Dawn Treader on DVD and Blu-ray April 8th

Several sources, including the Official Facebook page for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader are reporting that the DVD and Blu-ray will be in stores on April 8th.

Extras on the DVD include:
– Audio Commentary by director Michael Apted and producer Mark Johnson.
– Deleted Scenes (“The Kids in Narnia…”, “Eustace II”, “Mutiny”, “Caspian’s Doubt”)
– Untold Adventures of the Dawn Treader – Animated Short.
– King Caspian’s Guide to the Dawn Treader: Legends and Lore of the great ship.
– 5 “Island Explorations” featurettes.
– 7 Narnian Discoveries: Friends and Foes of Narnia featurettes.
– 4 “Fox Movie Channel Presents” Behind the Scenes featurettes.
– A DVD game having to do with swords.

The Blu-ray will include all of the above plus:
– 3 additional Behind the Scenes featurettes including “Battle on the sea”.
– Digital Copy of the film.

NarniaWebber Griffle points out that the VFX Progression Reel featurette and the Music Video mentioned here is not listed as being part of the extras, but will still probably be there.

To pre-order your copy, click the links below:

Thanks to Griffle and Louloudi the Centaur for the heads up!

UPDATE: Amazon has new cover art:

391 Responses

  1. Princess Jennifer says:

    Thanks ! I just thought of that. Since we homeshool, we have a football team, (For my brother) and a cheerleading team ( for us girls. Some of us go for football) I am the head Cheerleading for our school team……..The Pray Panthers !!! We just made that up.=}

  2. Princess Jennifer says:

    Well, doesn't it sound like narnia in PC when Lucy went up to the bear, and it truly was a dumb ( not stupid !!) bear ? Only in my case, it was a opposeum and we were a little bit away from our largest river.

  3. Princess Jennifer says:

    I know !! I love the cover. The show destiny, they show loyalty, courage, they are really good.

  4. Princess Jennifer says:

    and your asking *me* to be polite ? uh, maybe you should watch what your saying first, before you judge others. Just because Lucy and I have another opinion doesn't mean you need to be our grammar teacher.

  5. Arvan says:

    So when I state my opinion, which happens to be different from yours, you accuse me of being impolite? Thank you. Nice to know I'm not allowed to think.

    And what on earth do you mean by calling me a grammar teacher? Should I take offense?

    Would you like me to add "in my opinion" a couple times in my comment or something? Beyond saying that he was right, I didn't say anything rude to you or Lucy, so I really don't know what you're talking about.

  6. Arvan says:

    Humorous or not, it was offensive and no one took it as a joke. I happened to disagree with you and was rather offended by the idea I couldn't think. Thank you for clarifying what you meant, I do appreciate it.

  7. Princess Jennifer says:

    Well, I'm sorry if my *humor* offended you. I did not mean for things to get so out of wack ! ( a Kansas saying ) I do apologize, but still stand that the covers to me look fine. Is that ok ?

  8. Princess Jennifer says:

    Well, I find it rude when you said. "It looks awful ! I saw better pics from the production stills than this ugly pic of the Dawn treader"………..yes, in my opinion I find that rude. But truthfully who cares ?!?! I mean, when I called you a grammar teacher I was saying that it seemed as if you were looking for the mistakes in what we said as *rudeness*. It seemed as if you were putting pressure on Lucy…..but no one else. ……….That is my opinion.

  9. Not Of This World says:

    LOL! I like that!

  10. Princess Jennifer says:

    Thanks again !! We also have a soccer team we call the Christ Christians. I have no idae where we get this, but we do in some way. Do you have a team in your homeschooling ? Just curious. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. =}

  11. Princess Jennifer says:

    U.S. USC,
    God's there savoiiour, now there free!

    Go…USC !!

    Well, This one isn't as good as the last one. Truly it makes no sense……ah wel, Hopefully they are free. Free to live for Christ.=]

  12. Princess Jennifer says:

    And thanks for the sarcassem, I really needed to hear that.

  13. Lucy says:

    Well it's okay with ME, but as I already said I liked the cover, I don't think my opinon matters much in this argument; LOL.

  14. Lucy says:

    Beg pardon: can anyone tell me what the booklet and other things with the bluray/dvd combo are?

  15. Princess Jennifer says:

    Your opinion really does matter to me Lucy. I was just talking to Aravin. I'm real sorry, if I am talking alot, and not letting you say your opinion on things. I talk alot, and I know it. But for some reason, I am more of the shy type in real life. I talk to my horse,dog and animals alot. However, usually I pretend there Narnian horses or dogs…..hmm..

  16. Princess Jennifer says:

    Umm, well, I think it is a guid about the movie along with the blueray, other than that, I haven't got a clue.

  17. Princess Jennifer says:

    Just saw a Coca-Cola commercial witha dragon that looked like Eustace !!!! We will definately keep that commercial on our DVR !! Maybe Narnia is next ?!?!!?

  18. Talvi says:

    I'm probably going to regret jumping back in again… but seriously here. We're allowed to say we don't like the picture! It's not like anyone here is swearing or raging about in all capitals. So far as I can see, we've stated our opinions pretty calmly, with some exclamation points here and there. Being a Narnia fan does not necessarily mean we must like everything the production team does. He was not being rude (and as a disclaimer: my opinion here!! This is how I read his/her comment.) or directing his negative comments at anyone but the cover art itself! He simply responded to your question, 'what would you put on there?' he told you, as did I. Just because neither of us necessarily agree with you does not mean we're being impolite… or that he/she is your grammar teacher. (??)
    I came in here simply looking forward to seeing what other people thought and perhaps discussing/debating with them. I did not mean to contribute to a flame war. Though I have to admit this 'conversation' has sort of sapped my want to continue on here… I think it's back to lurking for me.
    But I'm going to go out on a limb here… if you're complaining about sarcasm directed towards you, should you really throw sarcasm right back at them? 😉
    And Arvan, I agree with you, I really, really do.
    I just hope these are unfinished images… if not, it just cements the fact that this movie was not cared for by the higher-ups. How else would such an embarrassing cover be released… the metal rigging?? Seriously?? The final straw in a long string of disappointments for me. 🙁 I just hope if the Silver Chair is made, more effort is put into it, instead of churning out a lackluster film to make a quick buck. 🙁
    I should really shut up now, but there you are.

  19. Talvi says:

    stupid reply button… that was directed at the first string of comments up there. I was aiming for under this comment… "And thanks for the sarcassem, I really needed to hear that." apparently pressed the wrong button. oops.

  20. Princess Jennifer says:

    What ? I don't understand either of you…….sorry. Talvi, I wanted to go my way, and you could go yours. Why are we still discussing this ? You to Aravin . Why ? You both confuse me. This is getting way out of wack for the trouble.( Another Kansas saying.)

  21. Talvi says:

    I saw someone post with opinions I agreed with and wanted to comment on that… and also, I was frustrated, okay? I was offended and disagreed with some of your posts and impulsively replied before realizing this might start another long string of bickering. I don't want that to happen… I was right when I said I would regret posting again.
    I just wanted to talk about what people thought about the poster. That's why I posted in the first place – to Actually talk, instead of just having someone say repeatedly it is fine. But forget it – this has gone beyond all points of rediculousness, and it's mostly my fault for continuing to reply when a normal person would have just shut up and gone on their way.
    I've put my opinion and just gotten flamed for it. Forget it – I'm done.

  22. Lucy says:

    well, thanks anyway. I'm just curious as to what it is exactly, it looks like more than just a regular old guide from the picture, to me.

  23. "KingPeter" says:

    I don't like the cover at all, but I do agree that we will be watching the MOVIE, not the COVER.

  24. Arvan says:

    It's perfectly fine with me if you hold to your opinion. I don't want to sway you from it.

  25. Arvan says:

    If my comment was hurtful to anybody, it should be the people who made the cover art, not you. I already said that I meant "in my opinion, it looks awful". If that is still offensive to you, fine. Too bad. I'm offended every time I read an anti-Christian or anti-homeschool post, article, or comment, but I just deal with it. And as for the sarcasm, you're quite welcome, I'm glad you appreciated it!

    KingPeter, you're quite right, we're not watching the cover. It's just annoying to me that they'd make that sloppy mistake on a DVD cover. And I do like the Blu-Ray cover, minus the White Witch. I think it's beautiful!

  26. Princess Jennifer says:

    yeah, sorry about that.={

  27. Princess Jennifer says:

    Well I'm finished too. I agree this has gone way to far and I don't know why we are still here. Gee, I mean forget this. I hate going back here and having to post another comment about something stupid. Just, let's get on with it !!! I will go my way and *can* you go yours ? uh !!

  28. Princess Jennifer says:

    Thank you. I am sorry that I a drug you into this. It was stupid and I apologize. I really feel bad when I offended you with my remark.

  29. Princess Jennifer says:


  30. Arvan says:

    That was very nice. Thank you for saying that.

  31. Arvan says:

    You understood me well, Talvi.

    Now, I get the feeling this is a bit unresolved. Those last comments sounded like, "forget it!" instead of "let's just not argue anymore." Let's not enemies because of something this petty. We all know what each other thinks and how we feel about it, so let's just stop arguing about it and be friends. Sound okay?

  32. Talvi says:

    An end to the arguing without me storming off childishly sounds good to me… agreed. Thanks for stepping in, Arvan. Probably unwise to end on a bad note. xD

  33. Princess Jennifer says:

    Your Welcome ={

  34. Princess Jennifer says:

    I hope you two will be very happy together……..

  35. Princess Jennifer says:

    Well, that was rude. I am a Christian, and I am homeschooled. Just so you know. And I am proud of it, thank you very much.

  36. Princess Jennifer says:

    I'm thinking of Changing my name. From Princess Jennifer to something else. I'm not sure if I want to d this or not, but I'm thinking about it. I think I will, but now what should I call myself ? I love *not of this world* and alot of of other names on here. Any ideas ?

  37. stateofgreen says:

    There is a thread on the DVD in the Merchandising part of the forum posted by Griffle. 🙂

  38. Arvan says:

    He was agreeing to end this politely and kindly and not end angrily. Are you saying you aren't willing to agree to disagree, as you already said earlier? We aren't teaming up against you. I was trying to reconcile you two, not support Talvi or something.

  39. Arvan says:

    Why are you saying that was rude? I know you're a Christian homeschooler, and so am I. And I'm also proud of it. What I was trying to say was that I'm tired of walking on eggshells that shouldn't be there! I don't want to offend you or anyone else, but you've been saying "well that's rude" to everything I say. It got to the point that I didn't want to worry about it anymore. I said what I thought and told you why I didn't care if it made you mad: because you shouldn't be! This isn't something to be offended by. When someone calls Christians wishful-thinking idiots, you and I should be totally and completely offended. But it doesn't mean we can change their beliefs right then.
    Not agreeing with you isn't rude. If I said you were stupid (I'm not saying that, by the way), then that would be rude and you certainly SHOULD be offended. (Oh boy, now I really AM acting like a teacher… sorry.)

    Okay. So let's stop arguing and just let it go. We'll never agree on this and we just need to leave off this subject. I keep unintentionally hurting your feelings, and I'm sorry. I'm tired of this. Let's calm down. Please?

  40. Princess Jennifer says:

    What ? Why would you even think that ? I thought you and Talvi were teaming up as friends, and the arguement was over. I agree to disagree yes. I was saying that in some what sarcasseum, some what normal tone. Not in an offensive way ok ? Can we now drop it ? Like Aslan said. " There is no need to speak to Edmond about his past. What's done is done"-LWW. Ok ?

  41. Princess Jennifer says:

    forget it. This is over. Good bye Aravin. I know what you were saying and know that not everytime I talk to you , I am being rude. I am happy you are Christian and are homeschooled. Now please, I think it's best we stop. I said it ( seems like the 100th time,) and I will say it again. It's over….

  42. Blackdog says:

    Is blu-ray better than DVD

  43. Reepicheep says:

    Of course it is. SO much better than DVD.

  44. Reepicheep says:

    Okay I agree with your opinion of what Fox thinks Narnia is but I disagree with the cover dispute, I think it's fabulous. What Fox needs is feedback from its audience, because I also think the marketing was terrible. Silver Chair is not hardly as airy-fairy as the Dawn Treader so I wouldn't think the marketing would be quite as kiddy if they received feedback. Twilight has continuously got worse because fans like it and no one else does. If Disney did it (despite the marketing would've been better) it would've been worse because:
    1: They wanted a $100 million budget whereas Walden wanted $140 million. It would've looked terribly cheap.
    2: They would've tried to make it like Pirates of the Caribbean. They would've thought oh, high seas adventure so they would've went down that road and likely, it would've been criticized for its violence much like Caspian was.

  45. Not Of This World says:

    Yeah I saw that comercial. We don't have a team, but I guess we have a fan club for Dog the Bounty Hunter. Do you watch that show?

  46. Princess Jennifer says:

    Umm, I don't think so. We used to watch a blue dog when /i was little,little, but other than that, I don't think so. Sorry.What was it about ? Hmm.. Have you ever seen the movie "The secrets of Jonathan Sperry"? It is a really good Christian movie that always encourages me for Christ.

  47. Princess Jennifer says:

    OK…..Hmm…. I agree with most of the things you say. I am happy you think the cover is fabulous. I do as well.

  48. Arvan says:

    "I hope you two will be very happy together." Usual translation: "Forget it, you guys are impossible!

    That's why I thought you were continuing to argue. Sorry. By the way I'm completely done with this. Seeya.

  49. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    whoa, look at 4:35, i think it is- georgie says, micheal im excited, and apted snaps," look, this is childish", like he is scolding her-!!

  50. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    i was BLOWN AWAY by how much better the narnia movies looked in blu ray! i had previously assumed it was just a bunch of hype- but i was astonished!!

  51. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    maybe to avoid confusion with the BBC version?

  52. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    that's before the sale prices, i imagine-

  53. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    i wouldnt be surprised if they are holding back and seeing if this sells well, if they night release an extended version for christmas sales, with the actors commentary and that extra half hour of footage.

  54. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    studios don't "improve" if you show a lack of support, they assume there's no interest and drop the project. better to write letters and TELL them WHAT you want. they have a formula , like 1 letter = 100 people's opinions that won't bother to write.

  55. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    the outside observer thinks:

    there are two levels of discussion going on here-

    camp one : supportive, grateful we have anything at all, and easygoing about the result.

    camp two: serious film buffs, literary enthusiasts, and deep analysis buffs, who had high hopes for a more literary, faithful, adaptation.

    Y'all are just misunderstanding where the other camp is coming from, thus the conflict and misunderstandings.

    let us identify and respect each camp, allowing each camp room for its own freedom to discuss in their own way as they see fit.

    then peace will return to narniaweb. : )

  56. High Queene Shelly Belly says:

    i've been wondering if it would have looked different if disney had financed it, maybe not. apted had already been hired in 2007, while they were still making PC. his regular music man is the guy we have now, so HGW would apparently not have been hired. the screenwriters were the same as the first 2 movies, plus one new guy,. i just don't know if it's the same editor. that makes a big difference. I just wish now AA had directed, but apparently he never was in the cards , even before the results of PC were in. I just wish it had more continuity with the first two, it just seems out of place and not part of the series to me. : (

  57. Princess Jennifer says:

    Yeah, maybe AA was the head in the cover making. That would make sense. Thanks High Queen Shelly Belly !!!lol !!

  58. Princess Jennifer says:

    Well, I didn't mean it like that. I mean't in a farewell saying. I just thought of that. I totally agree with Shelly Belly here, There are two camps, like in Narnia. We have fought the battles, but let's not start a war. I will agree to that if you will. ok ?

  59. Not Of This World says:

    I don't think i've seen the Johnathan Sperry movie. Is it by the same people who did "Facing the Giants" and "Fireproof"? Dog the Bounty Hunter is about this guy and some of his family who are bounty hunters and capture criminals. He takes them to jail and on the way he witness for Christ and trys to help the criminals get off of drugs, alcohol, . . . . The show is very interesting.