Micheal Flaherty on Dawn Treader’s Box Office and the Undragoning

Just in time for today’s Blu-ray/DVD release of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, ChristianityToday has posted an interview with Micheal Flaherty, Walden Media president. Flaherty reiterates that they are making The Magician’s Nephew next because they believe it will draw the largest audience. When asked about Dawn Treader‘s box office performance, he says “international box office was so strong—three times the domestic. We always look at these things from the international standpoint, that cumulative number.” At the end, he says they take the opinions of the “Narnia police” most seriously.

A couple highlights:

On the undragoning: “What’s interesting is that when you read the book, you actually don’t see that scene; Eustace just recounts it when he gets back in the boat. We wanted to show it, but what we ended up doing was reinforcing that message when Eustace says later, “No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t do it myself. And then he came towards me. It was a good hurt.” Visually, I was pleased with it. But yes, there was a response where people wanted to see lion paw firmly placed in dragon flesh and ripping it off. That was a common disappointment.”

On Aslan’s dialogue at the world’s end: “With all the Aslan parts, particularly the dialogue, there’s always a very spirited and healthy discussion, and generally any time there’s a discussion, the tie goes to C. S. Lewis. So we always come to the agreement, ‘Listen, let’s not think that we can reinterpret this and do a better job than Lewis. If we disagree about this, if people think there are different ways to say this, let’s just make sure we preserve what Lewis said.’ That’s a mistake we made with Prince Caspian, where we changed Aslan’s dialogue with Lucy.”

Read the full interview

228 Responses

  1. Mayor Wilkins says:

    What can I say? You're right. When you're right, you're right.

    "YOU constantly gripe about the people who "constantly gripe". Isn’t that a form of negativity that YOU should 'let go of?'"

    *face blush*
    What can I say? I'm sensitive. These movies are something a very much love.
    I get upset when people on a movie fan site tear it to shreds.
    There's nothing more I can say. You do have a point.
    Maybe I really should just ignore it.
    It's a shame though that there is so much in-fighting here between people. And this time I include myself. There seems to be a lot of back and forth fighting. What can I say? It bothers me.

  2. Sad-girl says:

    I'm pretty sure none of the narnia movies will do good with the audience unless all of the pevensie children are in it. 🙁 that leaves us with horse and his boy and last battle.

  3. Queen Susan the Gental says:

    I'll miss the Pevensies too but in the last battle, sniffle, Susan isn't in it. She turns away from Narnia and Aslan! I can't belive that she doesn't believe!
    (by the way, I REALLY like the Horse and His Boy. It's my favorite book beside the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe!)

  4. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    haha, i won them at Regal theater. The had a Narnia contest thingy and i was the only one that entered (i'm not reep's FANGIRL for nothing ;)) and so i won a basket with all three Narnia posters, movie passes, the Narnia Silly Bandz :D, and other cool stuff, like my Aslan shirt 🙂

  5. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    it must b fate! It's your destiny to buy it!!!! 😀

  6. Pepper says:

    You think you'll be satisfied with a DVD player forever? Just wait till you get a nice big flatscreen, then you'll wish you'd gone ahead and gotten the Blu-Ray combo packs.

  7. Pepper says:

    Yes, of course He is in our world too. And yet some people *cough* Liam Neeson *cough* don't realize what his "other Name" is.

  8. Pepper says:

    Even if they do wait so long as to have to re-cast, there's no shortage of spoiled brat kids, surely they can find one that looks and sounds like Poulter. 😉

  9. BFF of Aslan says:

    I don't know if you'll get this ever, but I'll put in my two cents, Peter, about the Suspian issue. I can't say you've changed my mind. I must say, though, you've hurt my feelings quite a bit. You pointed out everything above just like Eustace would have before he was redeemed. And it really, really, really hurt to have you talking about Peter in such a horrific way. Peter Pevensie is my favorite character of all of them and I believe that Andrew did an excellent job on writing his lines, and William delivered them very well.

    Tears sprang to my eyes during my first read-through of your reply.

    Don't hold that against me please.

    PC is my favorite movie of all of them. But you are entitled to your own opinion.


  10. Hiking Peter says:

    So, I'm thinking, the Clawing scene if they put it in there, would make me think Aslan wasn't as nice as the other movies and books lead us to believe. (he is good although not tame.)

  11. Sad-girl says:

    I love the horse and his boy 😀

  12. Cross Trainer says:

    it is possible that Anna Popplewell could be in Last Battle. They could have a shot where the setting changes and shows how she lives in contrast to believing in Narnia, or they could have a conversation between her and one of the brothers where she goes, "do you all still believe those games we used to play? how childish" or something like that. We'll never know until we see. Optimism 🙂

  13. Bob says:

    blah blah blah blah blah. Religion is on the way out, fact is on the way in, and Narnia can survive without all the bible thumping. It's a story, not a sermon.

  14. Jake says:

    I think they succeeded (mostly) in capturing the spirit of Dawn Treader the book in Dawn Treader the film. They certainly did a much better job than with Caspian, and in my humble opinion, they captured the characters even better than they did with TLTWTW.

    Just my two cents. 🙂

    God bless and save them all!

  15. stateofgreen says:

    @High Queen Shelly Belly…can we really know that they won't recast?

  16. stateofgreen says:

    @Holly–That is so completely true! With LWW the additions were the fewest. And when they did add something, like the frozen river scene, it moved the story forward/enforced the existing story/plot rather than completely disrupting it.

  17. Non-negotiable Comment says:

    Mayor Wilkins, I do understand your frustration. I can speak only for myself, but I say this with the utmost sincerity, and I hope you believe me. When I criticize any aspect of these films, it is never with the intent to upset, inflame, or belittle anyone who likes something I don't. I encourage you, and everyone else who may not share my views, to embrace anything in life that you're convinced you love, and hold on to it dearly. In fact, if there were no films left to make in this series, I would, by default, probably have to agree with you as to the pointlessness of it all. But, that's just it: there ARE more films to be made, and I think, in some small way, legitimate, impassioned criticism can MAYBE make a difference for THOSE films. You never know who might be reading this, and it's important that, in whatever way we can, this community expresses itself, clearly and consistently, regarding what we like, and do NOT like, about the films. I know many, many people are satisfied with the 'Dawn Treader' film. That's perfectly fine. Unfortunately, I cannot accept that the film was, in any way, a worthy adaptation, or a quality product of the cinema.

    'Wardrobe' was imperfect, but oh, so beautiful. I adore it to this day, and I can happily live with its flaws. 'Caspian' tried its darnedest to surpass its rather barren premise. For the most part, I think it is a shockingly admirable adaptation of the most difficult to conceptualize (and dullest) of the books. Did it move me? Not really. Was some of it totally wrong? Actually, a lot of it was. But, I still can't help but admire what Adamson was able to do with it. Technically, it's easily the best of the three films. There's merit to the film, without it being especially endearing or memorable. I give it a respectful nod of the head, without really caring if I ever see it again. And, yes, Moonwood, the accent was "totally stupid". I know, I know.

    'Dawn Treader' was just a marathon of disappointment, shock, disbelief, and near complete disillusionment. It was everything I didn't like about the first two films, but amped up ten times, and without even a cursory attempt to restrain the level of contempt with which the screenwriters seemingly regarded the spirit of honour and nobility at the heart of the story. As a fan, it broke my heart (yes, I have one). It not only broke it, it put it in a blender and made coronary smoothies with it.

    Despite our differing opinions, that doesn't mean we can't find common ground. When I point out what I perceive to be the flaws of the production, it's not to beat anyone over the head, or because I love the sound of my keyboard clacking. What I'm trying to convince people of, and I readily admit that it's often a losing battle, is that, regardless of one's level of satisfaction with 'Dawn Treader' (or either of the previous films), it could have been so much better! These films can STILL be so much better. I just think that this fan base has been shamefully, consistently, taken for granted by the film's producers, and the… passivity… of the reaction here often saddens me.

    I desperately wanted to love all of these films, equally and completely. The truth is, these films have not loved us back as much as we have wanted to love them. In fact, after this last chapter, I think it's verging on an abusive relationship. In short, I gots me some beefs.

    Regardless, I just want people to CONSIDER the possibility that we can demand more. I really think that if you carefully read what I, and others, have to say about our disappointment, that, eventually, you will come to appreciate that the criticism comes from a good place, and that we just may have a point, occasionally.

    This is a very lovely little community, and despite what many think of me, I am not here to "poison" the atmosphere. Yes, Queen Shelly, you are right. This is a fan site. I am a fan. I LOVE these books. LOVE 'EM. I just want so badly for them to be treated better than they have been thus far.

  18. claireyy says:

    I don't think they need to change anything in MN, and I don't want them to change anything really. haha. MN has a nice storyline that can include lucy or eustace in it if they want and still can follow the orginal story.
    I am nervous for MN.

  19. Mayor Wilkins says:

    Thanks, Non-negotiable.
    I think we do indeed share some common ground.
    Hopefully, "The Magician's Nephew" will be made a better film if indeed folks are reading these points. 😉 "Magician's Nephew" has so much going for it.

    I'm sorry if I "go off" on people sometimes. I just have become so tired of having to refute criticism and defend what I love. My passions get the better of me. That said, I realize that it's not all bad. There are many people on here that I do enjoy having discussions with. 😉

  20. Mayor Wilkins says:

    Try not to be nervous just yet.
    Changes here or there are inevitable.
    But "MN" will probably be a little easier to translate onto the screen (as opposed, for example, to "PC"), and that should result in less changes to the overall narrative.

    If they get Tilda back to play Jadis, I'll be happy. 😉 That said, there are certain things they really must include in "MN" (in ADDITION) to Tilda Swinton) to get a passing grade from me. For example:

    1. The Bell and the Hammer
    2. Jadis witnessing the creation of Narnia–and hating it.
    ***3. The temptation with the Silver Apple.**** (A big MUST for this)
    4. Aslan's tears when it comes to Digory's mother.

    These are just a few things. I think I'm going to re-read the book before the film comes out, of course.

  21. Mayor Wilkins says:

    "Barney the Purple Dinosaur of the Caribbean."

    Funny. 😛

    Except that I very much liked both Eustace Dragon and The Sea Serpent special effects very much.
    I also have to agree with Non-Negotiable on the points of "MN."

    Just my two cents. I think "The Magician's Nephew" has the greatest potential of the remaining books to be as good as "LWW" was if put into the right hands. The core story is solid and would make for a smooth transition onto the big screen. It is not hard to adapt. And it has a small cast for much of the picture.

    The two kids, Jadis and Uncle Andrew for the most part until all the Narnian stuff begins to happen in the middle. That kind of story, with only a few key players, should be easier to follow and could potentially make for interesting relationships.

  22. Kelly says:

    Nice to know the produers can admit that they went wrong with PC. After reading this, I'm glad they kept the World's End dialogue with Aslan the same. It stil seems strange to have MN next, but if it gets more money for the rest of the series, then I'm happy. 🙂 I hope they stick to the book more with MN, like they did with LWW.

  23. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    haha, yeah really, High Queen Shelly Belly. I have a LITTLE bro, so the choice of game might b a little different 😉
    Haha, you know i'm just kidding 🙂
    eww, it's kind of scary to think of him as my… *gulp* BROTHER. I mean, ik what u mean and stuff, but still…
    And by the way, what does hating Justin Bieber have to do with Eustace being undragoned? Are we saying Justin Bieber should turn into a dragon? Uh…

  24. Not Of This World says:

    LOL! 🙂 I hope that the Easter Bunny brings it to us on Easter (I have two younger sibbilings 🙂 ).

  25. glumPuddle says:

    Interesting that he says they take the opinions of fans most seriously. Because fans overwhelmingly voted to make SC next.

  26. nic says:

    There's a difference between being interested in what is said to automatically agreeing, just like in reading and writing.

  27. farsight-mssngr says:

    YUP, YOU'RE right! making a movie is a very serious thing and it takes long time to finish it. So they must start casting for MN and start producing it!

  28. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    haha, i have one younger sibling. 🙂
    However, i do not think it is a question of AGE but of MATURITY when it comes to the Easter bunny (and Santa, too). I obviously fail the maturity test. I just want VDT on DVD and candy! 😀

  29. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    I totally agree. I think the scene showed Aslan's majesty and radience as a lion and as the King of Narnia. Simply by leaving a mark in the sand/ roaring, he can totally change a dragon into a boy. I think it almost shows, and i hope this doesn't sound cheesy ;), that if you submit yourself to Aslan, he can renew you help you become a better person.

  30. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    ik!!!!! the first time i saw it in theaters, i was with my best friend, and she's not the kind of person that can cry over a movie, if you guys know what i mean. 😉
    But I myself was totally trying to keep myself from sobbing and when "There's A Place For Us" came on, I figured my efforts were pointless. 😉 I mean, "There's a place out there for us/ more than just a prayer/ or anything we've ever dreamed of"? That just about does it.

  31. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    yes, true, I agree. Sometimes, though, i feel like other people are being… "put down" by others because they're "a secular audience" or "they just don't understand". I don't mean to point fingers at anyone, i really don't, but sometimes i just wonder…

  32. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    Ah, well, Mayor Wilkins, it is a fallen world. Therefore, not all of us can truly appreciate Narnia to it's fullest extent. 😉
    I do get your point, however, it's sad that people totally shred the movies AND others apart as well, due to opposite oppinions, etc. I do appreciate your passion for Narnia, Wilkins, you want what's best for Narnia, and I appreciate that. 🙂

  33. reepicheep's_fangirl says:

    stateofgreen- no, we cannot be sure, but we CAN hope that her majesty High Queen Shelly Belly is right (great name, btw! ;)). Hoping is the most we can do right now. And besides, maybe we want Will to look a LITTLE older for SC, i mean, there's make up in hollywood, guys 😉
    And Pepper, Will Poultler himself is a very sweet guy, almost anyone that has ever interviewed/worked with him will agree. I find it rather amusing that such a sweet person could act like such a brat. I think that illustrates PERFECTLY what an amazing actor he is. 😉

  34. Mayor Wilkins says:

    I kind of love the assumption that choosing "Magician's Nephew" over "The Silver Chair" was an easy decision for them to make. If you remember, Douglas Gresham and Michael Apted (though he knows less) both said the leading opinion was that "Silver Chair" come next. Add to that the indicators that Eustace would come back, etc…

    They probably wrestled with what to do for a while. Ultimately they chose the one they think is going to make them the most money. Sorry, but they do have to think about money with these ventures. And all those connections to "SC" in "VDT" can be made when that film is made later.

    But to assume they just said "Ooh, 'Magician's Nephew'" is kind of silly. I highly doubt that's how it happened. I also believe they do value the opinion of the fans. But ultimately they chose the movie that would make the most profit. More profit means the likelihood of finishing the whole series.

    Yes, I want "MN" next. I've made no secret of that. But I think it probably came down to this….

    "SC" which could potentially bomb…… and then nothing…..
    Or "MN," which features two of the most iconic characters and a story that ties into the most popular book (and movie), which might be a big success… and then they decide to finish all seven.

    I'd rather have them make all seven than just make a so-so book like "SC" into a so-so movie and scrap the series.

  35. Not Of This World says:

    LOL 😀 I agree 🙂

  36. Moonwood says:

    I think you are correct ( I do like VDT, but it is nearly offensive that it was not way way more–plus Aslan scenes cut out !?!? ) It is important to respectfully make known the aspects of the movies we didn't like, for as you wrote, we do not know who may be reading. I think it would be cool if you, I, and Mayor ( and anyone els for that matter ) would work on a concise list of aspects of MN that we feel would be unacceptable to change. Mayor and I started one a while back; at the very least it will be fun to make.
    At best it would show up on the forum often enough ( as we contribute, argue, and whittle it down… ) that there is a chance a producer will see it ( JOHN CLEESE AS UNCLE ANDREW !! )–sorry– as the general opinion of the book fan base, and take it into consideration…

  37. Not Of This World says:

    Dragon or not, Justin Bieber's voice sonds the same to me 🙂

  38. Moonwood says:

    I also, LOVE these books…

  39. Moonwood says:

    The flash of a thousand stars suddenly appearing, while joining aslan’s song in their icy voices

    ‘We are the empress Jadis’
"A voice in the crowd at the lamp-post calls Jadis ' Hempress of Colney ‘Atch ' Can’t you see the look on Jadis’ face when they all start laughing ?

    The flash of fire ( that burns nobody ) that turns Narnia’s dumb beasts into beasts that are self aware!

    Digory’s temptation by Jadis to eat the fruit of life, and noticing her face now very pale, with that messy stain of fruit around her mouth…

    We MUST see good color on Jadis’ face until she eats the fruit ! —She is not the White Witch yet

    The creation of life must look like it is a direct result of Aslan’s voice

    A faithful, word for word account of the first face to face between Digory and Aslan

    The answer to the comment that Aslan could have supplied them with food for the journey: ( paraphrased ) ‘I think he likes to be asked'

    Mayor :
    1.) I love the moment when Jadis listens to the song/music of the lion and understands it is a magic stronger and different than her own, and so says, "This is a terrible world, we must fly at once. Prepare the magic." I CAN NOT WAIT to see Tilda’s face at this particular moment. I’m sure it’ll be fantastic. Maybe the same kind of thing as her "Impossible" face, only with a lot more anger in it?

    2.)*** The garden temptation of Digory. No question, this MUST be included, pretty much as close to the book as possible. I know Tilda could pull this off. We have seen her temptations in "PC" and "VDT" and they were extremely effective. Just put an apple in her outstretched hand and you’ve got a good start. The Bell and the Hammer

    Aslan’s tears when it comes to Digory’s mother.

    Moonwood says: –this last is a very important image !
    Aslan has not yet touched the children's foreheads with his tongue, either… This is such a lovely display of affection.

  40. Matt Taylor says:


    The Chronicles of Narnia movie theme on guitar ^ 🙂 Some of you may have seen before.

  41. I agree with you stateofgreen about what you said about not having the right crafts people for the movie, I'm just saying that lack of time was one of the reason why VDT wasn't as good as it could of and should of been.

  42. Mayor Wilkins says:

    This is very cool. 😉

  43. Matt Taylor says:

    Haha cheers. Heard before? Thought I may aswell promote it some more, partly for views, partly because a great deal of people here on narniaweb would really like it XD

  44. Matt Taylor says:

    Would prefer 'Silver Chair' next, but would gladly take 'Magician's Nephew' 😉

  45. Mayor Wilkins says:

    Heard it before, yes. 😉
    Really nice job. 😀

  46. Mayor Wilkins says:

    ‘We are the empress Jadis’
"A voice in the crowd at the lamp-post calls Jadis ‘ Hempress of Colney ‘Atch ‘ Can’t you see the look on Jadis’ face when they all start laughing ?

    Oh yes!! Thousand times yes! Tilda will go nuts on all those guys. Can't wait. 😀

    Moonwood: We MUST see good color on Jadis’ face until she eats the fruit ! —She is not the White Witch yet

    Agreed. But I'm not too worried on this point. I'm sure Isis Mussenden (if she returns for costumes) will do something very special with Jadis's wardrobe. There may be an evolution from chain to ice or from rock and earth to ice. Sort of in reverse from what we saw happen in LWW. LWW moved from ice to chain. We may see the reverse as the film goes along. But she is not the white queen until she eats the apple. I don't think they will ignore this. Even Tilda has read this book, and I'm sure she knows that there is a progression from Empress of Charn to White Witch. 😉

    Moonwood, I think you and I are pretty much on the same page when it comes to "The Magician's Nephew." Cheers! 😉

  47. I really think if they go out of order it would ruin everything. Silver Chair all the way!!! I just ordered the 3 disk VDT too, it should come in soon 🙂

  48. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    Ionic, I read an article from 2001 in "THIS ROCK" magazine that said they were planning on making the chronicles in a more secular fashion to introduce the average audience to it. That's why the christianity is being downplayed. and when you do that to a christian book, they obviously got stuck on plot points and had to invent some more secular angles to the stories. Some people involved quit because of it and commented about it. It's just too bad they couldnt make the series in an earlier age when the christian storyline would have been respected.

  49. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    I cry buckets when i see the music video with all the clips!!

  50. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    and Aslan loves you! 🙂

  51. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    I choose Door number 2!!!!!

  52. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    maybe we should start a site where people can go unload about dispointing elements. if i was tech savvy i'd do it, but im not

  53. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    why, thank you fangirl! 🙂 state of green, i will bet you a dollar they won't recast. and i'll bet he has an an agreement signed to do sc if they produce it. believe me, they dont want to recast him.

  54. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    yes, that would be a positive action to take, and send copies to the powers that be also

  55. stateofgreen says:

    @High Queen Shelly Belly-interesting you say that because I had thoughts that if VDT had been made in the '60s it might have been a more faithful version.

  56. stateofgreen says:

    I'm hoping along with everyone one of you. 😉

  57. Not Of This World says:

    I really think you should put this on iTunes 🙂

  58. Matt Taylor says:

    Hehe perhaps an extended version sometime 😉

  59. Mayor Wilkins says:

    I think the most important scene to include would have to be Jadis tempting Digs in the garden with the silver apple. Tilda Swinton would totally rock that! I should say, that's probably at the top of MY personal list. 😉

  60. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    maybe it could open on thanksgiving