Soundtrack Cover-Art!

As we reported on Tuesday, David Arnold’s score for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is now available for pre-order on  They have now added an image of the potential cover-art, which shows a majestic Aslan looking out through a curtain of snowflakes.  Unfortunately we’re still waiting to hear the titles of the tracks on the CD.

You can preorder the soundtrack here. It’s currently $10.99 in the US.

Thanks to A_Narnian_Ship and Aslan’s Meadow for the heads up.

101 Responses

  1. Queen Su says:

    This is such a beautiful picture! I absolutely love that Aslan is front and center. I can't wait to hear the music.

  2. Eustace says:

    That is such a orignal cover and so not like the others. I like it.

  3. Lylanarniafan says:

    Wow esto se ve impresionante!!
    podemos ver la más grande de ASLAN

  4. Queen Elizabeth says:

    I am totally going to paint this!!!!

  5. Daniel says:

    Wow! Wonderful art!

  6. Aslan's Meadow says:

    Wow, a lot of people like it? Didn't see that coming.
    I personally am quite dissapointed in it. It is a LWW cover is I ever saw one. Snow? Really? because snow has a 5 minute screen time doesn't mean it should be on the cover. I do love Aslan, but he's been on it like that before. I was really hoping for something a little more modern, darker/bolder colors. Some more images. Plus the flurry/foggy look just isn't the best.

    Don't get me wrong, I do like the cover (kinda) but I was hoping for something way better. Anyone else agree?

  7. Ugly Pig says:

    It's a nice looking cover, IMO, just not very relevant for VoDT.

  8. WarriorOfNarnia says:

    You paint? COOL!

  9. WarriorOfNarnia says:

    Have you painted other Narnia pictures?

  10. WarriorOfNarnia says:

    Yup! I agree. Maybe the Dawn Treader or Edmund, Eustace, Lucy and Caspian doing…something. I soon as I saw it I thought, "LWW!" Be more original!!

  11. MinotaurforAslan says:

    This would have been a great cover for LWW. It makes no sense as a cover for VDT.

  12. Sir Jack says:

    *want this CD!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BADLY!!*

  13. DragonGirl28 says:

    Beautiful picture, but what does snow have to do with VDT? Seriously? I do like it though…very pretty.

  14. WarriorOfNarnia says:

    I really want to hear the score too!

  15. Silver the Wanderer says:

    Agreed there – it's pretty, yes, but it looks more like LWW than VDT. Still, I'd rather have this Aslan than the Aslan on the movie poster…

  16. dramaticalmama says:

    Aslan looks so real … I wish I could meet a lion.

  17. Cynical Narnia Fanboy says:

    Awesome! VDT is all about Aslan-especially at the end-more so than the other books, so that's a fitting cover…I wonder if the movie cover will be similar?

  18. narnia fan 7 says:

    That look like LWW art not VDT.

  19. dramaticalmama says:

    Goodbye, lucy and edmund! I can't believe you're not coming back! I'll miss you two so damn much!

  20. ~queenSUSAN~ says:

    absolutely GORGEOUS cover art BUT….this is a sea adventure, not a Christmas musical! lol

  21. narnian at heart says:

    ok iloveit! I think it really fits in with VDT. imean the whole point of this voyage is to stop the white witch from coming back! She has to do ALOT with snow right??? So thts were the snow all fits in with this! Its greatILOVEIT!;D

  22. Edson07bs says:

    This is a good art. The second official poster dissapointed me, but this cover to the soundtrack is amazing, Aslan looks majestic.

  23. KnightofNarnia says:

    Did you ever consider that those might be stars, not snowflakes? I personally think that they are stars, since snow does not have anything to do with the Voyage of the Dawn Tread.

  24. KnightofNarnia says:

    Did you ever consider that those might be stars, not snowflakes? I personally think that they are stars, since snow does not have anything to do with the Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

  25. KnightofNarnia says:

    Oops…did not mean to double post this. Oh well. 🙂

  26. Jill says:


  27. Louloudi the Centaur says:

    Even though the snow is beautiful, I was also hoping for a Dawn Treader in the background. But it is the music that counts.

  28. Amazingly beautiful cover! My only objection is that he looks disturbingly like Jadis here.

  29. Nick says:

    Esperemos que se hace más hincapié en el rey Aslan en esta película. Creo que ha estado un poco ausente de las dos anteriores.(Es decir, Él está ahí, pero parece ser un buen aliado, y no necesariamente el gran rey)

    Hopefully there will be more emphasis on Aslan as the King in this movie. I think that has been missing from the previous two. (that is, he is there, but seems to be a good ally, and not necessarily the great king)

  30. Nick says:

    Lo siento por mi español malo. Estoy aprendiendo.

  31. glumPuddle says:

    Weird. Looks just like the shot of the White Witch in the ice in the PC movie. Only…Aslan.

  32. andres says:

    hola alguien sabe las fechas de estreno a nivel internacional de esta pelicula,especialmente en venezuela, de verdad la espero con ansias

    hi somebody knows the international realeases dates of this movie,especially in venezuela, really i anticipate most

  33. valiant says:

    Are they rereleasing the LWW soundtrack? That looks pretty interesting….

    Oh wait, no, its the VDT soundtrack…with snow..:/

    It doesn't reflect the movie at all. I thought it would be similar to the posters. It doesn't have the DT or anthing that should reflect the movie. Yes Aslan is there, and I'm happy about that, however he should be featured in every movie/soundtrack cover really. There needs to be elements that distinguish each soundtrack.

    If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that they are rereleasing the LWW soundtrack with new cover art.

  34. valiant says:

    I know its just soundtrack cover art, and I should really care. But its not justthe cover art I care about. I think this just continues the pattern of weird posters and marketing material that has been released.

  35. Queen Susan the Gentle says:

    This is really neat. I hope the music is as good as the first two!

  36. valiant says:

    Argee with this 🙂

  37. narnian resident says:

    this is gorgeous! i just love how Aslan is only on it 🙂
    ….but, i dont really get the snowflakes. why didnt they relate it to VDT? why didnt they have an ocean theme? that doesnt really make sense.
    oh well, its looks beautiful none the less!!

  38. narnian resident says:

    …….um, i just have to say, the point of this voyage is not to stop the white witch. sorry, but i just had to say that! because thats not true, she's just apparently in there at some moment, but they go on this voyage to find the seven lords. im sorry! i'm just too much of a die-heart fan to let it by 😛

  39. narnian resident says:

    yeah, it doesnt really make sense at all. what i had imagined was a beautiful shot of the Dawn Treader and Aslan like behind it or to the side. now that would be great! it would look so amazing to have just those two images on it, and with the ocean of course, because those are the two most important images of this story.

  40. Josh says:

    I think those are stars, not snowflakes.

    Stars make sense because they are sailing to the end of the world in the movie and because of Lilliandil.

  41. Loyal Narnian says:

    Remember in the VDT trailer Lucy is with the book of spells at the Magician's house and it is snowing? Maybe it snows in the room right before Aslan shows up or something.

  42. Winged says:

    A beautiful cover,but I was hoping for the DT to be featured. We've already seen Aslan like this on the LWW cover.

  43. StevoBaggins says:

    Not sure if I'm interpreting narnian at heart right, but I think I detected some sarcasm with the mention of the White Witch. 🙂

  44. StevoBaggins says:

    Looking at the picture again after reading the comments, I agree with some comments. I think those are stars. Stars would make much more sense for VDT, and it also gives an idea of Aslan watching over and being the ultimate guide for the voyage. I like that idea.

  45. Embrace says:

    Aslan was the one who got rid of all the snow in the first one remember… ?
    It´s good anyway because we just got our first snow here today as a funny coincidence! 🙂

  46. Bookwyrm says:

    Maybe it's water bubbles. Caspian's temptation is he's tempted to kill Aslan in revenge for his parents' deaths. So he's trying to drown Aslan. By running him over with the DT.

  47. dramaticalmama says:

    48 days … oh I can't wait!

  48. Pepper Darcy says:

    squee! What a beautiful picture. This movie just gets better and better! 😀

  49. Aslan's Meadow says:

    Hola, no estoy seguro acerca de la fecha de lanzamiento, pero debemos conseguir esos pronto. Yo no estaba muy contento con Aslan es el único en el frente, pero tal vez Nick; es lo correcto. Narnia es sólo allí, porque de Aslan. Tal vez mi forma de pensar va a cambiar?

  50. narnian1 says:

    I'll be buying the soundtrack, as I've bought the other two- but I don't like the cover art for this movie. I was hoping for something simple with the Dawn Treader on it, as it should have been.

    At least it's not crowded like most posters.

  51. Starlily says:

    You took the words right out of my mouth! It's a lovely picture of Aslan. I've never associated VDT with snowflakes, and I'm a little bugged that they're emphasizing Christmas when it always seemed more of a summer movie to me (LWW and SC are more suited to Christmas), but I still love the picture. And I agree with Eustace that I like the originality of it. Very nice. 🙂

  52. Aslan's Meadow says:

    It could be stars, bt like most of the people commenting, If it's stars, it gives the impression of snow. I wish it were stars, but it's made in a way to look like a flurry. OH! If they wanted to do stars, they should have made the backround a deep midnight black, and Aslan a vibrant gold with stars AROUND ASlan and not in front of him. THAT would be awsome!!!

  53. TumnusTheBrave says:

    This soundtrack cover looks like it was made for LWW. But i still like it. it can go with VDT.

  54. Griffle says:

    That's….weird. Would've preferred the theatrical poster artwork actually, and I'm not a big fan of that.

  55. Griffle says:

    Right, what's up with the snow? I'm pretty sure this is just temp art though. It has to be.

  56. Sonny says:

    Actually, I think it looks more like water spray; It looks to me as if Aslan has just burst through the water and the droplets are flying toward the "camera." I will say that's what it is and be happy. 🙂

  57. Annabeth says:


  58. aragorn2 says:

    It does look nice but I wish it had the Dawn Treader or something uniquely from the VDT, this cover would have been better for the LWW

  59. Queen Su says:

    I know what you mean about the snowflakes…you'd think they would have done that for LWW. I still love how they did it though.

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