Edmund in a “Dungeon”

EdmundThis is from Skandar Keynes’ official website:Edmund (LWW)

Skandar is still at Cleveland. But instead of being on the magical Dawn Treader Edmund is filthy, bruised and finding himself in another dungeon.

Perhaps this is referring to Edmund and the others being captured by Pug?

Thanks to ‘Zoe and Rose’ and ‘Salem.’

133 Responses

  1. On-Fire4God says:

    ME TOO!

  2. JadistarkilleR says:

    agreed! kinda wondering if he's the only cast member left or if Georgie and Will are still with him (they are part of those captured by the slave traders after all)

  3. JadistarkilleR says:

    i thought of the same thing as Silver Wanderer, that it would be the dungeons at the slave market, unless of course they managed to create another ship deck representing Pug's slave ship to fit that prison hold scene that they're shooting.

    makes me kinda wonder if this is the scene where they meet MLG?

  4. fnafa4ever says:

    Ew. Don't say things like that. Please.

  5. narniafan4ever says:

    yes, please. Your "screen name" implies enough. πŸ™‚

  6. I wonder how this is going to turn out….

  7. narniafan4ever says:

    Does anyone know how to set a picture in the little box on the left? πŸ™‚ help!

  8. Hannah says:

    I don't know…it could be a nice scene if he was beaten to save someone else from a beating. Kind of like what Aslan did for him in LWW.

  9. katrina says:

    more and more progress, yah!!!!!

  10. narniafan4ever says:

    That would be interesting and neat. But, it isn't really in the book…..unless they made it so that instead of Eustace getting beat for being so grumpy, Edmund would take it. That would also show how much Edmund has grown since LWW. But, it is so sad to see the characters that you come so attached to by watching all the movies to be beaten and hurt. πŸ™ I mean, its almost like seeing a close friend getting hurt! I hope they don't let Lucy get hurt! That would be super sad! πŸ™

  11. narniafan4ever says:

    They would be beaten by Pug. Of course, he wouldn't really want to beat them if he is trying to sell them for a good price….hmmm…

  12. narniafan4ever says:

    That would be great, 7chronicles! Awesome idea!

  13. Starlily says:

    Don't you mean you hope they AREN'T referring to that? That would be a horrible change from the book! And it doesn't sound very likely.

  14. Lady Polly says:

    How is Edmund going to handle it?

  15. Anonymous Narnian says:

    Yeah, Eddie torture! I'm glad we'll get some Pug footage in here, prospectively. Good.

  16. pselpevensie says:

    this must be when pug has him and the others captured.

  17. Feather~Light~Heart says:

    Poor Edmund in a dungeon again πŸ™ πŸ˜‰ …I wonder if in the movie they'll have him make reference or something to the last time he was in a dungeon?? Hm…….Could be an interesting, sweet scene…between him and Lucy… πŸ˜‰

  18. wow pero no estaban firmando edmund and lucky el trailer de ellos de video

  19. Narnianerd says:

    AHHHHHHHH! I am now sure the script writers are read my scripts! This is another thing I wrote… Oh dear I don't wanna see the bad dream that they right for ed

  20. aravistarkheena says:

    Ok, I'm going to ask you if you would not cuss when your commenting- it can be rude at times.

  21. Laura Elizabeth says:

    I just got on Skandar's website, and, in the description of the Dawn Treader movie, it says: Along the way they encounter dragons, dwarves, merfolk, and a band of lost warriors. Does anyone remember a 'band of lost warriors'?

  22. aravistarkheena says:

    Really? That's awesome!

  23. Angela says:

    Why don't I remember Edmund being in a dungeon in the book?
    Granted I read it over ayear ago and have read several novels since then , but still…..

  24. ReepI says:

    No, I love it when they change things, we all know how the story goes, just seeing it would be boring, so if they change things they make it all more exciting, like adding the Lady of the green kirtle in VDT and the other stuff I wrote above that was in that leaked script.

  25. what? Edmund was once a wrected sinner that represent us if we repent and put our trust in Jesus. but I don't remember the book saying that Edmund is filly, bruised and being in another dungeon

  26. narniafan4ever says:

    Well, it could be that he looks that way after being captured by Pug. Just a thought, though. But yes, I agree with the Edmund was saved by Aslan (a.k.a. Jesus). That is why I love the series so much is because of it's biblical parallel. :))

  27. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    Sorry, but does that say something along the line of "wow, but no sign of a Edmund-and-Lucy video"?

  28. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    sorry to dampen you a little further, but you're forgetting the "2010" part of the date. πŸ˜‰

  29. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    **whistle** that'd be kinda sweet, actually…

  30. Silver the Wanderer says:

    NO! I'm sorry, I respect your opinion and everything, but that would be horrid…*shudders*

  31. King Skandar the Just says:

    yeah it must be during when Pug has them captured.
    Well don't worry you'll be out soon and on your way! Keep sailing onward Dawn Treader!

  32. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    Well, C.S. Lewis never said anything about a dungeon. He said (after Caspian was bought by Lord Bern) "Then [Ed, Lu, Eu, and Reep] were… taken below [in Pug's slave-ship] into a long, rather dark place, none too clean, where they found many other prisoners…." And he says nothing about them being held on the island prior to being sold.
    (In the BBC VDT, they had the to-be slaves climb a ladder into a random hole in the ground, where Pug locked a latticed trapdoor over them.)
    So, either Walden/Fox is filming this as part of Pug's ship, or else are giving us an idea of where they may have been held on the island.

  33. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    **bounces up and down, cheering** Speak it! The truth needs to be spoken, and for speaking it, I commend you HighTrinitythesilentwarrior!
    Now just because Ed is now saved (per se), doesn't mean that he won't end up being beaten up and tossed into a dungeon. (After all, look at what's happening to so many others like him around the world!) Plus, not necessarily /everything/ in Narnia means something (although there /are/ a ton of parallels).
    And C.S. Lewis never /said/ anything about that. (Look up at my comment to Angela.) It may have happened, it may have not. (That's one thing I like about C.S. Lewis: he left so much half-told, allowing for active imaginations to fill in any blanks.) But with movies… well, that's not really possible so far as I know. This is /their/ interpretation.
    Keep speaking up for Christ, HighTrinitythesilentwarrior!

  34. Princess Arya says:

    *gasp* *flinch*

  35. decarus says:

    Oh Reepi, not even as a joke. Some might not realize you are being sarcastic.

  36. Narniamiss says:

    πŸ˜€ Oh yeah, I heard about that too. Except the Lady of the Green Kirtle fell in love with Caspian, and vowed her love forever.

  37. Narniamiss says:

    Goodness gracious..

  38. Narniamiss says:

    I believe they are refering to the Missing Lords.

  39. narniafan4ever says:

    ugh! *gags and feels sick* That wouldn't even be worthy of the title "Voyage of the Dawn Treader" ! :p

  40. narniafan4ever says:

    That's what I thought, too.

  41. narniafan4ever says:

    yeah, I totally agree with you, sister! πŸ™‚ And don't think that I meant that /everything/ in the Narnia series has a biblical parallel, cause it doesn't. But, I just think it is so neat how there are a few parallels in it. I have to say my favorite parallel other than the part where Ed is saved by Aslan is the fact that Lucy seems to represent that child-like faith that we as Christians need to have. πŸ™‚ And because of that child-like faith, she sees Aslan the most. Kind of like us; we need to have that faith in order to see His work in our lives… πŸ™‚
    Don't you just love it when you meet fellow bro's and sis's in Christ? πŸ™‚

  42. narniafan4ever says:

    btw….you are a sister, right? I just realized that you might be a guy….oops. πŸ™‚ So, I'm really sorry if you are a guy…..I guess I just assumed you were a sis by your screen name. πŸ™‚

  43. Please tell me your a teenage girl *in worried voice*.!

  44. Sandra says:

    Dungeon. Hmmm!

  45. It would be cool if they had Edmund do that, especially a selfless thing like taking a beating for bratty Eustace. Maybe somethign liek that will happen, since the news story says that he's bruised? hmmm…. this could get interesting…

  46. Edmund-is-so Hot, you are idolizing Edmund

  47. K. J. Hill says:

    πŸ™‚ Sounds like fun!

  48. Narniamiss says:

    No kidding. Maybe something like, "Voyage of the Love Boat?" πŸ˜€

  49. narniafan4ever says:

    yeah, my thoughts exactly. πŸ™‚ It's like Edmund would be sympathizing for Eustace, realizing that he was once a brat as well.

  50. narniafan4ever says:

    yeah…how appropriate! lol

  51. narniafan4ever says:

    We don't need to idolize anyone here. please. πŸ™‚

  52. narniafan4ever says:

    I don't know if I would call it "fun"….

  53. narniafan4ever says:

    lol πŸ™‚

  54. Starlily says:

    Lol that would be so shockingly horrid! Let's stop talking about it, before we create a monster that comes back to bite us. πŸ˜‰

  55. Starlily says:

    Yeah, it's amazing how many Biblical parallels and lessons C.S. Lewis put in the Narnia books, when you look for them. My favorite is when Eustace is "washed clean" by Aslan. You can't miss the spiritual application there.

  56. Ramandu's Daughter says:

    Hey, I really like your name πŸ™‚

  57. narniafan4ever says:

    yeah, me too. :))

  58. narniafan4ever says:

    Yeah, I forgot about that one. I love that one, too! It is so awesome. I wonder how they are going to incorporate that into the movie. I hope they don't botch it and take away that beautiful moment. πŸ™‚

  59. heeey says:

    yes please dont cuss i dont want to have to read that