Louis Partridge NOT Cast in Greta Gerwig’s ‘Narnia’, Sources Confirm

Recent reports incorrectly claimed that Louis Partridge was cast in Greta Gerwig’s adaptation of The Chronicles of Narnia. NarniaWeb’s sources confirm this information is inaccurate.
Here’s everything we know about Netflix’s Narnia.
Update 9/3/24: Deadline and IMDB have removed all mentions of Partridge’s casting.
If the report were true, the bigger story to me would be that they were starting with The Magician’s Nephew!
So the industry-leading news website Deadline is incorrect? How does that work?
I thought this was a wild way to announce his casting. The deadline article wasn’t even about him and no confirmed sources just an “oh he’s going to be in Greta’s Narnia” so either they heard wrong or they just dropped the news way too early!
@ Kaitlyn Scrubb Less than two weeks ago, a user updated Narnia’s profile on IMDB which claimed Partridge and an actress were cast as roles in The Magician’s Nephew.
So I think it’s a matter of Deadline’s author checking IMDB to see what roles Partridge had upcoming, and posted without verifying the information.
Makes sense! The only evidence was IMDB listing him and I’m sure we all remember the Millie Bobby Brown as Jill Pole rumors that circulated. Crazy how no one thought to double check.
“21 Year Old Man not cast in role of 12 Year Old Boy” – shock
Well, it was fun while it lasted, and now it’s back to waiting for any drop of news. It’s been months!
I guess it didn’t really make sense anyways but I know Greta is going to assemble a great cast eventually. If those plans of filming early next year are still on the table, we should be hearing genuine announcements soon regarding the cast and crew.
To post one’s own work on IMDB requires a paid subscription. Somehow fans and oddbods still get in and post based on wishful thinking or mischief.
Are we even sure these movies are happening? Could we all just be collectively gaslit into thinking it’s gotten this far?
Every false report, just seems to add to this fear.
And another casting rumor bites the dust…
That’s why we learn to tell the difference between fact and rumor. There certainly things you shouldn’t take as fact.
Could it be that Greta is unsatisfied with the script and has been in the process of re-writing it? I don’t really know what else could be the reason for taking so long to get any news. All this secrecy around the project is a bit strange – for example why is it important not to reveal which book they are adapting?
RIP Deadline
@Aleksis, writers have to go through a lot of drafts to write something great. I’d be weirder if she wasn’t rewriting it.
@Col Klink I know. It kind of makes sense to rethink what you write, doesn’t it? I was merely giving a somewhat obvious explanation for the uneventful spell that has been going for months (and which might extend to another few months).
Saw this news floating online, and did not believe it due to his age. Glad to see my gut was correct and they’ve not cast a 21 year old!
@Kaitlyn Scrubb He was cast in gretas husbands new movie that much we know. But any mentions of him being in narnia have been scrubbed from imdb and his wiki. They got false info that they spread and then got told it wasnt true then backtracks.
Someone edited his imdb to say he was in it too…. anyone can edit that.