Narnia Advertising Watch Continues

NarniaWebber, beloved, has posted several pictures of a large Dawn Treader stand now showing up in movie theaters. The large image features major characters such as Caspian, Reepicheep, and the Pevensies. Three surprising characters make an appearance as well.

Narnia Movie Stand

Narnia Movie Stand

Visit the thread here for additional images.

Thanks for the images everyone!

UPDATE: NarniaWebber tenthofthatname has taken several close up pictures of the stand.

Narnia Display Closeup 1

Narnia Display Closeup 1

Narnia Display Closeup 2

Narnia Display Closeup 2

Narnia Display Closeup 3

Narnia Display Closeup 3

Narnia Display Closeup 4

Narnia Display Closeup 4

402 Responses

  1. Phil says:

    Susan is supposed to be giving in to make-up and fancy dresses and social parties and growing up fast. She looks different because she is presented as giving into those worldly things instead of the savation that Narnia and Aslan offers.

  2. silverPhoenix says:

    Do I spy Ramandu's daughter?

  3. Bethany Weathers says:

    What does this have to do with the new ad? There are no unicorns on the poster cutout.

  4. MurtaghLuv says:

    Finally Lucy is one of the bigger characters. what I don't get is why are peter, susan, and the white witch on it.

  5. Starlily says:

    That's what I was thinking…

    An interesting discussion, but it has nothing to do with the poster.

  6. Mark Sommer says:

    MurtaghLuv, The explanation for why those three are on the poster is fairly simple.
    Peter and Susan are both mentioned in Dawn Treader (the book) – both at the beginning to explain what they are doing, and Susan in the passage where Lucy is reading the magician's book. They will be shown briefly in the film.
    The White Witch will also be in the film in a brief dream sequence. (This is according to Paul Martin of Narnia Fans.) I assume this will be on the Island where dreams come true. She certainly would be Edmund's (and others') worst nightmare.
    Since the studio is using the three characters in the film, it is only reasonable that they would be in promotional materials to arouse the interest of fans of the first two movies.

  7. Starlily says:

    Wow, you say it so well, Aunt Letty. 🙂

    I'm also looking forward to seeing brief appearances of Peter and Susan–AS LONG as they're very brief, and done right.

  8. sgk474 says:

    I love the poster and I'm glad Peter, Susan and Jadis/ White Witch are in the movie in a cameo role – it will arouse interest and add a continuity to the movies. In the BBC series, the actress who played Jadis had a cameo role as the 'Hag' in Caspian and was the 'Green Lady' in the Silver Chair which, for me, worked. Jadis is like an evil force lurking in the background who comes to the fore in LWW and The Magician's Nephew so it makes sense to me that she's always a threat even though she's a vanquished foe – reminds me of someone else… I'd love to see her in The Silver Chair in that role – the evil force emerging and needing quashing again…

  9. TheNarnianPanda says:

    hehehe. that's what I was thinking. =D

  10. Haggith Tarkheena (trying to think of new name) says:

    Oh my gosh. . .Peter and Susan. . .Ther're so GROWN UP!!!! 🙁
    My dose Lucy look grown up too! Remadu's daughter looks so beautiful! (my sister and I pretend her name is Esther, wich means "star.") Everthing looks awesome. Just awesome. Yes, I know that the pictures look awesome, but will the MOVIE be awesome? I hope so. Aslan looks TERRIFIC. I hope in the movie he will look SO much more relistic then in Prince Caspian. Like in LWW!!! Turn him back to that man!!!!!!

  11. Haggith Tarkheena (trying to think of new name) says:

    Is that the White Witch?. . .Because it better not be!!! I think it's just a mermaid. Yeah. I hope so. . .

  12. Haggith Tarkheena (trying to think of new name) says:

    I don't think it is the White Witch. I think it's a mermaid. But I do agree that it looks AWEFULLY like the Witch. . .SHE BETTER NOT BE IN THERE AGAIN!!!!!! >:(

  13. chirpingbird says:

    Normally I'm not so rude, but it looks like SOMEONE has no manners… (hint hint, Luis, wink wink.)

  14. GlimGlum says:

    See Mark Sommer's post above.

  15. Puddleglum says:

    If anyone is interested. Look up older dipictions of unicorns from medeivel times. You will see them commonly drawen with goatees.
    This lends to the theory that they were not really horses with horns, but a breed of goat.
    I do not have the information, and a search gave me nothing, but I recall an article from my youth,(many summers ago) of a couple that claimed to have rediscovered the breed. I have heard nothing since.

  16. andy says:

    GAH! Who killed Georgie Henley and stuck a male double in her place? Photoshop slap-on-the-wrist to the dude that's made her hair impossible to distinguish…

  17. The Archenlander says:

    haha i totally am a Narnia geek! i love Narnia! lol

  18. Talvi says:

    I lol'd. XD
    Seriously though, she does look rather odd… her eyes, especially. And if you just take a quick glance at it she CAN be mistaken for a boy. sheesh.
    but I still think Georgie is awesome as Lucy – I'm sure she'll look better (and more like her gender LOL!) in the trailer/movie.

  19. Lucy says:

    you're so mean! Insulting poor Georgie like that! She doesn't look like a guy, she looks pretty!

  20. elanor says:

    And is that man (not the faun) with the crazy blonde hair Ramandu? Or a dufflepud?
    I also just realized that they have the poster set up with all the earth people (Pevensies, and Eustace) on one side of Aslan, and then all the Narnians on the other side of him. It almost makes Aslan look like a bridge between the two worlds.

  21. Nathan says:

    I put a video on youtube called "Why Does the Bible mention Unicorns?" check it out. When the Bible mentions unicorns, it's not talking about the mythical horse-like unicorns like in Narnia. When the Bible mentions unicorns, it's talking about the one-horned rhinoceros:

  22. Talvi says:

    I know this wasn't (directly) aimed at me, but I just wanted to clarify, at least with my statement. I really like Georgie and think she's quite pretty – I just agree with andy and think they photoshopped her to a fault. Normally she does not in any way look like a guy – but whoever photoshopped went to town and just made her look odd and boyish. That's my opinion, anyways. xD *shuts up*

  23. Susan looks mad! I am kinda upset that Susan and Peter are in this one (They were only very briefly mentioned in the book). I really love the characters, I am just sad that the movies have gone soooo far away from the book! I wonder if C.S. Lewis would be happy?

  24. Oh, and is that the White Witch?

  25. Puddleglum says:

    So long as the main theme remains I think he would understand the need to make changes to fit into a movie.

  26. HighQueen_Of_LanternWaste says:

    And I agree about Ed's odd position lol

  27. Samuel says:

    The one thing I think people need to remember is that this is advertising, it is not necessarily what is in the movie. The general public (non-readers and non CS Lewis fans) will be attracted by seeing all four pevensies (at least that's my logic to this,) also the fact that Susan looks somewhat angry and appears to have a lot of make-up actually fits with the depiction of her throughout the rest of the books wherever she's mentioned, so I'm glad for the fact that they don't seem to be trying to change her character just because she might have a slightly bigger part in this than the book. My impression on the ad itself is that it's actually rather typical, and doesn't really show us any of the "wonder" of narnia, VOTD is a character story, true, but it's also more of an adventure story, so why don't they show us a little part of narnia that we've never seen before, or perhaps the boat that is the namesake of movie, instead of this, this "run-of-the-mill" character poster. all in all it is still cool to see some of the new characters

  28. sam says: ive read the book,and susan and peter even the white witch wasnt part of it…..did they change the story?..but its okay w/ me..cuz its interesting..:)

  29. sam says:

    when i first look at her i thought it was EUSTACE.

  30. sam says:

    why does caspian has a mustache it was only 3 years after when lucy,edmund and eustace went back to narnia?..hahah

  31. Karine says:

    I have to say it looks much better in high resolution..

  32. Starlily says:

    Yes, that's Ramandu's daughter on the bottom-right. And elanor, that is a Dufflepud with crazy hair. 🙂

  33. dominiclovesnarnia says:

    So excited !!! can't wait for the trailer !!!

  34. Aunt Letty says:

    There's been alot of comment on the way Lucy looks in the poster. I wasn't going to add to it, but (sigh) here I go anyway:

    To me, she just looks like the middle-school version of the sweet-faced child we loved looking at in LLW. Her adult facial structure is beginning to emerge, but she's still got a lot of baby-features blurring the image.

    She looks like a young woman who's done a great deal of growing in the recent past. That does tend to give one a rather hollow-eyed, oddly proportioned appearance. Take a look at the middle-school photos of some people you know, especially if you can compare them with photos from early childhood and adulthood. For boys, it's noticeable around ninth grade, girls, seventh and eighth. Often, those aren't our best years for looks, though a few, like Georgie, manage to come off pretty well despite.

    Also, it's worthwhile to keep in mind that what we're looking at are photos of a photo of an artist's rendering of the original image. Someone mentioned mistranslation above…this could be a bit of visual mistranslation.

  35. Jeditrojan says:

    Yah! Isn't that cool?

  36. Lucy says:

    Eustace is blonde and does not look like his cousin Lucy Pevensie, genius!

  37. Anonymous Narnian says:

    Peter and Susan… hopefully only there for the beginning and to get more audiences in that liked them in the first two movies.

    Ramandu's Daughter is GORGEOUS. She is EXACTLY, PRECISELY how I imagined her to look in the book. I am so, SO happy with her!

    The White Witch… what. the heck. Hopefully she will stay in her little dream sequence. Her appearance in PC was more than enough, thank you. Although, I think it would be neat to see her on the island where dreams come true. A nice emotional moment for Edmund, who (given his 'triumph' over her in PC) constantly has to keep confronting his inner demon.
    I am SO ready for a trailer now.

  38. Anonymous Narnian says:

    Yes, that's very interesting, but… what does it have to do with the sign, the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, or anything?

  39. Omac the centaur says:

    indeed we do.

  40. Omac the centaur says:

    AAAHHH!! REP IS AWSOME!! >80 how dare you??? lol

  41. CarwashBoy says:

    I completely agree with you! It would be really cool to see a tiny glimpse of Peter and Susan in the movie, plus it would be good for audiences to have that cameo in the film, because seeing something familiar is something audiences like. All of the other major fantasy series' – Harry Potter, Lemony Snicket, Lord of the Rings, etc. – don't have to worry so much about their characters because we see the same characters every time. In Narnia, audiences have to get used to the fact that we don't see the same characters in every book (in my mind, its a wonderful thing, but audiences in general may not respond as well – this may be just one of the reasons PC didn't do quite as well as LWW). So it would be a major plus is Peter and Susan were given at least a few moments in the movie.

    I also noticed that Peter's clothes look a little different from those he wore in PC.

  42. Mirima Rosetrader says:

    Wow they all look so awesome, except the minotaur. I do not like the minotaur. I wonder why they have the White Witch on there? It would be cool if she was seen briefly on the Island of Nightmares. I bet Susan and Peter will just be at the beginning. It will be nice to see them again even if it is for a short time. Caspian looks great to me with the beard it makes him look his age. And Ramandu's Daughter looks SO pretty. I hope we get a better picture of her soon. I am SOOOO psyched for the trailer now! Bring it on! Long live Aslan and sail on VDT!!! 😀

  43. Murtaghluv says:

    oh see Ididn't know they were gowing to be init briefly

  44. Lucy says:

    How much all you lovely fellow Narnia fans wanna bet that the second I go out of town for a week and am busy, unable to check the internet every day like I recently have, that the movie trailer will show up? LOL

  45. sgk474 says:

    I thought Jadis' scene in PC was a triumph – one of the most compelling scenes in the movie. To have her in the dream sequence would add to the continuity of the movies and give a sence of tension and drama – im thrilled about it.

  46. NarnianElf says:

    Wow, well said Aunt Letty! I especially agree with the Peter part. 😀

  47. NarnianElf says:

    This looks great! I think the White Witch is there because of the part in the Island Where Dreams Come True, Lucy could hear the witch. That's my idea 😀

  48. snowqueenw24 says:

    So this means we will officially see a glimpse of Susan and Peter in the movie?! It`s been stated repeatedly that they wouldn`t be in the film. Then there were rumors, but I didn`t take them seriously.There was mention of Susan in the past , but not Peter.I don`t how they hope to fit him in the movie. I`m so out of the loop.

  49. narniafan4ever ♥ says:

    Wow Susan looks different! I like how they have peter looking like he has a kind attitude….at least compared to the last movie. 😉

  50. Austra says:

    I TOTALLY 100% agree!!! That is EXACTLY how I feel. I'm sooo disappointed in the way they're handling this series. I love the movies, if I don't compare them to the books, but in any connection with the books, I don't really like way they're doing it. Ever since PC, I've had my doubts. I REALLY hope this one turns out well, because it's one of my favs. I don't really think he'd be happy AT ALL. Thanks for the comment!

  51. Austra says:

    That was REALLY well-said, and puts into words what I couldn't quite capture. That is quite the insightful mouthful! Very nice. I hope you become an author someday so I can read your works. They will, no doubt, be excellent. That I can already see!

  52. Austra says:

    Yeah, I think that you guys just put into words what I've been thinking when I saw the poster. Poor Georgie. They just airbrushed her a lot, and what Aunt Letty says is definitely very true (as usual ;P). My sister and I looked at that pic of Georgie and just went, "Ugh!" I can understand it, though. A little less harshness, if you please, Miss Lucy! I can understand how you feel, but we don't need to go overboard protecting Georgie from insults! Don't feel like I'm scolding you; feel like I understand but want you to understand other's thought's too. Just for the record.

  53. Lucy says:

    hmm, I'm going to have to disagree with you. Yes, it was very dramatic and all that…but…Jadis being in PC rather upset me, because the way the scene went bordered way too heavily on demonic overtones-which isn't, to me, what the Narnia stories are meant to be about at all. However, I am interested in her being in this movie as part of a nightmare…that could work…reminds me of a VDT-themed fanfic I wrote once, except it was miraz and not the white witch who came back…other than that, sounds similiar.

  54. Austra says:

    Actually, it was only about 2 years? And he doesn't have one. I beg pardon if that was only intended as a joke; this is not aimed at you. Don't worry, it's and honest mistake.

  55. Austra says:

    I like the choice for the Star's daughter, too. And I think your statement(s) were very well-worded in that that is exactly how I feel.

  56. Luis Daniel says:

    The narnia poster has arive to puerto rico!!!!!!!!!!!! yey, today i went to see shrek and when i saw the narnia poster i ran as quickly as i could and took a picture!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant belive it!!!!!!!!

  57. always narnian says:

    hmmmm!!! I think I remember that! *goes to get a Bible*

  58. just jill says:

    reepicheep is going to look awsome in this movie

  59. Lucy says:

    I'm not going over board, i just think it's mean to say that a perfectly decent-looking girl looks like a guy. That's not nice. I mean, what if it was a picture of YOU and someone said something like that? I understand their opinons and all, but there's no need not to be nice. I'm big on niceness.

  60. QueenLucy12 says:

    o…kay what does that have to do with narnia???