Confirmed: Walden is Talking With Fox About Making The Magician’s Nephew

Dekkie attended NRB’s Sunday Super Session in Nashville today and has posted the following report which confirms that Walden is leaning toward making The Magician’s Nephew next.

Michael Flaherty just confirmed that Walden was talking with Fox about the Magician’s Nephew.

I just got back from attending NRB’s Sunday Super Session in Nashville, TN, where Flaherty and Simon Swart from Fox spoke about “Connecting with Audiences in an Age of Distraction.” And Narnia, of course. A few noteworthy tidbits:

When asked by Phil Cooke of Cooke Pictures and host of this session if Walden would make any more Narnia movies, Flaherty responded, without hesitation: “Yes. We are talking to Fox about making the Magician’s Nephew next.” The audience clapped. He then mentioned that there was some debate about whether SC or MN should be next, and asked the audience to clap for their favorite. A few (including myself, loudly) clapped for SC, but the majority cheered for MN.

Flaherty also referred to Gresham as “the CS Lewis Cop,” and talked about when the production team would wonder what Lewis thought of something, Gresham would say something like about how once he was having dinner with Jack and he said that if there ever was a movie made it would have to include such and such. Flaherty, laughingly, added that he wondered how many of those stories actually happened.

Phil Cooke talked about the time he was at the first screening of the VDT trailer, 20 minutes after the trailer was shown, he received a notification on his phone from Google about all these Narnia sites having detailed reports about the trailer. “These people are crazy.” I laughed – because we are.

Flaherty gave a “huge, heartfelt thankΒ  you” to the audience for their support of the film, saying that many thought the franchise was “dead” after PC. He seemed pleased and not worried that VDT made “only” $100 million domestically.

Swart also talked about how excited Fox was to be able to pick up the franchise: “We get a shot at Narnia?” and saying that they “jumped in with both feet in.”

Thanks to Dekkie for the report!

381 Responses

  1. moonwood says:

    Good idea

  2. moonwood says:

    'Anhun says:March 2nd, 2011 on 7:23 PM
    Frankly, if I was C.S. Lewis, I’d be ashamed to admit to having written PC, never mind worrying about how people adapt it.'

    + no interrest in MN, either …
    That is the kind of weird attitude I am talking about. What are you doing on this site ?

  3. Anhun says:

    I'm not saying that people like me and Eponine, who won't go to see an MN movie are the majority of the pro-SC crowd. I'm just saying that for us, the thought of MN coming next is especially disappointing.

  4. stateofgreen says:

    I don't think the people posting about how they want to see SC are bitter, they're just disappointed. I also support the books and franchise but seeing the downturn in quality of the script in VDT compared to even PC didn't make me happy and I'm one of the disappointed if they are really not going to make SC next. People are allowed to post their disappointment if they're polite and knowledgeable about it. The site is for all who love the books.

  5. yeo15 says:

    you are so right.
    WE should be thankful that they are still planning to continue the franchise whether it's MN or SC that comes first.
    I'm just so happy for this good news. I've been waiting for this "greenlit" news all the time.
    Thank God.

  6. Anhun says:

    I don't think Short or Branagh are creepy enough. I can totally see Branagh as King Lune, though. I think he would break my heart with his longing for his lost son. It would take a talented actor to do that with so little screen time.

  7. Non-Negotiable Comment says:

    moonwood, I love the idea of a (great) film adaptation of 'The Magician's Nephew'. I think it's probably the most beautiful of the books, and I have no fear about how an intelligent, passionate filmmaker who UNDERSTANDS THE MATERIAL can bring it to life on the big screen. I believe in the medium of film far more than most people here, and I refuse to accept "That won't work in a movie." as an excuse to butcher a beautiful work of literature. So, I'm optimistic (at this point, anyway), and I am thrilled about the POSSIBILITY of a great adaptation.

    Regardless, I am still very disappointed to not see 'The Silver Chair' next. The two positions are not diametrically opposed. 'The Silver Chair' is the next story. Plain and simple. That's what most of us would like to see. This move, while very logical on many levels, smacks of desperation. Very little good ever comes from panicking. I'm hoping this will be a rare exception to that rule, but…

    Lastly, while I will never tell anyone else what to write, here's some friendly advice: unpleasant and unimaginative responses like "Stop poisoning this site!!" are childish, and accomplish nothing. We come here to discuss Narnia. Whatever we feel like saying about Narnia. Not to reach a consensus, and certainly not to validate YOUR opinions. If you disagree with someone, refute their claims with facts. If you have a problem with someone like Anhun (with whom I almost never agree), who has always maintained a courteous and respectful approach to interacting with others here, then you are in for quite a shock, if and when you ever venture out into the real world, and, say, get a job in an office. There, you will have to deal on a daily basis with people who will, I am sorry to say, often have different opinions than yours, and who will, quite likely, not be anywhere near as nice.

    I suspect you'll disregard this advice, but I thought I'd offer it up, regardless, seein' as how I'm such a sweet guy.

  8. Tawariell says:

    Honestly, I don't mind MN being next because it's in my top 3 favorites.

    However, I'm thinking that this is the best time for SC to be made because the people will remember Eustace and it is part of the Caspian trilogy.

    Plus, I think MN would be best toward the end, especially if they end up making LB, then I think MN would be a good follow-up for it.

  9. Gwayne says:

    I went to NRB's Sunday Super Session as well, and I was so excited when Michael Flaherty said that Walden Media is talking to Fox about making MN. When he asked the audience which movie they wanted (SC or MN) I heartily clapped for MN. Two of my reasons for this is to support Walden Media, and the other is that I'd like to see the MN. Not that many movies are about the creation of a world, in this case Narnia. MN is the first book chronologically in the Chronicles of Narnia, so this would be a great addition to the already made Narnia films.

  10. The Diamond Rose says:

    Unfortunately, I think that if they make magicians nephew next then they prob aren't going to make any more after that. It would be a perfect place to stop, wrapping the series up with a prequel… Not that I want it to stop, but the producers might think that way.

    Hopefully, whatever happens M N will turn out well! : D

  11. Sierra says:

    Magician's Nephew? Oh…

    I don't get it, why not do Silver Chair next? Will rocked as Eustace and I don't want him to get too old to play the role.

    I'm still happy, though. I can't wait to see who play Polly, and who voices Strawber-*cough*- Fledge.

  12. FΓ£ Brazileiro says:

    Sorry for the bad manners, but you also give the U.S. the worst box office in the series, has the right to choose the movie and still choose wrong. Nobody noticed that the Walden / Fox wants to end the franchise, complete with a preview of the first movie! I love the magician's nephew, but looking at a Brazilian site of Narnia figured it out. Please American fans! Vote by Chair desperately silver or otherwise probably never see another adaptation of the Chronicles of Narnia in theaters! I Love The Magician's Nephew, but first the good of the series would be much better to silver chair, because after that there may be an adaptation of the last battle and eventually return to the magician's nephew and the horse and his boy!

  13. narnaifan says:

    i agree wit making both movies together, it solves the decision of which to make first, wit Will's age or wat the fans demand. kind of like what lord of the rings did, they didnt have a break between making each movie, and they were out quicker so we can enjoy more movies. i think u're right about tilda in the sc chair too. and if its money they are worried about, then get johnny depp to play puddleglum, he'd b perfect, he plays loads of characters like that, and most ppl will come to watch just to see him

  14. moonwood says:

    Non-Negotiable, as for the first part of your response, you are right on the ball.
    As for the second, you know I'm right, you just love to argue with me too much to pass this up… ; )

  15. Seiko says:

    It's kind of ridoulous for anyone to say that we shouldn't be very vocal about the choosing of "Silver Chair" or "Magicians Nephew." They want to know which one we'd rather see next. Back-to-back is really the only solution.

    It's not that they have no faith in another installment, they simply want different options. Voyage has made over 387mil. It's fine. To me though these two are the best two behind Lion, Witch, Wardrobe and Voyage.
    My favorites in order would be:

    The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe
    Voyage Of The Dawn Threader
    The Silver Chair
    The Magicians Nephew
    Horse And His Boy
    Prince Caspian (found the movie to be a considerable improvement)
    The Last Battle

  16. always narnian says:

    How do we vote on wanting SC besides Narniaweb??????? They need to know how disappointed everyone is!

  17. Seiko says:

    They simply should listen to the fans. They know they have a franchise that is more than worth doing. I believe they want to hear what we think about Magican's Nephew first. Let's tell them about doing "Silver Chair" first then MN, or let them know what we think about going back-to-back. I mean if Dawn Threader hits 400mil, then what is stopping either of these sequels from making about 320-380 (or we could be suprised) at the box office.
    I'm suprised nobodies mentioned the 3-D. Film them both with fusion camera system too, that will increase the profits and increase likliehood of them doing the Horse And His Boy and then finishing the series with Last Battle.

  18. Seiko says:

    In the meantime, we can laugh at these lines from a spoof of Narnia:

    "Come with me to my white castle." The camera shows a shot of the white castle fast food restuarant.
    "The kids have es, the kids have es…scape..adid…the kids have escaped!"
    Or, her rolling in on her "Tokyo Drift" sled.
    These are all from a very inappropriate movie called "Epic Movie." A lot of was really stupid but the actress playing the white witch was funny. Heh, maybe Jennifer Coolidge can play Lady of The Green Kirtle! Just a joke.
    Bryce Dallas Howard could play Lady of The Green Kirtle well.

  19. stateofgreen says:

    I could see Bryce Dallas Howard as TLOTGK. Good casting.

  20. Kimberly says:

    I will be honest. If they do the MN next I will not go see it. The story was partially so magical because you did not know the origination story. Learning that after was wonderful. I will not go and see them out of written order. And I will encourage the people I know that know nothing of the books beyond what they have seen in the movies to skip it as well. CS Lewis wrote them the way he did on purpose. We should honor that.

  21. moonwood says:

    You are not fooling anyone… LOL
    You are ( like me ) way to passionate about these books not to go see the movie.
    I don't want to burst your bubble ( well…) but I think you are writing this because you want the producers to read it and think 'Oh no ! boycotting ! ) It won't make a difference, in my opinion.
    Anyone passionate enough to write on this site will want to see the movie at least once ( probably a lot more, to study it ) : )
    'Don't be sad, have a cookie…'

  22. moonwood says:

    And I agree, it would have been nicer, in the original order, but these guys want to make as much money as possible, and that means making as many of the series as possible, and they feel that the best way to do that is to go with a big, more popular story right now.
    The reason I accepted this so quickly, is that it is clear that they are doing it this way with the idea of being the way to make as many of the books as possible.
    I rather get several more movies, rather than maybe just one more…

  23. Narnias #1 Fan says:

    Kimberly I have to disagree with you there. Your attitude shows why VDT was not as big as LWW! All the 'fans' gave up on Narnia after the let down of PC. Your not going to have a 'perfect' Narnia movie, so be thankful for what you got! Hey! AT LEAST THERE IS GOING TO BE ANOTHER MOVIE! The movies will never go with books perfectly so enjoy what you have!!!

  24. Not Of This World says:

    Look at it like this, Kimberly: If everyone thought like that, MN will not be sucessfull. Then, if not sucessfull, we will not get to see any other movie. We need to see the movies so we can see more! That sounds like a good deal, right? πŸ˜‰

  25. Eowyn of Lantern_Waste says:

    I think we should just be really happy that there are even talks to make another film!!!!!!!!! A few weeks ago it was touch and go whether we would get another film at all so we should all be celebrating that at least it appears there is going to be another Narnia film. Personally I think Walden and Fox are trying again to go back to that "magical" feel that did so well in LWW. It seems to me that the Magician's Nephew may appear to them a more marketable product with the presence of the witch and the entering into a new unknown world by Polly and Digory. In these repects the story is closer to the themes of LWW than say PC or VDT. Anyway just my two cents worth πŸ™‚

  26. moonwood, to fans embracing MN says:

    Any suggestions on how they will handle Aslan singing narnia into creation ?
    I think it is important that his voice ( word ) is what brings life to Narnia ( obvious biblical allusion ) but how ?
    I doubt L. Neeson can sing well enough…what if they have him humming with beautifull music, that would match the different things being created ?
    Any ideas ? This is no small detail !

  27. Anhun says:

    That's not true. Some narniawebbers have boycotted VDT. I do agree that announcing a 1-person boycott won't make a difference. A better approach would be to say why you think SC would be a better investment.

  28. Anhun says:

    non-negotiable, my response to your first paragraph can be summed up in the following formula:

    "The Hollywood Blockbuster Treatment" + Magician's Nephew =
    Hot Mess

    As for your other comments, I agree. Consensus is boring. . . Okay, you didn't actually say that. But that's the spin I'm putting on it. πŸ˜›

  29. Anhun says:

    Not a bad idea. She's really distinctive-looking (an important quality in a Narnian witch). I still prefer Natalie Dormer, and I don't know anything about Howard's acting, but it's something to think about.

  30. Aunt Letty says:

    Very gratified to hear that the studio is willing to give it another go! I hope for the best.

    More than which book is to become a film, I would like to know who might be considered for director, and even more, who will be writing the adaptation. If I could have any say, I would vote for someone who's already shown keen perceptiveness in adapting the page to the screen in the case of a beloved classic. Someone such as, but not limited to, Andrew Davies. I wouldn't go for someone whose feature skills revolve around action films or special effects, because those can be gotten under subcontract.

    I agree with Non-Negotiable that there is potential for great film-making in either SC or MN, but only if the writers and director are able (allowed by the production people) and willing to go beyond the obvious stuff found on the pages.

    It would also be a good thing if the casting director was able to forget physical resemblances to the characters (even including age; I've seen good actors convincingly portray whatever age they need to within certain limits), and just look for the actors who really seem to "get" what the characters are about, what their purpose is within the story, and who are able to truly become those characters. I don't care what they look like. And, no, that was not a negative comment on anyone's performance in previous Narnia films.

    Well. That's what I would vote for if it was up to me, but of course it's not, so… Here's hoping.

  31. Aunt Letty says:

    Very good point. I have confidence that this is one problem that they'll solve better than expected. It's the sort of thing "they" usually handle with grace, these days. But like you, I'm curious…

  32. moonwood, to fans embracing MN says:


  33. moonwood, to fans embracing MN says:

    Memorable scenes from Magician's Nephew :

    ' Lewis' description of the royalty Digory and Polly encounter frozen in position at the great hall of Charn is meant obviously to show the progression of corruption that occurred in this line, from kindness to cruelty to despair to depravity, culminating in the most evil of all, Jadis herself ' –Paul F. Ford

    'We are the empress Jadis'
    "A voice in the crowd at the lamp-post calls Jadis ' Hempress of Colney 'Atch '
    Colney Hatch was a London insane asylum at the turn of the century. Thus in 1900, 'Colney 'Atch for you !' was cockney slang for ' you're crazy ' " –Ford
    Can't you see the look on Jadis' face when they all start laughing ?

    The flash of fire ( that burns nobody ) that turns Narnia's dumb beasts, into beasts that are self aware!

    I think it would be amazing if they started the movie with a 5 minute sequence of the final conflict between Jadis, and her sister in Charn, with Jadis uttering the Deplorable word, and all going silent, all life dissapearing from that world, except her.
    Audiences would be blown away, and amazed at the depth, and intricacy that is this series…

    Digory's temptation by Jadis to eat the fruit of life, and noticing her face now very pale, with that messy stain of fruit around her mouth…

    Digory giving the fruit to his mother, and seeing the color return to her face ( hmmmm interesting, never made that link before. once again the difference between following Aslan's will, and going against it)

    Note to producers ! We MUST see good color on Jadis' face until she eats the fruit ! —She is not the White Witch yet !

  34. Puddleglum says:

    I recall a commentary on PBS about Lewis. How one of the events in his life that initially turned him from God was the early death of his mother.
    Imagine the trauma in his mind as he included this very scene in the story.

  35. Puddleglum says:

    I would rather think his voice is quite suitable for a bit of humming, or with some coaching, some sort of song.

  36. moonwood, to fans embracing MN says:

    I agree, there is little doubt…Lewis was about the same age as Digory, and in the book we feel Digory's sadness so much…
    In Surprised by Joy, Lewis recalls that when his mother was dying he had heard that if you ask God something, and really believe, he will give it to you. He prayed fervently, but was very disappointed, and disillusioned to find that his mother had died anyway.
    He wrote that it was years later, that he realised that he had gone to God without love, or awe, and had expected him to cure her , and then supposed, just ' go away' as if being put back on a shelf…
    It is interesting to note the fear, respect and awe that Digory feels as he slowly approches aslan to ask help for his mother.
    And what an unforgettable response from Aslan !

  37. moonwood, to fans embracing MN says:

    Why am I assuming L. Neeson can't sing ? How should I know ? LOL
    Do you remember the flash of a thousand stars suddenly appearing, while joining aslan's song in their icy voices ? : )

  38. Mayor Wilkins says:

    The inclusion of the final battle between Jadis and her sister is a really great idea!
    But how would they handle the Deplorable Word I wonder? I don't think we're ever supposed to know what it is. Hmmm…. still, very good idea. They could have Jadis doing her two-sword style again, which I know so many people enjoyed. I also felt that Jadis's swordsmanship and chain dress were products of Charn. They were very Charn-like. πŸ˜‰ So it would be good to see that.

    As for her transformation into the White Witch, that is a curious one, because Tilda's Jadis does not have excessively white skin in LWW. There are a number of possible ways around this, however.

    1. Hair color. Perhaps her original coloring was not blonde, but a darker color or a different shade. So that when she eats the apple, her hair color changes to the very pale, almost sun-bleached blonde she had during the final battle.

    2. Skin tone. As mentioned above, it would have to have some color. Maybe even a noticeable tan (Charn did have a red sun, I think….that could account for a very dark tan).

    The other possibility is the use of visual effects to make her face extremely white right after she tastes the fruit. But I don't know if I'd like this too much.

    And what about the ice crown growing up out of her head? What about a possible progression of her gowns as the film goes on? This time moving from hard armor to the more icy hues of LWW. I don't know.

    Whatever happens, Tilda Swinton has to play Jadis in "Magician's Nephew."

  39. Not Of This World says:

    He's 29 right now. He was 26 in PC and in 28 VDT.


  40. Not Of This World says:

    If I was Lewis, I would be proud of PC. It's not my favorite book, but its a good story.

  41. always narnian says:

    I don't understand what you mean about "negative" comments on this site. I thought this site was for Narnia fans, and we are Narnia fans even though we make "negative" comments- it's because we love the books, and the movies haven't met the standard of the books. It seems like you're saying we can't state our opinion. I think we should be nice, but there are those who are fans of the books… and those are the "negative-commenters". Or the ones who simply state that the movies should be faithful, both in the storyline and the allegory.

  42. Dufflepud12 says:

    Its definitly because of Tilda Swinton…… They like her too much………….Don't get me wrong, she was good, but they overuse her.

  43. Dufflepud12 says:

    What about the Horse and his Boy?????? that was the best one!!!!!!!!!

  44. stateofgreen says:

    I could see Bryce Dallas Howard as the young Jadis and then Tilda can be the changed Jadis after she eats the apple.

  45. reepicheeps archer says:

    This is ridiculous!
    And may I point out that… This will probally not make sense to the non-massive fans of Narnia and will leave them confused. It dosent make sense why they arent bringing Eustace back now after VoDT because they brought the Pevensies back in PC and they usually bring the charactes back at least twice in each movie and lastly this is crazy and makes less than no sense to me! πŸ™

  46. moonwood, to fans embracing MN says:


  47. moonwood, to fans embracing MN says:

    I agree, we cannot be allowed to hear the deplorable word, that would ruin the illusion !
    True, Swinton's face in LWW is not the ' icing sugar white ' Lewis intended, and it may look weird to make up Swinton's naturally pale skin…
    So it is a very interesting idea about hair color.
    Especially that all the illustrations have Jadis with black hair.
    The argument goes that Lewis did not describe what color the
    White Whitch's hair was, but we also must remember that Lewis commented
    on Pauline Bayne's work before it was printed, correcting her at least once ( asking her to 'pretty up' the children a little : ) )
    I wonder how Swinton would look, starting off with long black curly hair ?
    It had not occurred to me that she was 'Jadis of Charn' like when she was in armour…
    Neat connection !
    They did think ahead, let's not forget the apple shaped tobacco container on old prof's Kirkes desk…

  48. Seiko says:

    I think Bryce Dallas Howard could pull of f Lady Of The Green Kirtle for many reasons:

    -Her similarity in looks to Tilda Swinton-could be used as plot device to be related, she could even play her sister in Magican's Nephew
    -Her ability to play dark characters of this nature-Victoria in Twilight
    -To look natural with different hair color (green?)-as seen with blonde hair in Spider-Man 3

    Basically she's a great actress and would be perfect. Someone that's a "name" might help the box office too. The Twi-Hards can say "hey it's the actress who played Victoria" and see whomever she plays.

    However they handle The Lady Of The Green Kirtle, whether they want it to be a ressurection of the white witch, someone related, just another witch, or a ressurection in a younger body, I support any effort. The rest of the "Silver Chair" should be kept the way it is, but this one place that could use some serious exploration.

    As far as "Magicians Nephew" goes the only alteration I see that might be necessary is Aslan actually singing. Some sort of song about creation might work better on screen.

  49. moonwood, to fans embracing MN says:

    The problem that must be solved with Aslan singing ( or probably more appropriately humming, as no words are ever specified anyway ) is that it must be extraordinary music. The bigger problem would be Aslan NOT singing, it would taking away the very powerful statement that not only is He the origin of the creation of all in Narnia,
    but ( for bible scholars here ) it is done through His Word. It would be a great disrespect to C S Lewis, and would create a very different mood to the story.
    Bryce Dallas Howard would probably be great in the role of the Lady of the Green Kirtle, and let's not forget, that although she is vaguely referred to as one of the 'same crew' of evil witches like Jadis, she is suggested to be of normal size ( not close to 10ft as Jadis is in the books ) and looks young, innocent, and very pretty, with a soothing musical voice, and laugh…Where Jadis is alarming, although seductive; the Queen of the Deep Realm is soothing and seductive, with her 'sweet quiet voice'.

  50. Mayor Wilkins says:

    Thanks, moonwood, for your response. πŸ˜‰
    And yes, I have always thought they should bring back the chain and armor costume of LWW for MN. πŸ˜‰ That, in combination with the spiked chariot (probably driven by something other than polar bears—demon horses? Dragons?) instantly made me think of Charn. I've said to myself so many times, "That's the look of Charn." Barbaric, war-like, but also with a touch of alien royalty and style. Perhaps the White Witch sort of reverted to her Charn self after all of her ice gown melted away? I don't know. This would be a neat connection though.

    Talking of connections, yeah, I've smiled on the apple tobacco holder many times. πŸ˜€ And the whole wardrobe is decorated with the story of "Magician's Nephew," not just the tree, but also the rings, Charn and the apple in the other wooden panels. πŸ˜‰

    One thing I do hope for though. I hope Jadis sort of becomes The White Witch over time. What I mean is, I hope Tilda is allowed to kind of evolve into her. Tilda should be the Empress Jadis of Charn before she becomes the icy White Witch.

    Hair color just seems like the best possible option to show some kind of change in Tilda when she eats the apple. They *might* do something with her gowns or the ice crown. I don't know. Depends on what Isis Mussenden (if she's still Costume Designer) wants to do with it.

    Tilda might look good in black hair. I would like to see her in red though. She had a touch of red in her hair during the LWW battle. I wonder what a full-on red look would amount to? But perhaps you do have a point. Going from black to very pale blonde would be the most dramatic change.

    On an unrelated note, I would like to apologize for my little outburst earlier this week.
    Everyone is entitled to their opinions.
    Cheers, everyone.

  51. Mayor Wilkins says:

    I wouldn't mind BDH playing the Green Lady. That's a good idea. πŸ˜€
    But they better not recast Jadis.
    No, no and double no. Tilda has to reprise the role.
    If nothing else, for the sake of continuity. Jadis should be played by the same actress throughout the entire series.

  52. liz says:

    i thought he was 28yrs old, i forgot sorry. i'm not good with this age stuff

  53. moonwood, to fans embracing MN says:

    I agree, it has to be Tilda Swinton–but I don't think we have reason to worry ?
    She appeared in the last 2…

  54. moonwood, to fans embracing MN says:

    Paul F. Ford wrote the definitive Companion to Narnia in 1980, an exhaustive 450 page reference book of all that is Narnian, with extensive references to the biblical allusions.
    Here is an example, his many footnotes not included…

    Character profile of 'Uncle Andrew' in Paul F. Ford's 'Companion to Narnia'

    "Andrew ketterley
    The mad magician of MN. Andrew is Digory Kirke's uncle, the older brother of Digory's mother, Mable Kirke and resident in his sister Letitia Ketterley's London house, where he lives on the top floor.
    He is a pale shadow of his Narnian counterpart Jadis, but through him Lewis provides a frightening suggestion of the destruction that can occur in our world if power is given to the hands of immoral experimentors.
    Completely without conscience, he is only out for himself: he has no scruples about sending polly unwittingly into an unknown world–one into which he does not himself dare to venture;
    he shows the depth of his despicableness when he silences Digory's protests by suggesting that any further noise might frighten his seriously ill mother to death; and he thinks nothing about his godmother, Mrs Lefay, and his deathbed promise not to open her Atlantean box.
    He shows himself to be the very antitheses of Stock responses to human values at every sep of the conversation he has with his nephew in chapter 2.
    Rules are for children, servents, women, and ordinary people–not for 'geniuses' such as himself. He has toiled his entire life to learn magic at a great cost to himself, so that he could open the forbidden box–and all it contained was dust( Lewis expects his readers to agree that this is the natural reward for a life devoted to magic)
    At the reminder in Digory's speech that he is just another in a long line of evil magicians from the fairy tales, and that justice is always done, Andrew seems for a moment to realize the horror of his choices.
    But his choice for evil takes over again, and he attributes Digory's 'warped' moral sense to his having been 'brought up amoung women…on old wives' tales'
    In their experimenting with the rings, Digory and Polly discover that uncle Andrew does not really know how the rings work; like most magicians, Lewis sais, ' Uncle Andrew…was working with things he did not really understand'
    At the arrival of queen Jadis in his study, his chaotic speech is quite similar to Dr. Wither's in That Hideous Strength.
    He obviously met a magician of greater power, and tries to piece together the shreds of his dignity by boasting that he comes from an old Dorsetshire family–a boast that is all the more pittiful for his lack of fundamental values.
    As MN progresses, Uncle Andrew becomes more and more a figure of fun. A combination of his best clothes and brandy, turns his head to the grown up kind of silliness called imagining one is in love. He looks even sillier when he stumbles out of the crashed hansom cab;
    and when he is sweeped into the Wood Between the Worlds by Digory's magic ring, his troubles really begin.
    Thinking he is dead, he claims he never wanted to be a magician and it's all his godmother's fault.
    His total removal from the world of the spirit is evident during Aslan's creation song, of which Andrew has no comprehension. His mouth falls open, but not in joy. His chief desire is to hide from the sound.
    He calls Narnia 'completely uncivilized ', because he thinks technology is the mark of civilization .
    His primary reaction to the wildness of the Lion is the desire to shoot him, especially as he presents an obsticle to Andrew's dream of commercial possibilities in this land where everything grows.
    Andrew's extreme selfishness is most tellingly expressed in his inability to understand anything that does not relate to his own needs.
    He and the newly created talking beasts watch one another, the animals out of curiosity and Andrew out of fear.
    Here he show himself to be not a true scientist, but only 'dreadfully practical ' Andrew sees the animals only as potential threats, and cannot understand their intelligent speach.
    For thier part, they cannot figure out whether his is animal, vegetable, of mineral, and their ensuing conversation about Andrew's nature is one of the funniest in all the chronicles.
    The miserable Andrew is eventually released by Aslan from the cage in which the animals had kept him, and he spends the rest of his days living at the Kirke's country house."

  55. moonwood, to fans embracing MN says:

    Red hair sounds AWESOME !

  56. Mayor Wilkins says:

    At this point, my chief worry is that Tilda Swinton might be too busy. πŸ™
    I realize, however, that my fears are probably irrational.
    Tilda still seems extremely enthusiastic about "Narnia" and, according to Perry Moore, Tilda was pushing for them to make "Magician's Nephew" next.

    I hope and pray that she returns to play Jadis in "Magician's Nephew."
    All I can do is pray.

  57. Mayor Wilkins says:

    VERY interesting read! πŸ˜€

    I have pondered the casting of Uncle Andrew for a very long time.
    But I wonder who they will ultimately choose for the role?
    Likely someone no one has thought of.
    It would have to be someone who could be scary, but would ultimately pale in comparison to the stature of Tilda Swinton.

    I wonder, if one of these profiles exists for Jadis, would you mind putting that up?
    I realize it's probably a lot of typing. So if you don't wish to, that's all right. But I would love to read one of these about Jadis. She's my favorite villain in the entire Chronicles. πŸ˜€

  58. moonwood, to fans embracing MN says:

    It is a lot of typing !
    But fun to share. I will do it in pieces maybe a little smaller than the last one:
    Jadis is next.

  59. Puddleglum says:

    Now I must go and read the book again!

  60. commonlogic says:

    Off topic but encouraging:
    Hollywood Reporter is reporting 14+ million already in Japan; total international is about 293.6 million;

    Plus about 104 million domestic = almost 398 million worldwide. Will easily break 400 million and just might surpass PC in worldwide sales.