Japan: Aslan Art Kit Sold with Advance VDT Tickets

If you live in Japan and want to order advance tickets from Toho Cinemas for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (opening on 25 Feb 2011), they currently include an Aslan Lace Wire Art Kit. It’s a set of four pipe cleaner type wires that you twist around one another to form the shape of Aslan. More pictures available here.
Thanks to Wlin and PeaceAndLove for the heads-up and Griffle for the explanation.

32 Responses

  1. LadyCourage says:

    Oh fun!! That is very cute! Lucky folks in Japan!

  2. violetfirekrazed says:

    lucky!!!! I wish I lived in Japan!!!!!!

  3. QueenLucy12 says:

    o my gosh that looks sooo cool! i Hope america does that for the tickets!

  4. Elf Maiden Archer of Rivendell says:

    Yay! 4th comment! That is sooo cool! I wish I could stop by Japan! Hopefully something interesting will happen where I live!

  5. Skandar4Lyfe says:


  6. Waleed Sajjad Khan says:

    Wow! I wish something extra and fun would happen in Chicago too!!!

  7. HighQueen_Of_LanternWaste says:

    Wow that's cool! Funny how everything Dawn Treader related is happening in non-English speaking countries first. Well not everything, but you know what I mean. Italy, Japan…

  8. pselpevensie says:

    so cool! wish the US had that!!!

  9. Lucy says:

    Well I'd say the people in Japan, art kit or no art kit aren't so lucky as we in America are with this movie. For us, we get to see it December 10th; according to this, they have to wait two months longer-poor things!

  10. Skilletdude says:

    Just what I've always wanted, a pipe cleaner Aslan! ;D

  11. GPLovesNarnia says:

    Oh, my gosh, that's my birthday!!
    Ha ha. 🙂
    This is one of those times that I wish I lived in Japan.

  12. Aslan's Country says:

    I do live in Japan.. and all you people, at least you get to see the movie on Dec 10th – I'd rather have that 😉
    Hmm.. getting this ticket/kit would be like admitting to myself that I do actually have to wait until February 25th.. 😛
    Still, it's kind of cool.

  13. Bethany Weathers says:

    Guys, It's pipe cleaners… I'm sure you can go online and find a website that will show you how to make a pipe cleaner Aslan… Just sayin'…

  14. Elf Maiden Archer of Rivendell says:

    Yeah, I remember you said you have to wait THAT long! Well, at least you get the kit! 😉

  15. coracle says:

    I had to wait an extra month to see Prince Caspian, and they didn't offer us any pipe cleaners! Humph!

  16. narnian resident says:

    haha, a pipe cleaner Aslan? wow, thats pretty funny. if i lived there i would just get the thing mainly for the tickets. i have a feeling this might influence America to do something special now. it would be a smart move, since this movie is going to be a popular hit. that way it could rack up more money for them, and satisfy some crazy die-heart narnia fans who would pay to have a pipe cleaner Aslan 😀

  17. narnia fan 7 says:


  18. Warrior 4 Jesus says:

    Pipe cleaners are awesome but I to have to laugh at the excitement. I guess Narnia fans go crazy for anything remotely Narnian. That said, I'm not sure it would be possible to find the instructions online – it's a Japan only product.

  19. Violamom says:

    "Oh my gosh–he's so cute!" "WHO SAID THAT??" 😛 (As long as they never make an Anime version of Narnia, they can do what they like in Japan.) I guess this falls under the category of "whatever it takes to increase awareness and interest in the film". It *does* seem like there's more going on overseas than in the US, though…*pouts*… <><

  20. narnime says:

    well violamom i actually love anime and would love it if they have narnia in anime( just saying) but anywho i wish i could go or live in japan, lucky kawaii(cute) people!!:)

  21. Fire Fairy says:

    Who cares about the pipe cleaners….I just want the Japanese VDT poster!!! That would be an awesome combination of two of my interests, Narnia and Japan!! Too bad the Japanese don't get to see it as soon as we do, though. I guess the Art Kit with the tickets are serving as a sort of consolation for having to wait so long.

  22. Violamom says:

    I had a feeling I might step on some toes with that one…for me, there is SOME anime out there that's worth watching (Full Metal Alchemist/Brotherhood, for instance), but most of it is filled with such ghastly overacting, wretched music and dorky Japanese humor that makes no sense, the thought of our beloved Narnia being subjected to such a style makes me cringe. IF they could dub it halfway decently, and if they could compose music that actually goes with the story, and if they could make it NOT look like some Saturday morning cartoon, then I might support it. I'm open to persuasion if you can make a good argument for it. (And your screen name is perfect for the topic!) 🙂 <><

  23. Violamom says:

    Ergh…that all came out sounding pretty harsh and rude. I'm sorry. That's just how I honestly feel. But I meant it when I said I could be persuaded otherwise. I really am interested in hearing what makes you love anime so much, and why you think it would work with the world of Narnia. 🙂 <><

  24. Warrior 4 Jesus says:

    Fair go. Most of anything is crap, so it would make sense that much of anime and manga is also in that boat. That said, I'd love to see Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli's take on the Narnia stories. I think they'd do an excellent job with the material.

  25. Bethany Weathers says:

    But it's a lion… and here's a website that will show you how to make it:


  26. narnime says:

    i love anime cuz all my friends do and i dreamt that i would be the next person to make it you know. all though its based upon japanese stuff would you like to see skandar in anime form *sighs* so i hope i can make it-but i have to keep dreaming cuz im only 14. hey, maybe we can be friends( no bad feelings or whatever they say lol!) oh by the way my fav anime is yuri(strawberry panic, kannazuki no miko, candy boy, aoi hana, innocent lovers, and mai-hime(mai is actually my middle name lol!):)

  27. narnime says:

    hey violamom its narnime i hope u can reply back soon. i just want to know are you a girl or boy(man or woman) cuz im a girl who's 14 and in love with narnia and anime(plus a guy that might come back to my school *screams with joy*) and i wonder can you give me advice to tell him i like him or that he might like me plus we can talk about narnia and anime too!!!

  28. Warrior 4 Jesus says:

    Narnime, be careful with Yuri. The genre may look exciting but it's deceptive and harmful. Just looking out for you.

  29. Warrior 4 Jesus says:

    Okay, it seems you proved me wrong.

  30. narnime says:

    thanks Warrior 4 Jesus, i actually just watch or read it but i know it doesn't effect my personal feelings you know(since i am like in like(cant really say love) with a guy named joshua townsend)and i also well i need to get back in touch with God since i haven't

  31. narnime says:

    been quite talking to Him lately. Its sad and I kind of you know miss Him cuz He is the way the Truth and The Light!!

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