“The Most Reluctant Convert” Movie Now Available Online

Fellowship for Performing Arts’ The Most Reluctant Convert movie is available online until January 2nd. Rent it here for $19.99.
The movie, based on a one-man play about C.S. Lewis, opened to great success in November with many extra screenings added around the world after the first release event. The film has multiple subtitle options including English, Chinese, French, Spanish, German, Korean, and Italian.
At this time, a DVD release has not been announced.
Listen to Talking Beasts: The Narnia Podcast‘s review of the film, as well as NarniaWeb’s interview about the stage version with Max McLean, star of both film and stage versions. And read NarniaWeb’s review of the play when it was on tour.
I haven’t seen The Most Reluctant Convert movie and I was just wondering whether it is worth seeing.
If you click the highlighted text in the article (The Most Reluctant Convert film) it should take you directly to the webpage.
It’s very limited in terms of special effects but if you like the idea of hearing and seeing his story from Jack himself it is so worth. it! Mclean is great.
I just hope they get around to doing some kind of permanent Home Media release, but it’s good to know I have a chance to watch it!
Fantastic !!!!
Amazing !!!
Maybe fast forward through the beginning 15-20 min which shows how the film was made , and go to the beginning of the actual movie
I would love to see this movie but I cannot afford $20! I have seen his other movies and listened to books. I hope this will come less expensive soon. God bless you all. Have a wonderful Christmas!
for 19.99 I would expect a DVD. I wanted to see it and would pay 19.99 to buy it, but not to rent it.
I would love to see this, but 19.99 to RENT?.? Seems a little steep. And I would prefer to buy the DVD, so my husband can watch it again next year etc. Hope that still happens in the future!!
I agree with the above commenters. For $20 I would rather buy a DVD
$20 to RENT?! No.
Up to the point where I clicked on “Watch” everything said “Watch for free”.
I feel cheated.
It was wonderful! I hope they bring it to DVD
Where can it be bought?
Without exaggeration, I can report it is the best thing I’ve ever watched. Deeply profound, delightful, and charming.
agreed. i really want to watch this movie, but i’d only spend $20 knowing i’d have it forever. hope they release it on dvd and/or stream it somewhere eventually. i’ll look into watching the broadway show for now.
How do I watch it on my tv?
hope it gets released as a dvd. It looks wonderful.
$19.99 for
One time rental is steep and a huge deterrent. Also a DVD? Why not put it on You Tube or Netflix or any other online media platform and make it available for purchase via download.
This movie, like any other theatrical release will cost you $16 -$18 – $20 at the box office (here in California) You’d pay that to see an Avengers movie. Why do people always expect Christians to give everything away for free? Someone had to pay big bucks to get this movie made?? Did anyone on here fund the film??? I expect it will move to a permanent platform in the future.
and it isnt even a full length movie; i was disappointed to see the cost and also how short it is
Actually everytone is complaining about the fact that you just get to RENT the movie for 20 bucks, otherwise, everyone is agreeing to pay that same amount to OWN the movie.
Also, one thing is to go see it at the movies for $20 and a completely different thing is to rent it for that amount. Why not release it as a Youtube movie where one would pay the same amount to buy it, just like they do with “The passion of the Christ” or “Paul, Apostole of Christ”?
Not renting for $20.00. Makes me think the movie is all about money and that does not interest me! Stick it!
AGREE with ALL, $20.00 is just too much, especially when it is only to rent.
I NEVER spend $20 to buy a DVD, but might if it was this one.
I won’t rent it for $20 either but would definitely buy it. I’ve never seen a rental for that much. Weird. I will definitely buy it when it’s available
I agree. You want to win people to Christ. So, the cost to rent it should be low. I hope it will be available to buy at a low price. I wanted to rent it, but do not have $20 to do this. I feel sad. It is probably a good movie.
I just ordered the DVD on Amazon
Koorong are now selling the DVD for $15 Australian dollars at https://www.koorong.com/product/c-s-lewis-on-stage-the-most-reluctant_727985018003
I think the Amazon DVD is the stage version not the movie
I can’t find this movie anywhere ~ Is it still available?
I’m watching with 3 other friends; you can split the cost with others!
Hi Denise: I am going to watch it with 3 friends; you can split the cost! If you cannot afford and would like, I would be happy to pay for you! Just email me.
It seems that a number of people are anxious to purchase a DVD of this story. As a big fan of C.S. Lewis because he experienced World War II, a very difficult time for our world and converted to Christianity. Hope that a DVD of the movie will become available soon.
I watched the stage version on TUBBI TV… free. Very good! McClean was awesome!
Seriously, all ya’ll need to calm down. Who hasn’t blown $20 at Target or even Walmart that you only enjoyed for an evening?? If you don’t want to pay it, then don’t, but your complaining about isn’t going to be a “draw” anyone to Christianity as one commenter mentioned should be the main purpose of making this movie Think about the gift you return to the producers that spent a lot of money creating a feature movie so you could watch it. We don’t expect to get to see movies at the theater for free, and DVDs take time to be released when a movie is first shown to the public. Disney Plus does this all the time when a movie is first released – premium rental price for a time and then it goes into the regular library for free. If you don’t want to pay for the higher release rental price, just hold on for a few months, and it’ll be part of the service at some point for free. But please, don’t go all “we should be able to use this as a means of outreach” and complain that it costs you something. Be a light on a hill and give some kindness to those who made it; if nothing else, without complaining.
Is this rental still available? It said that it was avaliable until Jan. 2. Our Bible Study group would like to watch it.
I also recommend listening to the Screwtape Letters CD recording. It is done in radio theater style. We borrowed it from our local library. It also includes a DVD of the making of the recording. Excellent recording! If you have the book, you can use it to follow the recording.. though they do some improvising too.