Will Poulter Would Be Down for Returning to Narnia

Will Poulter, who played Eustace Scrubb in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, recently sat down with British GQ to answer questions from the internet — including one from a fan requesting that Disney complete the Narnia film series.

Check out his response:

Poulter recently starred as Adam Warlock in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, which hit theaters this month.

Would you be interested in seeing Will Poulter return in future Narnia films? Share your thoughts in the comments below, or in the discussion forums.

10 Responses

  1. Icarus says:

    Given that Will Poulter is now 6 foot 3, thirty years old, and built like an NFL Linebacker, I think he might struggle to pass for a 9 year old schoolboy these days!

    Perhaps a cameo role would be a fun way to go though

  2. The Rose-Tree Dryad says:

    Anyone else think he might be a possibility for voicing Aslan?

  3. Cleander says:

    That could work if he cameos as someone else… I don’t think Eustace had matured that much, even in the Last Battle!

  4. jasmine_tarkheena says:

    I wonder if Will Poulter actually gets cast as King Tirian in The Last Battle. He might even play the adult version of Peter or Edmund at the end of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe or in The Horse And His Boy.

  5. coracle says:

    I can’t see Disney getting the job. They have no history in making Narnia movies, just distributing them. Walden Media won’t get the job again either.

    Will Poulter is an excellent actor, and I’d love to see him in another leading role in a future Narnia film.

  6. Eustace says:

    I could see see him as Rillian or something. Or perhaps they will take so long he can play Uncle Harold.

  7. Reepicheep775 says:

    I didn’t watch any of the trailers for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, so when Will Poulter suddenly showed up, it took me out for a couple seconds. What is Eustace doing here? It looks like he fell into the water at Deathwater. XD

  8. jasmine_tarkheena says:

    It might be interesting on what role Will Poulter will get in future Narnia films. He could possibly be Lord Peridan in HHB or even King Tirian in LB.

  9. EJH says:

    I’d love to see him play a role in future Narnia adaptions!

  10. Zee W. says:

    “Given that Will Poulter is now 6 foot 3, thirty years old, and built like an NFL Linebacker, I think he might struggle to pass for a 9 year old schoolboy these days!”

    Well don’t rule it out with today’s “digital makeup” – many movies have been made since then with actors portraying much younger versions of themselves…and the tech has only improved since then. Even his lines can be digitally reprocessed to take on his younger voice.