World Magazine Article on the Dawn Treader – Don’t Panic!

World Magazine on the Dawn Treader - Jan. 2010 We’ve received a couple panicky spy reports over the latest World Magazine article.

The article reads, “Fans worldwide worried they would never get a chance to see another installment of C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia make it to the big screen after Disney dumped the series—despite impressive earnings for the first two films. So it was good news for Christians and movie lovers everywhere when Fox, in conjunction with Walden Media, announced they would pick up the rights and begin production on Dawn Treader, the third book in the series.

Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, along with their prig of a cousin Eustace Scrubb, return to Narnia to accompany Caspian as he sails to the strange and mysterious Lone Islands to discover what became of the five lost lords who were his father’s faithful friends. Stars Ben Barnes and Liam Neeson.”

We are quite certain this is just a typo as every other summary includes all seven Lords, as well as having received photographic evidence that includes all seven Lords as well.

As one example, the close-up of the bell on board the Dawn Treader being carried by fauns shows at least six Lords from different angles and clearly enough room for the final seventh Lord.

Fauns carry a bell with carvings of the seven Lords - side 1

Fauns carry a bell with carvings of the seven Lords - side 1

Fauns carry a bell with carvings of the seven Lords - side 2

Fauns carry a bell with carvings of the seven Lords - side 2

Unless we hear otherwise from the production, all seven Lords should be in the movie.

Thanks to Jordon and Eustace for the heads-up!

94 Responses

  1. Starlily says:

    Oh yes, do that! I wish I lived down there!

  2. Tirian12 says:

    you can hardly call Prince Caspians earnings impressive.

  3. Narniamiss says:

    NEVER, NEVERRRRRRRR! (I'm a fanatic.) 😀

  4. myartismylife says:

    I have been down to the display at Movie World and counted the number of names and carvings on the bell and there are SEVEN LORDS. Lord Rhoop has lost his little arm and so I was able to use him as my starting point to make sure I counted correctly.

  5. myartismylife says:

    I am just repeating this. I have been down to the set at Movie World and I have counted the names and carvings on the bell and there are SEVEN LORDS. Lord Rhoop has lost his little arm and so I was able to start counting from him to make sure I counted correctly.

  6. Liberty Hoffman says:

    wow! that is good to know! I did panick for about two weeks… I can calm down! phew!!!! 😀

  7. Starlily says:

    That's good to hear! Thanks! But why is Rhoop missing his arm? I'm sure he won't lose his arm in the movie, but why is he missing it on the bell? Oh well, not very important.

  8. georgiehfan says:

    yeah when i got the magazine, i totally did a double take when i read that. i freaked out!! hopefully it is just a misprint.

  9. Shi of Narnia says:

    Oh good! They could not cut it to just 5 lords! That would be awful.

  10. Hannah says:

    Haha!! I gasped and freaked out and started pounding on my desk….them I read on and felt kinda stupid. Phew!

  11. redeemedqueen says:


  12. Bookwyrm says:

    It would be nice if these so-called "professional" writers would make an effort to do research when writing their articles. These are the kind of mistakes that could get one fired in other fields of work.

  13. Anonymous Narnian says:

    Hah… I read the article and didn't even notice the five lords thing until this story came up.

  14. LadyLiln says:

    I actually did panic for a slpit second.

  15. Eilonwy Arwen Kenobi of Narnia says:

    I almost had a heart attack…*winding down, panting*

  16. george843 says:

    Yeah I know! All we have to do is make sure we see it a bunch of times and get our friends and everyone we know to see it too and we'll be all set for the next movie!

  17. Saerwen says:

    PHEWY!!!!! I was scared for a secand. 🙂

  18. Anonymous Narnian says:

    You're right. It would be no more dramatic than seven islands reduced to five, and that's already happened.

  19. Waleed Sajjad Khan says:

    itd better b 7 lords – that wood b twisting da story 2 much!!

  20. Waleed Sajjad Khan says:

    why woood galma pledge 2 miraz??

  21. narniafan4ever ♥ says:

    Agreed! 🙂

  22. Starlily says:

    Maybe so Miraz wouldn't get mad at them. They wouldn't want him to attack them in retaliation.

  23. Duffleglum says:

    Why did world mag put this movie overview under:
    "movies to be aware of that you might not want to take your children to"?

    They reviewed the other two rather nicely….

  24. myartismylife says:

    There are seven lords on the bell. I counted them.

  25. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    Yeah, my family subscribes to that magazine and I noticed that right off the bat. I sent an email to the staff and got a response saying that it was indeed a mistake. The email was forwarded to the editor and the correction should appear in a future issue. Also, the article mentioned Prince Caspian as being the Pevensie's and Eustace's companion- they also should be correcting that in a future issue. The pictures are really good, although the picture of Skandar makes him look fat. 🙂 But it was probably just the angle.

  26. HighQueenofNarnia says:

    Yeah, so did I!

  27. Narnian-by-Heart says:

    "wew, almost lost my cool there for a second ;)lol. My heart fell to my feet like lead at first but then i came to my senses and thought "its just a typo silly!" lol.


  28. Emily says:

    I was wondering about that when I read the article. 🙂

  29. NarnianElf says:

    Hehe, the Great and Fearless Pug got scarred? Wow that really must have been frightening 😀 Although I must admit, my heart kinda jumped.

  30. Narnianheart says:

    OMG!!!!!!!!!! that is soo cool! I love all of those pics!!

  31. Well,for one I thought OMG they are changing everything in this film from the other ones
    for example; Harry Gregson Williams is not doing the music,why spare oom were Ben and skandar PRACTICING there fighting thing when,in the book THERE IS NOT ONE! wHO WAS THAT LITTLE GIRL THAT WAS JUMPING OFF THE BOAT IN THAT THING! That would totally damage the point of themovie if there were only 5 lords

  32. Waleed Khan says:

    OH yea i wuz watching prince caspian agen da other day with subtitles and saw it sed "galma pledges its troops" wen miraz wuz beeing crowned king 🙂

  33. Dernhelm of Rohan says:

    They may have said five, because Caspian and the children only find five lords still living; Restimar and Octesian were killed, as you'll recall. But it's still probably a typo.

  34. HighQueenofNarnia says: