Flaherty: “Multiple Opinions” On Fourth Narnia Film

This Monday will mark two years since Fox/Walden’s The Voyage of the Dawn Treader hit theaters and ultimately performed below expectations in the United States, but pretty well internationally. At this point, most fans have accepted the fact that we should not expect to see another Narnia film made for some time (view our ‘Narnia 4’ summary page).

One of the reasons for the hold-up is disagreement about what the next step should be. Micheal Flaherty (Walden Media president) would like to make The Magician’s Nephew while Douglas Gresham (co-producer, Lewis’ stepson) favors The Silver Chair. Here is a clip from World Magazine‘s interview with Micheal Flaherty:

Q: So, with revenue going down and production costs remaining high, so what’s next for the Narnia movie series?
MF: There are multiple opinions on all this and a lot of different players: The C.S. Lewis estate, the studio, our company—and we’re not all of one mind. I would love to find a way where the economics work, acknowledging the decline. I’d like to do The Magician’s Nephew. Other people want to do The Silver Chair, and there’s disagreement about the economics and the overall vision of where the franchise should go next. My hope is that we may all become of one mind, but unless something providential happens there, I’m focusing on a number of other stories.

Q: So, at this moment, no deal?
MF: Nope.

Flaherty talks more about Narnia in the full interview.

Back in May, Douglas Gresham indicated there is a seven-year moratorium on producing any Narnia films outside of Walden Media. He also wants to make The Silver Chair next as an independent film.


427 Responses

  1. mixedfiction says:

    Oh my! How shocking that you almost thought of committing suicide! Keep your promise. Do you sometimes feel that you just want to die to leave this world and all your problems behind?
    I hope you continue finding something in your life to support you! ( I just sure hope you're not making this all up. )

  2. mixedfiction says:

    I don't want to presume too much, so…. are these narnians you talk about people on Narniaweb? And I pity that you're not a Narnian anymore, you used to sound so passionate about it.

  3. mixedfiction says:

    That song is so cool! It was perfect for the end credits. XD

  4. Farsight-messenger says:

    yes, the box-office of the hobbit is going stronger, you may want to read the description for further information. But still, I haven't watched The Hobbit. 🙁

  5. Lonely Mountain says:

    They are not here. I'm not going to expose their real name here.

  6. Lonely Mountain says:

    Yeah, that's before 2003, after that, I have never think about those foolish thing, I have made a promise.

  7. Lonely Mountain says:

    I almost listen to this song more than 20 times everyday, since the movie is released, and I'm listening on it now.

  8. Lonely Mountain says:

    As I have promise when I signed the Online Petition, I'll see it atleast 3 times, even if this movie disappoint me, I'll still see it 3 times, but I love it, then 3 times was an easy job.

  9. Lonely Mountain says:

    Yeah, giving up Narnia was really painful, but I don't want to become a crazy man, just do something while I still can do some control, before it was too late, good for my own mental health. But I still keep the 7 in 1 edition novel which with Aslan as cover. You know, actually these 3 movies have been done very different than my own imagination when I read them for 1st time, the whole tone is different. I imagined them in the way/tone like LOTR.

  10. Lonely Mountain says:

    I don't see you have any links here…

  11. mixedfiction says:

    I'm glad you do have some friends, people you can really talk to.
    I also keep all 7 books of one edition! But my edition is the one that has a different art on the covers. And I agree about the movies having been made very differently.

  12. mixedfiction says:

    Thank God for that.

  13. mixedfiction says:

    I replied to your post of the Song of the Lonely Mountain, along with a link to the youtube song, and to the dwarves' song in the movie. But for some reason that comment of mine won't show. 🙁

  14. Lonely Mountain says:

    No, I can't talk to them anymore, because I leave them, that's why I said I feel sorry to them, because I have no choice.

  15. Lonely Mountain says:

    Maybe it was about copyright, so they don't allow some post like this.

  16. Farsight-messenger says:

    Any Tolkien fans there?
    It's J.R.R. Tolkien's birthday!
    Happy Birthday Tolkien!

  17. mixedfiction says:


  18. mixedfiction says:

    I meant after DoS, it will only be half a year before TABA is released. I know DoS will be released next December (Dec 2013); and TABA will be released June/July 2014. So that's one year wait before Part 2, and one and a half before Part 3 (from the present).
    (DoS = The Desolation of Smaug
    TABA = There And Back Again)

  19. mixedfiction says:

    Happy Birthday Tolkien!
    (I'm a day late though.)

  20. mixedfiction says:

    Watch The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey! Why haven't you watched it yet? 😀

  21. mixedfiction says:

    Hihi. XD
    By the way, I think "Lonely Mountain" is the best nickname for you, and I like its sound.

  22. mixedfiction says:

    One more thing, why'd you leave them if they were your friends? And why do you say you have no choice?

  23. Lonely Mountain says:

    Errrr…. That's something I do not dare to talk about, I don't have enough courage for that. I wasn't leave them with purposely.

  24. Lonely Mountain says:

    Really? Thanks! ^^

  25. Lonely Mountain says:

    I'm a Hobbit, but I live in Rohan. ^^

  26. Lonely Mountain says:

    Ok, it was some mixed feeling, yeah, this need some courage, maybe I'm a coward.

  27. Lonely Mountain says:

    I don't know how to face it if failed.

  28. mixedfiction says:

    You're welcome! 😛

  29. mixedfiction says:

    Oh. Sorry.

  30. mixedfiction says:

    It's going to be an epic and dramatic moment when Thorin dies in the end. I can already picture Fili and Kili defending him until they die. Even in An Unexpected Journey their tie and relationship has been developed. 😀

  31. Anonymous says:

    Lonely Mountain – Read a few of your posts and it looks like you're pretty depressed. Here's a link that might help you. Please know that I'm praying for you and that God loves you, no matter what ever happens and no matter what you do.


  32. Lonely Mountain says:

    It was ok, I feel better today.

  33. Lonely Mountain says:

    Yeah, I can't wait to see Beorn and the Spiders. (:

  34. Lonely Mountain says:

    Actually, I know what I need, but…. I never get what I need. If GOD want to give me a test, then HE atleast have to give me enough strength, and HE know where the strength came from, I knew it, HE knew it. I'm not a toys.

  35. mixedfiction says:

    Hey Farsight-messenger, here's a sneak peak for you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCOUkpsYmsA
    It's no spoiler; it was officially released for drooling fans. 😛

  36. mixedfiction says:

    To Middle-earth fans out there, is this thing official? http://behance.vo.llnwd.net/profiles3/156056/projects/5679153/496dbd3578d251f8d808f4c4e1cddd80.jpg
    Or is it fan art?

  37. Lonely Mountain says:

    There's one other place which I always have a visit, but it's sad they have closed it on 2011, offial Hobbit community, when you sign up, you will get a blog for yourself, it looks a bit like Myspace, I really hope they didn't close it or change it, then I don't have to make this all disturb to Narniaweb, atleast there's another place I could go. Everytime I made this negative messages on Narniaweb, I just feel an uneasyness.

    To my old Narnia friends, I don't know is there any of you come here and found out who am I. There are once that I really believe in the LORD, and I always pray for what I want, but it never happen, especially something which I really need, which is very important to me, sometime I found it even getting worse when I pray.

    One more thing, I just don't know why you all did that to me. Until today, it make me very painful when I think about Narnia, because Narnia will make me think about you all, and recall those memories, that make me have to gave up the thing that I loved — Narnia. I always waiting for your apologize, but nothing happen, that make me have a bad image about some Christian, they don't even know what is right and what is false, ofcourse, not all Christians.

    When I'm still together with you all, I know I have done something not right, but I did say sorry, and I did many thing and try very hard to mend it, but seem like nobody care, even when I was in the hard time, when I need friends for that. Maybe you suspect my sincerity?

    That make so disappointed about friendship.
    By the way, I still want to say thank you to 1 person who was from Netherland, you are the 1st person who came to talk to me in my FB, I really thanks for that, before that I seldomly to have any conversation to any person, I always appreciated those friends that came to talk to me, before that I always to talk to others, then they will only reply me and talk to me by this way, this make me gained so much self confidence, I still remember you leaves your 1st message on the picture of Father Christmas. I still have so many words which I want to tell, but I think it's better I made a conclusion here. For Narnia and For Aslan!(Although I have begin to gave up Narnia)

  38. Lonely Mountain says:

    Sorry Narniaweb….

  39. Farsight-messenger says:

    Because I wanted to read the book first before seeing the movie. But Unfortunately, I don't have a book or a person to borrow from. 🙁

  40. Farsight-messenger says:

    This is also in the trailer.
    simple, powerful and really great! Listened it in silence but realized that it has been an epic time! thanks mixedfiction! 😀

  41. Lonely Mountain says:

    To Narniaweb, I hope you block me/my IP address, to prevent me to leave any further messages or comments, I can't guarantee about my attitude here, if you block me, I'll feel better and I'll thanks for that.

    Thanks for creating this Narnia fansite, it allow me to spent my time when I surf internet these year, since 2005.
    I do love Narnia.

    I hope you read my post, Narniaweb.

  42. GandalfSteve says:

    No God…No Peace!
    Know God…Know Peace!!

    John 3:17

  43. Jake says:

    I personally think they should just get rid of Flaherty and bring back Andrew Adamson, because Flaherty's work on Narnia botched up VDT, while Adamson tended to stick more closer to the books. ;D

  44. Lonely Mountain says:

    I think He only help those who believe HIM or worship HIM, and there are many others which is not a Christian in this world, other religions, they didn't pray to HIM, so HE ignore them?

    If I'm god, I'll help everyone which in problem, I don't care if they believe me or worship me or not, as long as they are good guy, I'll help them, and those evil person, I don't care if they believe me or are they a Christian, I'll still kick them out!

    Let's talk about Japan's earthquake, how many of them have sacrifice? HE don't even know how to help them, should we have to help others when they prayed, so others never pray just let them die? Is GOD blind or deaf? He can't see the people which need help? Or GOD himself was a selfish or a hypocrites?

    If I'm GOD, I don't want everyone sing to me every Sunday when they go to the church, especially something like Hillsong and everybody wearing clothe and make-up just like they are going to wedding ceremony, I like to be an equal friend.

  45. Lonely Mountain says:

    Narniaweb, I did it again, you want to stop me or not? Block me now.

  46. Ted C says:

    Farsight, they have these places called libraries where you can borrow books for free, as long as you return them.

  47. Anonymous says:

    Check out these verses. http://voices.yahoo.com/10-inspirational-bible-verses-strength-3628877.html?cat=34

    Main one: 1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV
    No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

    It always helps to pray for strength. Even then, sometimes we need to step out in faith, even when we KNOW we can't do it on our own and don't feel like we have the strength. God is faithful and will give us the strength to do the things He's called us to do.

  48. mixedfiction says:

    Maybe you could look it up on the Internet and download a copy. I hope you find one. 🙂

  49. mixedfiction says:

    Um, I clicked your link and I got a blank, white page. Hmm.. strange these links are.

  50. mixedfiction says:

    I don't think I quite understood what you said. Was I – or were we – cruel or mean to you? Do you mean that when you said sorry in some comments we/I didn't accept it? And what did you mean by "I always waiting for your apologize", did we do something wrong? Do I need to apologize for anything? (By "we" I mean we people on Narniaweb who answer you.)
    Sorry, but I just didn't get your meaning.

  51. mixedfiction says:

    Haha! Yes!

  52. Anhun says:

    I think they expected to break even in early DVD sales. If VDT had performed comparably to PC, they would have achieved that.

  53. bastian says:

    I really don't understand all the Gresham support. HE'S the one keeping the next movie from being made. Walden wants to hurry up and do The Silver Chair while they can still use the same Eustace actor, but Gresham is being tyrannical and basically saying "No, and if you don't agree with me, I won't let you make anymore movies." So because of Gresham we have to wait until Walden's rights run out in 2018. That seems pretty dumb.

  54. Farsight-messenger says:

    Did anyone noticed????

    George Lucas' Star Wars franchise was first released in 1977 then the sequel The Empire Strikes Back was released in 1980 and finally, The Return of the Jedi was released in 1983 concluding the Original Trilogy of the franchise…. After 16 years, Star Wars hits again in the big screen starting with The Phantom Menace in 1999, then Attack of the Clones in 2002 and in 2005, Revenge of the Sith to complete the saga of the franchise…..

    Now, the first film of Narnia franchise, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was released in 2005, following in 2008 with Prince Caspian and the latest in 2010, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. More than two years it's been after VDT hit the theaters, and now the future of the franchise is still in hold. But notice the franchise of Star Wars….. Well, yes: Will Poulter's age is the main problem of the franchise if SC will be next. Now, if they'll do The Magician's Nephew as the fourth one, they should do The Horse and His Boy next then The Silver Chair and The Last Battle to conclude the series…. Just so, Narnia should now be in pre-production and should be released in 2014 or 2015….

    This is just my opinion……. Any more thoughts about this?

  55. mixedfiction says:

    Whoa, you got me there. I never noticed! But if you're paralleling The Chronicles of Narnia with Star Wars, then the first of the next four Narnia films should be released sixteen years after VDT (2010)… Although this would be indeed very sad for us Narnians. If it would be so, then we'll have to wait until 2026! Oh dear! Think of all those years! If that will happen I'll be over 20 when the next Narnia comes out. 😐 But even if what I'm saying won't come true, it looks like we'll still have to wait a long time before the next film, if ever there would be one.

  56. Farsight-messenger says:

    I was saying "IF" and not telling that Narnia 4 should be 16 years after 2010. I'm saying that after years that Star Wars was concluded, they returned to the big screen with the prequel of it…. If they'll do this to Narnia, then it will explain how the world of Narnia was created and concluding on how Narnia will end. And I'm saying and hoping that Narnia 4 should be released sooner and should be before 2018… 🙂

  57. Narniajewel says:

    I think that Doug should stick to his guns. It's not just that he's the estate, but he's a very wise and educated man who understands the philosophy and theology involved with the stories as well as Lewis' remarks on the and stories. VDT was a train wreck theologically and PC had major character flaws that left so many treasures off the screen. In this liberal age, I'd welcome the estate's imput with directors, writers, producers, and the like. If the film can't be done right, it shouldn't be done at all. If they don't make it with his imput and creative control, I'm ok with them not making it at all. I love Narnia, but it needs to be Narnia. The last two films fell short. I don't blame Doug. I support him.

  58. velvet says:

    i saw the trailer, why is peter,edmund, susan , lucy & even caspian no longer included in the story?

  59. mixedfiction says:

    What trailer? What story?

  60. Farsight-messenger says:

    yeah…. what trailer? Narnia 4?