who feels that way about God, Puddleglum. πŸ˜€ That is probably why I can't stand the whole name-it-and-claim-it thing that so many people are getting into today. It's just another part of the prosperity gospel. It is like making God into a Supernatural Puppet! And it is also testing God in a way, which is clearly something we are told not to do in the bible.
    I have to say, that is one line in the Narnia books that I have always loved…"He is not tame, but He is good…" *sighs contentedly and smiles*

  41. narniafan4ever β™₯ says:

    OH….I forgot…It is also nice to know that people are reading these even though they aren't commenting. πŸ˜€ Hopefully, out conversations can plant seeds. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  42. Fire Fairy says:

    Amen to that!

    narniafan4ever, I really like your point about God not being at our beck-and-call. I never really thought about it before, but I can see what you mean. A lot of people think that when the pray to God, He HAS to give them what they want, when they want it. And when He doesn't (notice I said when, not if), they get upset and claim that He's abandoned them. It's as if they think they can force their will upon Him…which is exactly what we should NOT do. Others seem to think that there can't be a God because there's so much suffering in the world. There's a story that is a good explanation for that. It's about a barber and his customer, who are discussing God. The barber says that He doesn't believe God exists because there is so much suffering in the world. The customer says nothing to this, but as he goes to leave, he sees a man outside with shaggy hair and a beard pass by. He comes back in and declares, "I don't believe barbers exist." The barber, surprised, exlaims, "Of course barbers exist!" "No, they don't," the man insisted. "Or there wouldn't be people like that man outside." "Ah," replied the barber. "Barbers do exist. People just don't come to us." "Exactly!" the man said. "God, too, exists. People just don't come to Him."

    I don't think there's much I can add to that, except that I feel sorry for people who don't believe in God, simply because God doesn't fulfill their personal requirments. God is not defined by man's will; likewise, man is not obedient to His will. The key to becoming like Him and getting to know Him is learning how to submit ourselves to His will.

  43. 220chrisTian says:

    narniafan4ever β™₯, Fire Fairy, and Aunt Letty: deep stuff! I loved reading it! Fav thought: "The key to becoming like Him and getting to know Him is learning how to submit ourselves to His will." Of course, finding the "reply" button took awhile. πŸ˜‰

  44. narniafan4ever β™₯ says:

    Fire Fairy: I like the story about the barber. πŸ˜€ That is dead on! And not only because all people don't go to a barber or God, The same story can be used to make this point: Just because we don't always see the results of God's existence doesn't mean that there is no God. πŸ˜‰

    220chrisTian: I am glad you are enjoying reading our discussions. πŸ™‚ I love that thought that you labeled as your favorite thought!!! I think that is going to be added on my list of favorite thoughts as well! lol πŸ˜€

    And speaking of favorite quotes, I thought that I would share one of mine! It really doesn't have anything to do with out discussions, but I thought I would share it. πŸ˜€ Here it is: "A girl should be so lost in God, that a guy who is trying to win her heart, will have to seek God in order to find her." πŸ˜€

    *sigh* I love that! I guess that kind of tells you that I am not the kind of person who dates around, but that I am waiting for God to reveal that special dude to me. πŸ™‚ And until that time, I shall be immersed in Jesus. πŸ˜€

    Sorry, those last two paragraphs had nothing to do with our conversation. I just wanted to share it. πŸ˜€ Anyways, talk to you all later! πŸ˜€

  45. Puddleglum says:

    I believe yhe verse that best fits your comments is "When you ask, you do not recieve, because you ask with the wronge motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures." James 4:3 NIV
    This brings us back to the original comments on athiesm. Anyone remember Madylin Murry O'Hare? She was the aithiest who originally worked to get any reference to God out of public schools. The son she used to get the case in court back then is actually a minister now. He relates in a book how she, as a young woman had prayed that God give her a certain man. When this did not happen she turned on God as an athiest. I believe someone earlier had posted about how some athiests are bitter. This was certainly the case.
    I must say that I am impressed by your favorit quote. If only all women, and men used such advise.
    "But seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" Matthew 6:33
    Aunt Letty; I don't want to be seen as rude, but just to save time getting to the reply, I will start a new line.

  46. Puddleglum says:

    I was wondering how many out there have read any of Lewis's books, other than the Chronicles?
    The Space Trilogy perhaps?
    I found it very interesting to see just how his faith progressed, and was expressed in his writings.

  47. Fire Fairy says:

    I'm actually currently reading The Screwtape Letters, and have checked out Till We Have Faces and The Space Trilogy. I decided that since I am such a fan of Narnia I might as well read C.S. Lewis's other works. The Screwtape Letters is very fascinating and profound…I absolutely love it!!

  48. Fire Fairy says:

    Oh, wow. *embarrassed* Who'd have thought I'd say something that people'd want to quote? That's just…wow. I don't know what to say now…

    narniafan4ever, I love that quote as well. I actually only just heard it a few weeks ago, but I love it! I, too, want only the mate that God wants for me. πŸ˜€ Another one of my favorite quotes that I heard on the same day, which has nothing to do with our discussion, is "A wise man once said, 'I don't know. Ask a girl.'" πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€

    *Ahem* But, yeah. Puddleglum, by new line, do you mean the one on the new page? Because it didn't seem to relate to our conversation. Oh, well, you make a good point, though. The reply button is getting very difficult to find.

    Anyways, Puddleglum, your example just about fits my scenario exactly! (About asking God for something and abandoning Him when He doesn't give it to them when and how they want it). That's so cool, especially since I didn't know of any examples.

  49. Puddleglum says:

    Actually, I intended to put it on this page, but messed up.
    Sorry. We marsh-wiggles are not knowen to be techno savvy.
    If it is preffered, we could continue here.
    I had asked if anyone had read anything of Lewis's other than the Chronicles. Personally, Mere Christianity is my favorit. He was a collage professore, and could talk lofty, but this one proves his ability to convey straightforward comlexities.

  50. Aunt Letty says:

    One of my favorites is his journal of the year after Joy passed away. I can relate to so much of what he ponders there.

  51. Aunt Letty says:

    That "reply" button was just getting too far away!

    The barber analogy was a good one. And I liked the quote about a girl staying so close to God that a boy would have to look for God to find her. Likewise, a girl should look for a boy to whom she will be second in his heart, after God. That's a young man you can depend upon.

    On the subject of atheism; I agree with what was said above (sorry but I'm too lazy to scroll through a second time and figure out who said what and too old to remember…pathetic), both the view that people choose atheism as a defense against what they see as a restriction of their freedom, and that people are simply too in love with their own "gods". Pride, too, is a factor. I think you're all quite right about that.

    People more and more want to create God in their own image. Rather than seeking to find that which is bigger than themselves in order to build their lives around it, they seek that which will justify what they already want to do.

    On the other hand, I have met people who are kind, compassionate, honest, virtuous, unbelievers. People whom I could try to be more like. Who am I to judge what led them to their inability to accept whatever they've experienced and had presented to them as "God"? I judge only myself and how I use the light and knowledge that I've received.

    I think of the young Calormene captain in The Last Battle. I'm glad it's not up to me to decide who belongs to Tash and who belongs to Aslan.

    Curious: what do you think of the dwarves in the stable not being taken up by either? Obviously, they acknowledged neither. Does that make them atheists? If so, what do you make of the fact that Tash didn't claim them and Aslan fed them? These are not rhetorical questions. I really wonder what you make of it.

  52. narniafan4ever β™₯ says:

    Yeah, you are so right, Aunt Letty! And there are some religions today that are even teaching people that they will eventually all become God! Isn't that what Satan was trying to do before he was cast out of heaven by God with a third of the angels? Just something to think about….

    About that dwarf thing….I need to go back and read that part of the book…hold on….Could you explain to me what the whole plot of that part of the story was?

    All I know is that you have to believe in Jesus as the Son of God to go to heaven and be with God for eternity. Everyone else is destroyed. It sounds harsh, but its the truth. So, In regards to that part of the story, I can't comment until someone explains that part. Could someone help me? πŸ˜€

  53. narniafan4ever β™₯ says:

    *scrolling…..scrolling…..scrolling…..* lol It takes soooooooo long to get to the reply button! AH!

    Haha… That
    "ask a girl" thing was cute. Although, I have to give a lot of credit to guys as well. I hate it when people try to make guys sound stupid and wimpy. I'm not saying that you are, Fire Fairy…not at all! πŸ™‚ I guess I just get fed up with girls who tend to say they are "stronger than a guy" or "smarter than guys". God created the men to be the protectors of the girls! We should treat them with respect in return. πŸ˜€

    I hope you aren't taking this as my saying you shouldn't have said that. It was just in jest, I'm sure. πŸ˜€ I was just stating something that was on my mind at the moment. No hard feelings! πŸ˜€

    Once again, I need to step off my soap box….lol.

    Btw…from now on, I am going to be commenting on the other page where we started a new chain. πŸ™‚ It takes way to long to get to that stinkin' reply button. lol

  54. Aunt Letty says:


    the scene I was talking about is at the end of The Last Battle, in the chapter titled, "How the Dwarves Refused to be Taken In". Which is a clever double entedre. The dwarves refused to be "taken in" by what they see as a false idea of the existence of God, and consequently are unable to be taken in by God (Aslan) when he is actually present with them. It's a profound analogy on several levels. If you take the time to re-read it, you'll see what I mean.

    Just as we discussed earlier in regard to Susan and her fate, Lewis seems here to support the idea that God will not interfere with our ability to choose. The dwarves choose to deny Aslan's existence, and Tash's. Aslan lovingly gives them the opportunity to see and know him, but they have lost the ability by choice.

  55. narniafan4ever β™₯ says:

    Yeah, just like people deny that there is God and Satan…. Just because all people don't believe in them doesn't mean they don't exist. πŸ™‚
    And yes, I need to go and read that chapter. πŸ˜€ So, until then…tata! πŸ˜€

  56. 220chrisTian says:

    I thought the Dwarfs were atheists. This issue came up in the "Christian themes in the Last Battle" thread: "The dwarves refused to be "taken in" by what they see as a false idea of the existence of God, and consequently are unable to be taken in by God (Aslan) when he is actually present with them. It’s a profound analogy on several levels." … Thanks, Aunt Letty. πŸ™‚

  57. narniafan4ever β™₯ says:

    Yeah, that seems to be the case. They don't believe in Aslan, or want to meet him if he exists. "Dwarfs are for Dwarfs!" lol
    I think that the last battle in general is really quite a profound book with so many parallels! I mean, think about it.

    β€’ The last free nation has fallen…the old Narnia
    β€’ The Shift/Puzzle mix is kind of like the Anti-Christ/false prophet mix.
    β€’ Just as they have Puzzle claim to be Aslan, so will the Anti-Christ claim to be God, but in essence, is not God at all.
    β€’ The Calormen soldiers are like the power mentioned in the bible that tries to force everyone to worship the Anti-Christ or "false Aslan."
    β€’ Only a few have recognized that this is not the real Aslan…(the whole world will wonder after the Anti-Christ)
    β€’ They try to mix the pagan god(s) with the real God…(who really isn't the real God at all….only claims to be.)
    β€’ The real Narnia is Heaven

    I mean, the list goes on and on! These are just a few that I thought of as I am sitting here. πŸ™‚

    I still think we need some more news on how the Voyage of the Dawn Treader is coming….It has been a while! We were getting updates like every day for a while…I guess I got spoiled?.?.?. *smiles sheepishly* πŸ™‚

  58. Fire Fairy says:

    narniafan4ever, let me explain to you something about the religions that teach that people will become God. I know this idea sounds ridiculous, and in that context, it is. But my religion actually teaches us that we all have the ability to progress; in other words, become gods ourselves. I hope I can explain this idea without sounding too radical or offending anybody. We don't believe that we actually become God. What we believe is that God was once like us, a person on an earth with His own God, and, because of His righteousness, was exalted and was able to have His own spirit children and create His own worlds. So, in essence, we don't believe we will become God, but that we will become like God, in the same way that a son or daughter grows up and becomes a father or mother, with children of their own. If we are righteous enough, we will become exalted and have our own spirit children and worlds, while at the same time recognizing God as our Father and God. Hope that's not too deep or confusing. It makes sense to me, but that's because it's my religion. πŸ˜‰

  59. Fire Fairy says:

    narniafan4ever, don't get me started! There are so many parallels! There are even some that fit with my religion's specific views on the end of the world and all that (I'm not saying my religion's better than everybody else's, though. Just thought I'd clarify that. πŸ™‚ ) That's probably why LB is one of my favorite books: it's tied with MN.

    Agh, I've got somewhere to go. πŸ™ I'll have to come back later. I've got so much I want to say. πŸ˜‰

  60. I get what you mean and I was only trying to say that she doesn't have to turn into a bishop just say God bless edmund/ skandar and that you fell bad for him and thats all you have to say.