Narnia Advertising Watch Continues

NarniaWebber, beloved, has posted several pictures of a large Dawn Treader stand now showing up in movie theaters. The large image features major characters such as Caspian, Reepicheep, and the Pevensies. Three surprising characters make an appearance as well.

Narnia Movie Stand

Narnia Movie Stand

Visit the thread here for additional images.

Thanks for the images everyone!

UPDATE: NarniaWebber tenthofthatname has taken several close up pictures of the stand.

Narnia Display Closeup 1

Narnia Display Closeup 1

Narnia Display Closeup 2

Narnia Display Closeup 2

Narnia Display Closeup 3

Narnia Display Closeup 3

Narnia Display Closeup 4

Narnia Display Closeup 4

402 Responses

  1. aravis tarkeena says:

    I am pretty happy over all with the poster. My take on things:
    Aslan-looks fine.Don't know why people are unhappy with him.
    Lucy-She looks amazing. She is getting older and needs to have an older look.
    Eustace-he looks like he's pouting;exactly what I hoped he would look like.
    Edmund- I think they could have done a better picture; his elbow still looks huge. I really hope he has a larger role than in PC.
    Peter-he looks very handsome. I hope he does stays in the movie for a bit.
    Susan-wow. This is definetely prelude to last battle. She looks very haughty and beautiful. I can really see Lucy spying on her and seeing her dening Narnia.
    Caspian-still don't know about the beard. If they go for the Aragorn style it will be okay.
    Reep-he's fine. So sad they changed his voice.
    I don't think I even need to comment on the minotaur
    Jadis-I hope she's in Edmunds nightmare. She better be good.
    RD-very pretty. I hope they do good with the romance.
    Over all I am very pleased with it. So excited that Peter and Susan will be in it.

  2. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    That is /so/ not Ramandu's daughter! She's too creepy to be Caspian's wife-to-be and looks a great deal more like Tilda Swinton than Laura Brent. I agree with Xenithar: the one under the satyr looks more like a Ramandu's daughter to me.

  3. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    I'm wondering about Peter, Susan, and Jadis too (and /why/ on /earth/ did they put Susan in front of Peter?!?!). I'm thinking that Peter and Susan make at least /some/ kind of appearance and the moviemakers (or movie stand-makers) want to keep the Pevensies together as much as possible.

  4. Sam says:

    I think that the reason why Susan and Peter are on there is because they are probably at the beginning of the movie before Lucy, Edomond and Eustace cross over to Narnia, which would make sense to me.

  5. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    Yeah, now that I /do/ look back at it, she (the unknown Jadis/mermaid thing) /could/ easily be a mermaid because she looks to creepy to be even somewhat appealing the way Jadis was. But I do like the theory of the White Witch turning up in Edmund's nightmares….

  6. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    Hey, I like that! In some things, I'm a total purist, but in others (like the White Witch's crown and wand being ice instead of gold) I'm totally flexible. And not only would having Lucy spying on Susan take care of an extra character that's not needed elsewhere, but if Susan's making fun of Narnia and/or her siblings, that would be a harder blow for Lucy than just having a weak friend say something she didn't mean to say.

  7. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    I agree about it's "drawn" appearance. The picture that is supposed to be Lucy doesn't really look like her (yes, yes, I /know/ that they could very well ahve "dolled her up" for promos, but still!)

  8. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    Eww, no. Look up a picture of Laura Brent. Looks nothing like /that/! And Ramandu's daughter should not look that scary unless she has a weird freak-attack like Galadriel did in LotR (though I think it was in that moment that she looked the prettiest…).

  9. Ariel_of_Narnia says:


  10. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    Thanks for confirming what I was hoping.
    I'm really glad that they have Peter in there, even if just for a minute or two. Excepting Aslan, he's my favourite!

  11. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    Unless they changed it, Peter and Susan don't both go to America. Susan does, but Peter stays with the Professor to study for exams.

  12. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    Personally, I love they way the White Witch comes into the Sorcery and Sudden Vengeance scene (that's the book chapter title). The only thing I didn't like about that scene was cutting Caspian's hand and Lucy's involvement in the short fight. I think I can put up with the fact that Edmund killed the Werewolf while Peter took care of the Hag.

  13. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    That's a good point.

  14. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    Well, I know that Focus on the Family Radio Theater did an amazing job of audio-dramatizing the books. And they keep close to the books by 99% (I have noticed a few small differences, but nothing major like how the movies do it). And, if I recall correctly (not having listened to the CDs in a long while though they are in my possession), Edmund /does/ say "that rotten stinker Eustace" (wonder if the movie will have that line too… ooh! that'd be good!).

  15. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    I'm glad that Gael isn't on there! She's not an extremely important character (so far as we know) and (excuse me, but my purist thing is coming up) she shouldn't be on the ship /at all/! (Sorry if that offends anyone, but I'm really not liking the sound of the mlg being on board.)

  16. Lucy says:

    speak for yourself. One look at this poster and I'm hooked!

  17. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    I'm so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, SO glad that Aslan is again in his rightful place: the center!!!!!!!! I was really ticked that he looked like a side character in PC (and, in a way, he rather was, unfortunately). Now he's in the center! Happy Narnian.
    And as to Susan, I think she looks (a little bit) like the way C.S. Lewis described the White Witch. ;D White skin (like paper, snow, or icing sugar), her face likewise except for very red lips. lol

  18. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    (I know Susan's skin is that white, but it's pale).

  19. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    (ISN'T that white, sorry)

  20. I agree. I seriously believe that Peter and Susan will be at the beginning of the movie -notice Peter is wearing a tie, could be that he is going to school-. Susan is all grown up, hence the makeup. I think we will see a bit of Susan showing that she is beginning to doubt Narnia also (just a peronal theory). For all we know, Susan might have been in Caspian's dreams (hehe, it would be reasonable though). I agree with what most of the ppl are saying. I think the White Witch (if that is her) will be in the island of nightmares. As for everything else, lets be patient and wait for more cretible info.

  21. NarniaHannah♥(used to be celtic13 and LucyReepicheep4♥) says:

    thanks for the info! I'm glad Peter and Susan will be in a brief scene. I'd hoped they would be. And I didn't even think about the dream scene, they white witch should totally be in there! I'm going to guess it would be in Edmund's dream. She is nightmare-ish.

  22. NarniaHannah♥(used to be celtic13 and LucyReepicheep4♥) says:

    king kong doesn't have horns 😉

  23. Luis Daniel says:

    Why r u saying that the apereance of the ww , peter and susan its a bad idea. I dont care the difrrence between the book and the movie. Atleast say thanx to God that walden is making the books come to life so ppl like u dosent make me happy. Theres not even a movie based on a book that stays truly to the book so just b quite and give thanx.

  24. Luis Daniel says:

    stupid comment dont even waste ur time coming to this page!!!!!! if u dont like it well dont comment.

  25. Luis Daniel says:

    lol, nice one!!!!!!

  26. Luis Daniel says:

    im with u, ppl like shasta makes me sick.(lol)

  27. Luis Daniel says:

    For me, its a good idea, Seeing back the evil jadis. This movie is going to be so awsome.

  28. QueenLucy12 says:

    WOW! With that close-up on Peter…….. WOW!!!! HE LOOKS H-O-T!!! HOT! Susan She Looks like she's supposed to!!! Aslan Doesn't look the same! he reminds me of the bbc version of aslan! anyone agree?

  29. Christy says:

    your idea is pretty cool i had been thinking that they might try to incorporate susan in coriakins magic book and the beauty spell and that whole thing.

  30. true-narnian_queen says:

    narnia geeks rule!!!!!!!!!

  31. Hermitess of Narnia says:

    The picture of Ramandu's Daughter is lovely, but the picture of the witch is not. I hope she isn't actually present in the movie, "The witch is dead, all the stories agree on that." I hope their not going to use her to represent eviil throughout all the movies, there's also Tash (who is more powerful than she) and the other witch, (the Lady of the Green Kirtle). Aslan killed Jadis in LWW and there is no Deep Magic to get her back.
    Lucy and Aslan are wonderful, I'm glad they've moved Aslan back to the center of the poster. Someone said it might be that Jadis is on the Island where Dreams Come True. It would certainly make since for her to be there.
    I'm still praying for this movie! Don't let encouraging news stop you from doing what's best!

  32. Manuº says:

    Wow!!!! It's great, it kind takes your breath away…But I don't understand, the lady with the strange hair is the White Witch? And, if she is, why is she there.. It's weird, but the rest it's ok!!!!I can't wait for the trailer!!♥♥♥

  33. iLiveInNarnia says:

    I don't like it that much… Specially reep! :/

  34. christen says:

    I think its really too early to tell rather the way promoting is failing or not. We are barely in june. Give it some time. Its not like its going to be released tomorrow

  35. Ambrevina says:

    OK lot's of mixed opinions out there! I must say that I am surprised to see Peter and Susan in this. I thought Anna had said something about not being in this film? Hmm….

    First RD pic! *cheers* Not thrilled with this but hope that things will get better as the film is hashed out.

  36. Puddleglum says:

    But we do have apes in Narnia.

  37. Lucy says:

    um, no. the BBC Aslan looked like one of the cast members on "Muppets tonight". Just sayin'. This Aslan looks way better.

  38. Alambil and Tarvis says:

    Yeah, she is part of a dream sequence.

  39. "Weird freak attack," LOL–that's so true. I seem to remember Bilbo and Gandalf having those as well. Thank goodness Peter Jackson isn't directing this one.

  40. HighQueen_Of_LanternWaste says:

    Lol I find this whole thing everyone has against the minotaur hilarious.

    As for including Peter, Susan and White Witch, I honestly don't mind at all, it actually rather excites me. It would make alot of sense to have the Witch in a dream sequence, and Susan looks perfect here considering the type of person she has become. Her face full of make-up with a somewhat sour expression truly portrays the Last Battle Susan very well, it shows her superficiality. Peter looks hopeful still, I like that. Perhaps they'll do a better job of capturing Peter's character than in PC, even if it is briefly.

    I think it's good how Edmund is above and bigger than Peter here, not that I don't love Peter, but it displays the bigger role Edmund has here, that it isn't always his older brother in the spotlight.

  41. always narnian says:

    It doesn't look like Tilda Swinton!

  42. narnian says:

    yea!!! narnia geeks totally rule!!

  43. bayla says:

    Oh my gosh, she does! I thought it was Ramundu's daughter. I'm glad she is getting a large place on the poster. Can't wait for the movie to come out, I love narnia soooo much! 😀

  44. Talvi says:

    I agree with everything except for the minotaur bit… but only because I laughed when I saw it…. I don't think that was the intended reaction. xD
    but anyways, I COMPLETELY agree with what you said about Susan. I tried to reply to other people several times and I tried to say that… yep. phailed and didn't post. xD Her expression is haughty and I think is more in line with her character in the book than how she was in the previous two movies. Someone above mentioned having Susan in the spying sequence with Lucy instead of Marjorie – I think that would be a great way to further show Susan's departure in character.
    Peter looks good, 'hopeful', as you say. He doesn't look cold like Susan does, which I"m happy about.
    I do like tha they have Edmund larger, and I understand that they want to have him in a light where he's not always in Peter's shadow. I just think they could have had one where he wasn't in such an odd position, is all. xD

    Completely random – I can't remember, and my friend is borrowing my book. D: Susan and Peter don't actually appear in the Dawn Treader, do they? or am I remembering wrong?

  45. Talvi says:

    eff. everything I write always turns out crazy long. sorry about that. x(

  46. jarpan says:

    If you read the book closely then you will notice that Susan is in the book. She in the wizard tower for a short period when Lucy is looking for a cure for the dufflepuds. Lucy is looking in the book and sees her sister and realizes she is jealous of her.

  47. Starlily says:

    Peter and Susan don't actually APPEAR in the book, but they're mentioned. The book notes that Peter is studying at Professor Kirk's house, and Susan is vacationing in America. When Lucy is looking at the magician book, Susan is also mentioned because Lucy is jealous of her beauty.

    So I guess I wouldn't mind seeing the two of them briefly. It makes sense and could be good if they do it right.

  48. Mal says:

    Really excited!

  49. megellen says:

    why are anna will and tilda in there? they said that prince caspian was their last movie so what are they doing there????

  50. Nathan says:

    Hey does anyone know that unicorns are mentioned in the Bible?

  51. Ariel_of_Narnia says:

    Well, Gandalf's wasn't /so/ bad (I'm thinking of him getting angry at Bilbo in FotR, so unless you have something else in mind…). And Bilbo looked /really/ freaky when he snarled at Frodo the way he did… ugh. But Galadriel's by far was the most out of character. I know that in the book, she was saying what she /could/ be if she had the one ring, but I don't recall anything that says that she turned green and terrified Frodo. Or anything about her talking and flashing her eyes in a weird fashion. Thankfully, she wasn't ruined in TTT and RotK.
    But, yeah, thankfully Peter Jackson's not directing VDT!

  52. Lucy says:

    Um, maybe you should do some more research on that. I did. Do you know what it was? A mistranslantion. Don't feel bad, lots of things get mistranslated. Actually, did you know that Cinderella having glass slippers was a mistranslation? It was supposed to be fur…

  53. Deadman says:

    De. 33.17;
    Nu. 23.22; 24.08;
    Job 39. 09-10;
    Ps. 22.21; 29.6; 92.10;
    Isa. 34.07.

  54. Aunt Letty says:

    One of my favorite things about the Narnia books has always been (well, ok, maybe not when I first read them at age seven, but for a loooooong time now) the deft way that Lewis conveys a portrait of character with only a sentence or two. I've always loved the tidbits of info about Peter and Susan in the beginning of VDT. And, I've always wanted to know more.

    Lewis gives us a glimpse of Peter going off to spend the summer studying for a big entrance exam. With that one line, we see he has ambition, self-discipline, and he's clearly intelligent because he's obviously not getting into a great school on his parents' money. In short, an admirable young man on the brink of honorable adulthood (for the second time).

    And Susan, absorbed with those surface things that take up the lives of most of the world's youth (and grownups!). The acerbic, "…she was no good at schoolwork (though otherwise very old for her age)…" says it all. She's chosen the comfort of flattery and all that goes with being admired, over the rewards Aslan offers. I can't blame her. She wants what she can have now. It's understandable, but bitter, too.

    Oddly enough, out of all the promises that poster makes, I think I'm most looking forward to perhaps getting to see those tantalizing niblets of information about Peter and Susan fleshed out into scene, with dialogue and everything.

  55. Deadman says:

    The Hebrew word is something like ‘rehame’: unicorn (also, wild bull).
    “God brought them out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn.” (KJV. Nu. 23:22.)

  56. Jenna says:

    No I had no idea. I can't wait!!!!!! Susan looks kind of strange though I don't know why.

  57. JosephC says:

    Agreed. When reading the Bible it is easy to get excited over minor mis-translations. To fully understand the Bible one must view it in context, and refer to the original Greek or Hebrew text. In this case, "unicorn" is a rather strange mistranslation.

  58. HighQueen_Of_LanternWaste says:

    Very well said, I feel the same exact way about everything you've said here concerning Peter and Susan. I'm very exciting to see how they will be portrayed, especially with Susan, to see how they will start introducing this new, superficial Susan to the audience.

  59. TumnusTheBrave says:

    anna (susan) looks different

  60. HighQueen_Of_LanternWaste says:

    Yeah, I also read the comment about Lucy spying on Susan instead of Marjorie, I really like the idea. It'll really start to dig a bit deeper on the seriousness of Susan's absence in the Last Battle and the reasons why.