Producer Amy Pascal Join’s Netflix Narnia (UPDATED)

UPDATE: Variety has since added Mark Gordon to Stuber’s remarks, confirming his continued involvement with the series.
Gordon was first attached to The Chronicles of Narnia in 2013 when his production company acquired the rights to The Silver Chair. Later, when production halted, he was instrumental in bringing Narnia to Netflix.
This week, Netflix Film Chief Scott Stuber casually revealed that Producer Amy Pascal is working with Writer/Director Greta Gerwig on The Chronicles of Narnia adaptations for Netflix. Read the full story.
Pascal was a producer on Gerwig’s Little Women (2019).
Other film credits include Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018), Molly’s Game (2017), The Post (2017), and Ghostbusters (2016).
Here is everything we know about Netflix’s Narnia.
Ahhh can’t wait for Narnia to be the latest franchise at the center of a nonsense online culture war.
Awesome to hear some more definite news! I keep seeing hints that they’re doing a different story, if not Magician’s Nephew, first, which is quite interesting.
Seems like she’s heavily involved with Sony specifically… I wonder if she ever was involved (even behind the scenes) when Narnia was at Sony for that period of time.
Amy Pascal coming in would suggest to me that Mark Gordon is now out (along with any other last vestiges of the Matthew Aldrich project) but I guess will wait till officially confirmed that he’s no longer involved .
I’m really not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, I don’t think The Chronicles of Narnia really have a story arc. I think of them as seven interconnected stories and I don’t want the people adapting them to add cliffhangers or a recurring villain to be defeated in The Last Battle.
On the other hand, it sounds like the Netflix people believe that this arc is already in the books, and I’m interested to learn just what it is they believe this arc to be. Maybe when I do, I’ll decide I agree with them. Probably not but at least it could be interesting.
It’s bad enough Greta is the director… [REMOVED BY MODERATOR] But now she wants to break the arc and make all 7 books into just two movies?! Where’s this inevitable petition to sign?
Mark Gordon is someone who’s been trying to adapt Narnia for literally over a decade now so I’m happy for him that he’ll still have a chance to see that happen.
His involvement also signifies there hasn’t been a complete turnover in leadership with Greta coming on board.
@ForNarnia, I don’t believe anyone has said that the two movies will cover all 7 books. I would be interested to find out if you have learned that information from a non-Narniaweb source. But I have read all the articles on this subject on Narniaweb, and that was never reported. We know Gerwig has signed on for at least 2 films, and that they are hoping to ‘break the arc’ (whatever that means). We are not to conclude that this means they are combining all 7 stories into 2 movies.
As for petitions, I don’t think filmmakers pay much attention to those unless they get a very large number of signatures. Two examples of internet fans affecting productions are Zack Snyder’s Justice League (where WB invested an additional $70m to complete his version) and the appeal to bring back Gunn for Guardians 3. These are very rare. But I have not seen as many numbers of Narnia fans online as MCU and DC fans. So I don’t know if there are the numbers to change that kind of plan.