Narnia Star William Moseley Reads Passages from C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles on ‘The Queen’s Reading Room’

The Chronicles of Narnia star William Moseley recently appeared on The Queen’s Reading Room, a book club and charity formed by Queen Camilla, to celebrate the life and works of C.S. Lewis.
In the hour-long discussion, Moseley is joined with Prof. Simon Horobin of Oxford and authors Susanna Clarke and Jessie Burton, with topics ranging from their first experiences with Narnia as children to the impact that Lewis’s stories have had on their lives, as well as Moseley’s experiences as an actor in the film series.
Moseley reads two passages from The Chronicles of Narnia: when the Pevensies first meet Mr. Beaver and hear Aslan’s name in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and when Peter devises a plan to challenge Miraz to single combat in Prince Caspian.
Jessie Burton and Susanna Clarke also read selections from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and The Magician’s Nephew.
This past year, Moseley has said that he doubts he will appear in Greta Gerwig’s upcoming Narnia adaptation, but the 37-year-old actor has shared hopes that he and his other Narnia co-stars will have an opportunity to tour the set and revisit the magic.
Curious about what’s next for C.S. Lewis’s treasured tales? Here’s everything we know about Netflix’s Narnia.
I wish he had continued the Prince Caspian scene to where Peter dictates the letter to Doctor Cornelius! Love that part.
I really would love for him to come back to Narnia. Obviously, not as Peter, unless he could play an older version of a younger actor; but he could do something like Lord Peridan in HHB or King Frank. Do you know who I’d really love to see him as? King Tirian! He could ride a unicorn again! That would be so nostalgic.
I really enjoyed William Moseley’s portrayal of Peter in the Walden films and I would like to see him come back for Narnia. ,
Although, obviously, he wouldn’t come back as Peter (though possibly the adult version of Peter near the end of LWW or even in HHB), he could possibly be Lord Peridan in HHB or even Lord Drinian in VDT.
I just love Narnia! I can’t wait to see the new movies. I believe there will be ALL seven books. From the beginning……to end!
It’s so nice that William is still talking about Narnia. There is this appearance on Queen Camilla’s book club and the two articles mentioned at the end of the article. And he appeared (with Anna and Georgie) on Prop Culture on Disney Plus. He also read part of LWW on Narniaweb’s 70th Anniversary of LWW video, in 2020. (Along with Mr Gresham and many Narniawebbers.)
I love that this book is getting so much attention and positive commentary from people who were part of the movies. You can tell from the behind the scenes material on the DVDs that the main cast had a fun time (although I’m sure it was hard work like any job, and in such large scale productions). And they really got along as friends, it seems. We know they got together for a photo with all four Pevensie actors at a gathering a couple years ago and also once with Ben Barnes (Caspian) and Andrew Adamson (director of LWW and PC), sans Skandar.
I’m relieved that people still revere and honour the Chronicles, despite the film series fizzling our in 2011. And that they are making another two films!
I would love to see The Last Battle. The original actors playing the Pevensie children all grown up and standing with Aslan as he closes the door on the 1st Narnia.
Oh my goodness! The section Moseley read, when the Pevensie children, daughters of Eve & Sons of Adam, first meet Mr and Mrs Beaver and hear the name of Aslan they are instantly, with knowing nothing else and certainly never hearing of the Great Lion before, filled with a sense of joy, and warmth, peace and sublime, wondrous love. It touches them to their very souls — this (and, of course, other scenes and images from all 8 books which I read multiple times as a young reader) has lived in my mind’s eye, my memory, and in my heart. The books we read as young people help form us and live with us – hopefully forever. I have also so enjoyed and loved sharing the books and different series and films with my now almost grown daughter — we are looking forward to the new films. It’s always a joy to meet and hear from reading kindred spirits.
— of course I should say that Edmund’s fearful and foreboding feeling of a great and terrible mystery is profound — and underneath that, I believe, is a deep sense of wondering reverence and a confusion that will never quite leave him…and that is a powerful moment for him.
William Moseley is a legend for doing these types of interviews. Love them so much!
The High King speaks!
I love that William Moseley is still so connected to Narnia after all these years. Hearing him read those passages was quite nostalgic for me ! I’ll have to check out Jessie Burton and Susanna Clarke now after this discussion—such a great way to celebrate C.S. Lewis’s legacy.