Gael (AKA the MLG) is Played by Arabella Morton

Arabella Morton cast as Gael in The Voyage of the Dawn TreaderThere has been a lot of speculation surrounding the young girl (dubbed the MLG/Mysterious Little Girl by fans here at NarniaWeb) called Gael who is apparently the daughter or niece of Rhince in the movie. While we don’t have any new information as to the extent of her role in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, we finally have the actress’s name.

She’s being played by a young lady named Arabella Morton from Brisbane Australia.

For those who might have missed it, you can see a snippet of Gael jumping off the side of the Dawn Treader in this clip from YouTube here.

Thanks to Carl for the initial spy report about her name, and also to icarus for helping us verify the information!

101 Responses

  1. iLiveInNarnia says:

    that was my guess too

  2. iLiveInNarnia says:

    Im guessing that you will possibly talk about this in one of your upcoming videos? hahaha

  3. Teddy C says:

    I personally find her physically repulsive. Yay, Dawn Treader!!

  4. Waleed Khan says:

    SWEET!!! but stil 1 mor casting anounsement – RAMANDU HIMSELF!!!

  5. Long Live King Skandar says:

    Maybe they're adding the young character of the SMLG to preserve the idea of a young innocent kid having some kind of adventure in Narnia, since that was part of what made LWW so appealing, in my opinion. The SMLG is obviously much younger than the Pevensies, who have all grown up.. *sniffle, sniffle*

  6. Aravis says:

    She is adorable but what is she doing there???

  7. narniafan4ever ♥ says:

    inside spy, are you in the Narnia film?

  8. narniafan4ever ♥ says:

    I know! It must be the hair styles….

  9. narniafan4ever ♥ says:

    lol! too many letters! That does make more sense, though… 😀

  10. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    What do you mean by that?

  11. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    Yeah, that might be a good idea, except that it would actually dampen the movie since Gael jumps overboard!

  12. Caspian says:

    'kay…am I the only one who thinks the name 'Arabella' sounds like a Mary Sue? If there's a romance planned with Eustace someone's going to pay.

  13. narniafan4ever ♥ says:

    haha….I agree. No romance! please! 🙂

  14. narniafan4ever ♥ says:

    I do think that the name "Arabella" is really cute, though. 😀

  15. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    From my perspective of the book, Eustace is NOT the type of guy ANYONE would have any type of crush on! But someone who Gael could reasonably like (if the producers make the wrong decision to do that)would be: Edmund. He's a lot older than her, but still… just an idea here! Hopefully I'm wrong though!

  16. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    It would be awful! This is an adventure, not a love story where all the characters are falling in love with each other, for heaven's sake!

  17. Nuts4Narnia says:

    Yeah!! News! MLG..*thinking*.. Hmmm dont quit know what to think of it yet will have to wait for more updates
    Makes me want the movie to come out more than ever!!!!:P lol

  18. narniafan4ever ♥ says:

    Agreed! Just look at those eyes! And the smile! She is so cute!!!! 😀

  19. narniafan4ever ♥ says:

    haha…..agreed. 😀

  20. Boke_Wyrm says:

    I have been reading VDT over and two thoughts intrude. My horrible thought is that Gael takes over reading from Coriakin's book, and Lucy gets to be a bystander like she was for most of PC. That would be a cruel waste, but the film business is not called "Hollyweird" for nothing. My better thought is that Gael is a more substantial version of the girl 'fish-herdess' that Lucy sees in the water beyond Ramandu's island, just for a moment, but in that moment they become friends who will rush towards each other if they ever meet again. That story, I think I would like to see. We are already living in 'interesting times' but this should be an interesting year.

  21. Caspian says:

    Yeah, but this isn't book Eustace (or book Edmund, for that matter) that we're talking about. It's MOVIE Eustace. And we all know how MOVIE characters tend to fall in love with people they're not supposed to…*coughCASPIANXSUSANcough*

    EdmundxGael would be just as bad. She's way too young for him, though. And really, way too young for Eustace too (he turns 17 tomorrow…). *sigh* Oh Hollywood, what shall we do with you?

  22. Long Live King Skandar says:

    Um, guys. She's nine years old. She was eight when they were filming, like it says above. That would be like Lucy having had a crush on one of the fauns in LWW or something.
    But hey, at least we know we'd be ready for whatever comes our way 🙂

  23. MurtaghLuv says:

    So adorable. Well now we know a little more about MLG or now MLA

  24. Anonymous Narnian says:

    While we're at it, let's add some more letters… The SLMBSPMLGBWSDKTSOHR. The Slightly Less Mysterious But Still Pretty Mysterious Little Girl Because We Still Don't Know The Signifigance Of Her Role. I personally think it has a nice ring to it, don't you?

  25. Anonymous Narnian says:

    I'd actually think later… June, maybe?

  26. Son of Adam says:

    Yes she is very cute! 🙂
    I think if they just begin to do L.W.W. right now, she is also fit as Lucy, even though I like Georgie Henley too.

  27. narniafan4ever ♥ says:

    hahahaha!!!! That's funny. 😀

  28. So the mystery is finally solved.Success!

  29. Mac-bond says:

    You know, she is a cute little girl and all but, I agree with most of you more sensible folk around here, what in all tarnation does she have to do with anything in the film?!? I hope they don't have more going on here than people want to see. Still, I am excited about the film coming out this December, I would like to take all my siblings to see it. And I think SMLG means Solved Mystery Little Girl, maybe.

  30. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    I know that she is nine, but it seems to me that she looks quite a bit older in the movie clip than in her real-life picture. And you must remember, Eustace, Lucy, and Edmund are supposed to be about two years younger than they really are in real life. But the thought just occurred to me that Rhince is her father, and so any romance between Gael and whoever else would be under his eye, so that would add a sinister part to Gael's innocent character if this happened because Rhince would most likely disapprove of any romance. I think that if the producers added that factor, that would counterbalance the innocence of Gael, which seems to be why she's even there in the first place, if Long Live King Skandar is right.

  31. ASLANMAN says:

    I mean, she's really cute, but how does she fit in?
    this isnt like the book

  32. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    I tried to add letters but I couldn't- very funny! That's exactly who Gael is! At least, till the movie comes out!

  33. jen says:

    Can we say Caspian's daughter? I mean come on!! She is sooo cute!

  34. Alberto says:

    Well, she could be playing Lucy in that book she reads..about her life.

  35. Alberto says:

    Forget it just saw the video..she has to be Lucy's stand in and double.

  36. Mac-bond says:

    What video?

  37. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    That was a rather awkward comment as I think that we can safely assume that Caspian isn't married yet! And even if he was, it would be way too early for kids!

  38. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    There are several reasons why that cannot be true. First of all, Arabella is probably a foot shorter than Georgie. The body and stunt doubles need to be about the same size as the actors. Secondly, she has her own character name: Gael. Doubles do not have their own characters. Thirdly, the scene was not rehearsal: cameras were rolling. Fourth, Arabella was nine when they filmed and Georgie was fourteen. And lastly, Georgie and Arabella were wearing two completely different outfits. They could not have been portraying the same character even in rehearsal.

  39. narniafan4ever ♥ says:

    Haha….agreed! I think she will be really cute in the film, though. As long as they keep the same story line, I'm fine with her being in it. 🙂

  40. poop in my pants!!! says:

    she looks like a toilet bowl thats full of poop

  41. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    That was impolite. Please do not say such things on this site. Please take back that comment.